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与 coloured 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I found an aqua-coloured thong hanging over the lampshade one day .


Landor's Mr Ally says part of the problem for Tata is that "Brand India" remains relatively weak overseas, coloured by people's perceptions of the country as strong on call centres and software engineers but not on creating and managing sexy consumer products.


If the baby shower is a layette bash then a clothes line draped with baby wear of coloured paper cut-outs and other bits and bobs make a great display.

如果婴儿洗澡是一个layette的bash ,然后披上衣服的线与婴儿穿彩色文件截止奏和其他双边投资条约和bobs做出巨大的显示。

In the light coloured dogs, a brown nose is allowed.


With 61 coloured lithograph plates, 16 tipped-in photographic illustrations, one paper pattern and one diagram.


This sort of experience of a person from another race goes the same for things like witnessing loutish behaviour by a group of Greek people, for example, or being mugged by a coloured person, but also for things like seeing an Italian person do volunteer work for a charity, or being friends with a person from another race.


Meanwhile, Shosholoza Meyl's state-run, luridly coloured and highly functional Trans-Karoo completes the slightly shorter route from Johannesburg, a far more convenient transport hub than Pretoria from where the other two trains depart, for a mere 40, berth included.

而Shosholoza Meyl的跨卡鲁火车是国营的,色彩绚烂功能齐全,行程相对略短,起点站在约翰内斯堡一个交通中心,交通远比其他两辆火车的始发站方便,票价才40镑,还提供卧铺。

But much of that quality, he would have said, came from the wood itself, in the swirl, curl and quilting of Devon walnut, perhaps his favourite, or the dark, coloured stripes of Macassar ebony, so hard to work.


As a Maenad, its moonlight-coloured cup


In MAGIC CUBE 3D, you have to match the coloured squares without crossing lines with other colours.


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Coloured Bedspread
Rose-Coloured Glasses
Clean Coloured Wire
Blue Eyed Coloured Girl
Dove Coloured Sky
Candy Coloured Lights
Coloured Rain
Coloured Rain

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
