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与 completion 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Local time on May 10 afternoon 2 when, german capital Berlin was held " memorial hall of European Jew massacre " completion opens a ceremony, german federal discusses the conference to grow Shiluode of Diersen, premier wait curule attended a ceremony.


"This is a recreational activity for me" is surely among the last things you'd expect to hear from the director of a huge, costly, dauntingly complex summer action movie as it nears completion, with its release date just a few weeks away.


Its contents include deink, cleaning, preset ink, heat exchangers, automatic completion of business card printing and membership card production ready, and so on, for example, the operator can choose "" day job," or "" job ends the day job " scenario.


For a long time,there are contradictions on"Invested,construction,supervision, application"in non-profit invested projects by the govemment that leading to the"three over"(over-investment,over-size,over-standard) are widespread.Thus,the emergence of the right to rent-seeking,completion period and quality out of control that were widely criticized,the detrusion of construction-agent system resolved the issue in a certain extent.


With the completion of one phase of the project, the largest producer in Guangzhou in the presence of large shopping centres Dika Avignon City Campaign will be officially opened in August this year, the world of building materials tycoon Oubeide Guangzhou is the only flagship store opened by the end of this year.


In order to prevent business card printing and membership card to make the completion of the multi-connected on the disnature distribution page, you need to page through the distribution of pressure Pinking will pressure multi-connected instruments.


To resolve this behavior, only the surface business card printing and membership card making to set to print in ink that is not on the surface without worrying about the colour, there are three ways: the first one is a drumlike complex members'meeting, Bopp/business card printing and membership card making/PE, such a structure you need to have special line cost more per bag fee in order to achieve $ 0.10/only, the second film structure is the PE/business card printing and membership card making/PE, such a structure common packaging equipment can also be filling, but cost more, each bag shall be $/only 0.08, the third option is the-tape-PE/business card printing and membership card making/PE structure in the original film, that is, the members'meeting membrane business card printing and membership card upon completion of the making of the operation, the business card printing and membership card making surface salivate a layer of transparent with thin-film, this is our company according to actual usage of the product structure specially developed.


The Dunciad, generally considered Pope's best satiric work, took him over ten years for final completion.


Shantou will ensure completion of part of the sea embankment enrockment and hydraulic reclamation works in Xinjin and Xinxi areas.


This is an expansion of the unified theme of the first two petitions, indicating the sovereign goal of God's eschatological plan and the importance of the believer's role in praying for its completion.


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A Celebration Upon Completion
In Completion

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
