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In addition, mathematical models describing the changes of soil water contents with time within 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm depth were also proposed, with which the temporal dynamics of soil water in the intercropped maize fields could be well predicted.


Shanyou 63 and Minghui 63 were used as materials and three stubble height treatments(10 cm,20 cm to 40 cm) were set to study the effect of different stubble height on growth and yield of ratooning rice.

以汕优63、明恢63为试材,设10、20、40 cm3个留桩高度处理,研究了不同留桩高度对再生稻生长发育及产量的影响。

From each replicate 15 soil cores,4 cm in diameter and 10 cm depth were taken and then mixed and sieved (0.5 cm mesh).

样品的准备在筛以后,调遣潮湿土壤从各种剧情被划分了成采取大约。250 g 和每个他们被安置了在一个300 机器语言塑料瓶子。

Polished random slabs are available in a size of 250 cm x 170 cm x 2 cm and above.


Umbels 3–15(–20) cm across; bracts 1–3, 1–3 cm, white-setose abaxially, apex acute or pinnate; rays 6–17, 8–10 cm; bracteoles 8–10, broadly cuneate-obovate, 6–15 mm, mottled purple-green, pubescent along nerves, abruptly acuminate to a short point; umbellules many-flowered.


Inflorescences terminal leafy thyrses, 20-45 X 10-15 cm; cymes red, few flowered; peduncle to 3 cm; bracts linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, 1-2 cm; bractlets awl-shaped.

花序顶生多叶的聚伞圆锥花序,20-45 X 10-15厘米;聚伞花序红色,少数开花;花序梗到3厘米;披针形苞片线形的到披针形,1-2厘米;小苞片锥形。

Pedicel to 1 cm. Sepals narrowly triangular, 4-11 mm. Corolla yellow, tube 0.9-1.6 cm, puberulent on both sides or glabrous inside; lobes with a red basal spot inside, ovate, to 10 cm, abruptly narrowed into pendulous tails to 1 mm wide; corona lobes 10, greenish yellow, triangular or awl-shaped, 0.9-3 mm. Anthers included, connective tail to 0.6 mm. Ovary glabrous.

在里面0.9-1.6厘米,被微柔毛的两面或无毛的1 厘米萼片狭三角形,4-11毫米花冠黄,管的Pedicel;裂片具红色基部斑点在里面,卵形,令10厘米的是,突然缩小进下垂有尾给毫米宽;副花冠裂片10,黄绿色,锥形的三角形的或,0.9-3毫米花药包括,给子房无毛0.6毫米有尾的药隔。

Four 4-month-old wethers fitted with heal cannulas were fed a constant concentrate and a hay in baled, long chopped (4~6 cm, LCH), short chopped (1~3 cm, SCH) and fine ground (0.5 cm, FGH) form in a 4×4 Latin square design to evaluate the effects of forage particle size on nutrient digestion in the hindgut and total tract of sheep.


Therefore, this paper studied that soil compactness affected on growth, yield, quality and primary characteristics of ginger plant in order to ravel mechanism of soil compactness effect on ginger growth and provided theories foundation fo...

本研究以莱芜大姜为试材,试验土壤按土壤容重不同设3个处理(T1:1.49 g/cm~3;T2:1.36 g/cm~3;T3:1.20 g/cm~3),研究了不同紧实土壤对生姜生长和产量的影响,以及在生姜生长衰老过程中的生理生化变化,主要试验结果如下: 1。

Nitrate (NO3--N) showed a single hump-shaped curve with soil depth increased, but ammonia (NH4+-N) showed a parabola curve, with lowest value found in 20-40 cm soil layer and highest value in 0-20 cm and 40-60 cm soil layer.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
