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Titanium ions were implanted into quartz and quartz coated with Ti film by MEVVA ion source implanter. The dose was 3×10^16 ions/cm^2 and 5×10^16 ions/cm^2. The ion energy and depth distribution were analyzed using simulation method.

为提高石英玻璃表面金属化膜层与基底的结合强度,利用金属蒸发真空弧离子源引出的Ti离子对石英玻璃及镀Ti膜石英玻璃进行离子注入,剂量选择3×l0^16 ions/平方公方,5×10^16 ion/平方公分,模拟分析了注入离子能量的分布。

Plant 30-55 cm tall; leaves less than 10 cm; inflorescence 1- or 2-branched.


contraction length of 103 cm, elongated length of 140 centimeters after the outer tube diameter of 25 cm, inner tube diameter of 22 centimeters.


Interestedly, there also exist gender differences in the preceding findings. In terms of growth aspect, the average heights for the male freshmen and the female freshmen are 172.5 cm and 160 cm, respectively.


Plants slender, 30–45(–55) cm, uppermost internode up to 35 cm long, up to 1.5 mm in diam

纤细的植株,30-45(-55)厘米,最上部的节间可达35厘米长,可达1.5毫米在diam内 21

Plants robust, up to 100(–120) cm; uppermost internode 30–80 cm, up to 2.5 mm in diam.

粗壮的植株,可达100(-120)厘米;最上部的节间30-80厘米,材料的在果期可达2.5毫米直径; E和中国东北的植株。

It was found that the practical value of the relative intensity of ultraviolet radiation in the radiation distance of 50 to 100 cm was conincident with theoretical one calcuIated by the square inverse ratio law. In the radiation distance of 25 cm, the practical value was less than theoretical one.


In the radiation distance of 25 cm, the practical value was less than theoretical one. It was suggested that in the radiation distance of 50 to 100 cm, the dosage could be calculated by the square inverse ratio law.


Leaves 5, not fully expanded at anthesis; petiole 5.5--15 cm, with thick long pilose hairs; leaf blade nearly kidney-shaped, rounded-ovate, or 5-angled, 2.5--7 × 4.5--11 cm,± equally 3-foliolate, abaxially with white hairs, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cordate; lateral leaflets subsessile, unevenly 2-lobed; central leaflet subsessile or with a 1--4 mm petiolule, deeply 3-lobed, lobes entire or dissected, ultimate lobes triangular to narrowly linear and 2--3.5 mm wide.

叶5,不完全膨大的在花期;叶柄5.5-15厘米,具厚具长柔毛毛;叶片差不多肾形,圆形卵形,或具5个角, 2.5-7 * 4.5-11厘米,多少具3小叶,背面具白色的毛,正面无毛,基部宽心形;侧生小叶近无柄,不均匀2裂;中心的小叶近无柄或具一1-4毫米小叶柄,3深裂,裂片全缘的或多裂,末级的裂片三角形到狭线形和2-3.5毫米宽。

The contents of N, P, K in leaves were examined by regular leaf analysis. The results showed that the N content was higher in leaf blade than in leafstalk. N content in leaf was gradually reduced along with the vine growth. N, F, K fertilized at 20 to 40 cm soil layers significantly increased N content in leaf. But N content in leafstalk was less affected by N fertilization depth and growing season. P content was higher in leafstalk than in leaf blade. Less change of P content was noticed in leaf along with vine growth. However, N, P, K fertilized at 40 to 60 cm soil layers significantly promoted P in both leaf blade and leafstalk. K content in leafstalk was much higher than in leaf Wade. No obvious influence was noticed by fertilizing depth. But K content in leafstalk was significantly increased due to applied K fertilizer in late growing season.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
