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与 coloured 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And a "rose-coloured spectacles" attachment could bring serious problems.some socially-ennobling project.


There we shall be able to take long baths of darkness, while for our amusement the aurora borealis shall send us its rose-coloured rays that are like the reflection of Hell's own fireworks!

那里, 我们沐浴更长久的黑暗,同时,北极光送来瑰丽的射线,就像从地域反射的独有的焰火!

Ordering my daughters rose-coloured pencils with her name embossed in gold from the Letterbox catalogue, I am not inclined to request some for myself also.


With a worldwide television audience estimated at two billion, Miss World was to be Nigeria's chance to bask in a rose-coloured international spotlight.


The same neutral tints pervaded her person and her dress; no showy rose-coloured ribbons or rustling silk gown proclaimed the well-to-do innkeeper's wife.


The girl with the rose-coloured ribbons came to the door of the ante-room to summon her mistress to luncheon; but Lady Audley only opened the door a little way, and intimated her intention of taking no luncheon.


My lady in that half-recumbent attitude, with her elbow resting on one knee, and her perfect chin supported by her hand, the rich folds of drapery falling away in long undulating lines from the exquisite outline of her figure, and the luminous rose-coloured fire-light enveloping her in a soft haze, only broken by the golden glitter of her yellow hair.


The bell which Lady Audley rang was answered by the smart lady's-maid, who wore rose-coloured ribbons and black silk gowns, and other adornments which were unknown to the humble people who sat below the salt in the good old days when servants wore linsey-woolsey.


O seven apples on a with's tree With seven seeds to plant inside of me In springtime I grew a magic song Then skipping along,oh I sang the song to everyone I looked at the world through apple eyes And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie I danced with the peanut butterflies Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye A thousand sugar stars Oh put then in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf insede a girl,you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling round the world I met a golden swan upon the road Who was a handsome prince,so I was told I asked it the way to yesterday Then I was a sailor,and through the day I sailed away Bluebird seas I sailed With mermaids riding whales Oh whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl,you say And off I'll go down Winder Way Oh whistling round the world Through apple eyes Oh there are rose-coloured skylines Where flying silver spoons Eat melting marmalade moons Through apple eyes I see for millions of miles The sun's a diamond shining In the nighttime of a summer day A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl,you say And off I'll go Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world

o七个苹果,就同的树七种子植物里面的我在春天,我成长的一个魔术歌然后跳到沿线,哦i唱这首歌给大家我一看,在世界通过苹果电脑眼和削减自己一片阳光馅饼动作与花生蝴蝶直到时间一天天过去,并告诉我说,你好,但波再见 1000糖颗星哦付诸表决,然后在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼insede一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去,从6至5月哦吹口哨环游世界我遇见了一名金色天鹅后,道一位英俊的王子,所以有人告诉我我问它的方式,以昨日那么,我是一个水手,并通过我每天航行距离蓝鸟公海航行i 与mermaids骑鲸哦哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会走络筒机方式哦吹口哨环游世界通过苹果电脑的眼睛哦,还有玫瑰有色skylines 如飞行银汤匙吃熔化果酱的月亮通过苹果电脑的眼睛我看到数百万英里太阳的一颗钻石闪耀在夜间的一个夏天,一天 1000糖颗星哦,他们在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去哦吹口哨环游世界让的哨子环游世界哨子环游世界

Although the bottom streamers of sage-green silk are now separately preserved, this banner when found was complete except for the weighting board and still makes a splendid impression with its wide headpiece of thin rose-coloured silk and side streamers of green silk with flowers, birds and insects in dark blue or possibly silver.


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Coloured Bedspread
Rose-Coloured Glasses
Clean Coloured Wire
Blue Eyed Coloured Girl
Dove Coloured Sky
Candy Coloured Lights
Coloured Rain
Coloured Rain

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
