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Stem usually 2-8 cm, occasionally to 20 cm; basal leaf blade not more than 2 cm.

茎通常2-8厘米,偶有对20厘米;基生叶不超过2 厘米 56

Perianth lemon-colored; tube usually greenish, short, 1--2.5(--3) cm; segments spreading, 4--7.5 cm, inner ones 1.5--2.3 cm wide, wider than outer ones.


Trans-Blot Plus Cell 170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply Accessories 170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-3996 Blot Absorbent Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets 170-3997 Stirbar 170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6 wide 170-39 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps 170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank 170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, for Trans-Blot Plus cell, set of 3 9 规格:说明:运用Mini-PROTEAN II 多道筛选仪,可以快速有效地筛选 40 种不同的抗体或血清,无需把western

转印条件可调,能在很大的分子量跨度上获得最佳转印效果*耐用的板式电极能产生强大而均一的电场,而且电极在槽内的位置灵活可换;不论运行1、2 或3 个转印夹,电极间距可调节到最小以获得最大的场强和转印效率*凝胶支架转印夹保证整个凝胶与印迹膜表面的均衡接触*转印夹的铰链设计能防止凝胶滑动,便于转印夹组装*颜色标记的转印夹及电极板确保在转印槽内的正确定向*特级冷却芯和冷却水循环器进行温度调节―可理想地用于天然酶或高强度转印,或用于延长转印时间时减少缓冲液的损耗*可选择的组装盘是凝胶三明治和转印夹组装的理想选择 Trans-Blot Plus 转印槽能从单向和双向大格式凝胶上均一、高效地转移蛋白―配合使用新推出的 PowerPac HC 电源,多数蛋白都可在1530 分钟内完成转印。

Plants low, mat-forming; stems 3-20 cm tall; leaves 0.8-2.5 cm; petals 2.5-6.5 mm; capsules 1.7-3.6 cm.

在低处的植株,垫状;茎3-20厘米高;叶0.8-2.5厘米;花瓣2.5-6.5毫米;蒴果1.7-3.6 厘米 33 E。

Cutting - Bag Making Machines can be produced in widths of 58 cm, 68 cm and 110 cm.

切割-制袋机可以生产宽度为58厘米, 68厘米和110厘米。

Leaf blade elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or oblong, 7-12 × 2.5-4(-5) cm, thinly leathery; petals to 2 cm; capsule 1.5-2 cm in diam.

叶片椭圆形,长圆状椭圆形,或长圆形, 7-12 * 2.5-4(-5)厘米,薄革质;花瓣到2厘米;直径的蒴果1.5-2厘米 55a var。

Leaves opposite, oblong-hastate to triangular-lanceolate,2-3.5 cm long and0.5-1.5 cm wide, apex acute, base subcordate or truncate; petioles1 cm.


Roots fibrous. Basal leaves spatulate-oblong, 3.5-6 × 1-1.5 cm. Flowering stem erect, 5-60 cm; stem leaves alternate, broadly oblanceolate, subobovate, or ovate-orbicular, 2.5-3 × 0.4-1 cm, margin entire or distally acuminately serrate, apex obtusely rounded or acuminate.

根纤维状。基生叶匙形的长圆形, 3.5-6 * 1-1.5 厘米花茎直立,5-60厘米;茎生叶互生,宽,近倒卵形,或卵形圆形, 2.5-3 * 0.4-1 钝的厘米,边缘全缘或上部acuminately有锯齿,先端圆形的或渐尖。

The plant height (160 cm) and the amplitude of Deep water (50 cm) scenario were higher than Shallow Water (0 cm) scenario, while that of Draught (20% water content) scenario did not increase and some of the sedges died.


Leaf blade with sclereids; petiole 0.5-4 cm; peduncle 0.6-1.5 cm; corolla 3.7-4.5 cm, sparsely glandular puberulent outside; staminodes ca.

叶片具sclereids;叶柄0.5-4厘米;花序梗0.6-1.5厘米;花冠在外面3.7-4.5厘米,被微柔毛的疏生腺体;退化雄蕊约8毫米;雌蕊约2.6 厘米 4

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
