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Three ductility degree s and corresponding force modification factors for different structure types are suggested in foreign seismic codes,and take into account overstrength factor varied.


The newer codes such as the ones of germany, switzerland and portugal are structured according to the pandectist system


To parallelize such codes this talk will introduce decoupled software pipelining .

为了并行这类程序,本讲座介绍Decoupled Software Pipelining 。

Nash's wish is granted when the mysterious and shadowy William Parcher recruits him for a top-secret assignment cracking enemy codes for the Department of Defense.

他的愿望很快得到了实现,神秘的William Parcher(Ed Harris饰演)招募他参加一项绝密任务,为国防部破译敌人的密码。

For the application of 64 Codons, each step from DNA chain to mRNA chain, t RNA, ribosome, peptides, and to protein, has its specific permutable calculation model between chemical reactants and products, none of which has an objective permutable relationship with that in the 43 Table of Triplet Codes.

在生物遗传学的解释上,不预先测定给定生命体的 DNA 碱基顺序及其蛋白质的氨基酸顺序并把两者作比较,就把 DNA 和密码表两者指导合成的多肽链的氨基酸顺序称为该生命体遗传得来的氨基酸顺序,并以此将密码表称为生命的元素周期律在一切生命体中通用,是完全错误的。

To avoid the permutable model of protein, the 43 Table of Triplet Codes Given by F.H.C.Crick in 1969 is in fact that one group of permutations versus the permutation elements in another group of permutations , which is a typical wrong application and a wrong calculation.

Crick 43 遗传密码表回避蛋白质分子的排列组合模型问题,根据氨基酸种类数20 和 DNA 上碱基种类数 4进行对四元素选三元素的排列组合计算建立& DNA ~蛋白质&间的一一对应,本质上是排列组合应用中一组排列组合对应另一组排列组合的具体元素。

The application of the genetic codes is another kind of permutable calculation . From DNA chain to mRNA chain , t RNA , ribosome , peptides

密码表应用体系中,从DNA分子到m RNA分子到t RNA,再到核糖体到肽链,没有一步使用了排列数计算方法,从而造成DNA分子信息传递时步步失真,最后变成了肽链具体位置上的氨基酸分子,这里的每一步信息传递都是对密码表的错误运用。

The application of the genetic codes is another kind of permutable calculation . From DNA chain to mRNA chain , t RNA , ribosome , peptides , and to protein , each step has its own permutable calculation from chemical reactants to products . None step has an indispensable relationship

密码表应用体系中,从DNA分子到m RNA分子到t RNA,再到核糖体到肽链,没有一步使用了排列数计算方法,从而造成DNA分子信息传递时步步失真,最后变成了肽链具体位置上的氨基酸分子,这里的每一步信息传递都是对密码表的错误运用。

At its worst the pietistic tendency can lead to inordinate subjectivism and emotionalism; it can discourage careful scholarship; it can fragment the church through enthusiastic separatism; it can establish new codes of almost legalistic morality; and it can underrate the value of Christian traditions.


At its worst the pietistic tendency can lead to inordinate subjectivism and emotionalism; it can discourage careful scholarship; it can fragment the church through enthusiastic separatism; it can establish new codes of almost legalistic morality; and it can underrate the value of Christian traditions.


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Codes And Keys
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Talking In Codes

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
