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Based on the petrological and geochronological study of metamorphic complexes from the Grove Mountains, the following conclusions are reached.(1)Exsolution texture is widely found in clinopyroxene in mafic granulites. A peak metamorphic temperature of 850 C was obtained from the reintegrated compositions of exsolved clinopyroxene. The preservation of augite megacrysts suggests a single episode of high-grade metamorphism for the Grove Mountains.(2)The compositional comparison of garnet from pegmatites with that from country rocks demonstrates that garnet in pegmatites is of xenocryst origin, and late amphibolite facies metamorphism does not occur in this area.(3)The Pan-African charnockite and post-tectonic sheet-like granite were first recognized in East Antarctica. Their occurrences suggest a collisional orogeny during the Pan-African time.(4)The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on various rock types indicates that the major metamorphism in the Grove Mountains occurs at c. 550 Ma, and the tectonothermal evolution terminated at c. 500 Ma. The Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism did not develop in the studied area.(5)The Prydz belt, the second Pan-African suture within the Gondwana suppercontinent, was further comfirmed based on this study. The Gondwana suppercontinent was not formed by the simply juxtaposition of East and West Gondwana, but by the collision of several blocks during the Pan-African time.
本项目通过格罗夫山地区高级变质杂岩的变质岩石学和同位素年代学研究,获得如下重要认识:(1)发现辉石出溶结构,由此获得峰期变质温度为850 C,并根据火成普通辉石的识别确定该区只存在单相麻粒岩相变质;(2)通过伟晶岩中石榴石斑晶与围岩中石榴石的对比研究提出了石榴石的捕虏晶成因,进而确定该区不存在晚期角闪岩相变质作用;(3)在东南极首次识别出泛非期紫苏花岗岩和后构造层状花岗岩,为泛非构造热事件的碰撞造山成因提供了重要佐证;(4)对不同岩石类型的锆石SHRIMP定年精确地限定了格罗夫山地区主期变质作用发生于泛非期,~550 Ma,热事件结束于~500 Ma,年代学数据没有揭示在该区存在格林威尔期麻粒岩相变质作用的迹象;(5)进一步确认了东南极内部普里兹带的存在,它属于冈瓦纳超大陆内部的第二条泛非期缝合带,据此认为冈瓦纳超大陆并不是由东、西冈瓦纳陆块的简单拼合而成,而是多个不同块体拼合的结果。
If the comparison is true, the first part of authentication is complete.
Through the comparison test, system stability and reiterationtest of the model instrument in contrast to photo-electricity autocollimator, and the airagitation test, the results indicate that the performances have met the scheduledtargets.
A theoretical comparison is conducted to demonstrate that when autocorrelation coefficient and moving average coefficient are positive, the safety stock with a variable reorder level is less than that determined by means of moments of demand, but more than that with traditional reorder point approach.
The comparison of resource gift the industrial competition ability that the advantage is not one country and enterprise are autogenous the requirement of ability.
This thesis combined the riverbed section and plane form, from the two side of hydraulic computation and model test, put forward the method to realized the automatic computation for river closure gap hydraulic parameters and comparison and verification. And through carrying on the secondary development to AutoCAD, realized the common software of automation drawing the topographical section of model test. Based on hydraulics computation technology, finished developing the common application software for one berm-dam vertical closure hydraulic computation.
Analysis of visual system, autonomous soccer robot vision system program analysis and comparison.
By histological comparison, the structure of the autotomized tissue was different from other mantle tissue. Sinus and blood spaces were found in the autotomized tissue. Structural changes before and after autotomy in the autotomized tissue were from dense to sparse creases in the epidermis and dense to loose in the connective tissue.
As you have learned, the break from the auxiliary line to start painting, and then draft their own models and make a comparison to see what was wrong.
Through the comparison between at home and abroad, caving has developed on the stage of mature, organization and implementation of caving is perfect, the participants includes not only professional researchers but also a avocational lovers, the caving in our country is in its developing stage, and the caving technology and equipments are backward, caving security system is not complete, the participants are only the professional researchers and has not reach the stage which is popular.
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).