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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

QTL Mapping and molecular tagging of resistant genes to TuMV and black rot: The QTLs and their genetic effects of the genes resistant to TuMV and Black rot were mapped and dissected on the basis of the radish molecular genetic linkage map and with the multi-QTL model. It was found that 4 target QTLs intensively locating in LG3 and LG5 linkage groups.

萝卜分子遗传图谱的构建:利用同时对萝卜TuMV和黑腐病存在明显抗性差异的自交系构建了包括360个单株的F2分离群体,以此群体为研究对象,首次采用优化的萝卜SRAP分子标记技术和SSR分子标记技术相结合的方法,构建萝卜分子遗传图谱,该图谱包括9个连锁群,由196个标记组成,图谱总长度736.2 cM,平均图距3.76 cM.4。

Stems more than 20 cm tall, to 80 cm at fruiting, simple or branched above middle.


Leaves scattered; petiole 3–5 mm, densely spreading rust-colored setose; leaf blade elliptic-ovate, ovate, or oblong-lanceolate, 8–16 × 4–9 cm, papery-leathery, abaxially very densely rust-colored setulose, especially on veins, adaxially bullate, densely shortly setulose, immediately glabrescent, secondary veins 2 pairs arising from base, fine veins distinctly raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, base shallowly cordate to rounded, margin slightly revolute, sparsely dentate,± setiform-ciliate, apex acuminate, caudate, or acute. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or corymbose, 1–4 cm, ca. 10-flowered, densely tomentulose; bracts rhombic-triangular, 5–8 × 4–5 mm, leathery, densely tomentulose.

叶星散 叶柄3-5毫米,密被平展锈色具刚毛;叶片椭圆状卵形,卵形,或者长圆状披针形, 8-16 * 4-9 厘米,纸质革质,背面非常浓密锈色具小刚毛,在脉上的特别是,正面具泡状隆起,具小刚毛的密被短的,立即后脱落,次脉2 对生于基部,清楚的细脉背面突起,正面凹陷,基部浅心形到圆形,花序腋生,总状或伞房状,1-4厘米,约10花,密被被微绒毛;苞片菱形三角形, 5-8 * 4-5 毫米,革质,密被被微绒毛。

Burette has 10 divisions in 1 cm 3, fill in 50 cm 3 in maximum.


Organisms adhered to laser cavities will carbonize,thus affects laser emission and cause burning of lasers.A method of field-assisting bonding is introduced to fix optical fibers in V-shaped grooves of silicon wafers.

半导体激光器列阵芯片的长度一般为1 cm,在这1 cm的长度内,有大约20个以上的单个半导体激光器,所以,把这些光纤牢固地固定是一个关键技术。

The cardioid characteristic maintains a smooth frequency response at a distance of 30 to 40 cm, the figure-8 characteristic even at a distance of 15 to 20 cm.


Leaflets less than 7 cm, leathery, apex not caudate; outer 3 sepals of male flowers 0.8--1.4 cm.

小叶不到7厘米,革质,先端不;外部3雄花的萼片0.8 --1.4 厘米 14

Sunset clouds has comfortable pragmatic simple furniture within the red floor house , living room white hangs on the wall to oil painting having personage or scenery, bedding has the bilayer milk white quilt on bedroom 180 CM * 200 CM bed , both sides readjusts oneself to a certain extent the desk lamp having two Bixa orellana pole light yellow modelled after antiques charpie lamp shade to may adjust luminosity on the head of a bed on the bedside cupboard , the bedroom *allpox gushes the coating material blue seabed pattern having fluorescence, the queen who puts out the light in the evening may issue fluorescence , fluorescence is a dolphin and a group of fingerling.


Studied on sensitivities of C. ellipsoidea to kanamycin , Chloromycetin , Hygromycin , Streptomycin and Geneticin (G418), the results showed that C. ellipsoidea is not sensitive to Km, Str and Cm, 600μg/ml km, 600μg/ml Str and 200μg/ml Cm can not inhabited the growth of C. ellipsoidea. However, it is fairly sensitive to Hm, 100μg/ml can completely stop the growth of C. ellipsoidea on solid media. We also found that C. ellipsoidea was highly sensitive to G418, 30μg/ml and 15μg/ml can inhabit the growth of C.


Using the diffusion coefficient obtained from the 400mg/L chlorophenol experiments, the model was able to predict the sorption kinetics of chlorophenol onto soil at different concentrations, indicating that the model is appropriate for describing the transport of phenol and chlorophenol within the two soils.

其中,第一种模式系假设土壤颗粒大小在实验过程中并不会随时间改变,计算求得之孔隙扩散系数约在8.3*10/sup -8/cm/sup 2//sec至2.9* 10/sup -7/cm/sup 2//sec附近,曲折度约为33-125,虽然曲折度和文献值相近,但因粒径不随时间变化的假设与实验所观察到的结果不符,所以此部分的结果较不具合理性。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
