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- 与 communicably 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A data output control terminal 300 communicably connects a user-owned portable terminal 100, printing devices PR1 through PRn situated at various locations , and WWW servers DS1 through DSm, via the Internet 400, data printing requests are received from the portable terminal 100, data relating to the data printing request is obtained from a WWW server DS, one of the printing devices PR is selected, and the obtained data is output to the selected printing device PR.
数据输出控制终端300通过因特网400与用户所持的便携式终端100、分散设置在各地的打印装置PR 1 ~PR n 及WWW服务器DS 1 ~DS m 进行可通信连接,从便携式终端100接收数据打印请求,从WWW服务器DS获取与其数据打印请求有关的数据,选择某一打印装置PR,并向其所选择的打印装置PR输出所获取的数据。
"A system for enhancing network-browsing speed by setting a proxy server on a handheld device comprises a browser for sending a request for requesting a message from a website and receiving a response in response to the request, a proxy server for transcoding and compressing the request, and transcoding and decompressing the response including the requested message in response to the request, a wireless network communicably linked to the proxy server, Mobile Data Service gateway for transcoding and decompressing the request, and transcoding and compressing the response including the requested message from the website."
是这样的一个系统,在手机端增加一个代理服务器来为一网站请求一条信息发送一个请求,同时为此请求来接受一个反馈,代理服务器压缩和重新编译请求,同时对反馈包括信息请求的反馈进行重新编译和解压缩,无线网络可以转达到代理服务器,Mobile Data Service手机数据服务器路由来编译和解压缩请求并且编译和压缩来自网站的信息请求反馈。
"A system for enhancing network-browsing speed by setting a proxy server on a handheld device comprises a browser for sending a request for requesting a message from a website and receiving a response in response to the request, a proxy server for transcoding and compressing the request, and transcoding and decompressing the response including the requested message in response to the request, a wireless network communicably linked to the proxy server, Mobile Data Service gateway for transcoding and decompressing the request, and transcoding and compressing the response including the requested message from the website."
是这样的一个系统,在手机端增加一个代理服务器来为一网站恳求一条信息发送一个恳求,同时为此恳求来接管一个反馈,代理服务器收缩和重新编译恳求,同时对反馈包孕信息恳求的反馈进行重新编译和解收缩,无线网络可以转达到代理服务器,Mobile Data Service手机数据服务器路由来编译和解收缩恳求并且编译和收缩来自网站的信息恳求反馈。
"A system for enhancing network-browsing speed by setting a proxy server on a handheld device comprises a browser for sending a request for requesting a message from a website and receiving a resp**e in resp**e to the request, a proxy server for transcoding and compressing the request, and transcoding and decompressing the resp**e including the requested message in resp**e to the request, a wireless network communicably linked to the proxy server, Mobile Data Service gateway for transcoding and decompressing the request, and transcoding and compressing the resp**e including the requested message from the website."
是这样的一个系统,在手机端增加一个代理服务器来为一网站请求一条信息发送一个请求,同时为此请求来接受一个反馈,代理服务器压缩和重新编译请求,同时对反馈包括信息请求的反馈进行重新编译和解压缩,无线网络可以转达到代理服务器,Mobile Data Service手机数据服务器路由来编译和解压缩请求并且编译和压缩来自网站的信息请求反馈。
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