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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Petioles acute-triangular in cross section, 5–20 cm, sheaths triangular-ovate; leaf blade triangular-ovate, 20–45 × 17–40 cm, 2–3-ternate-pinnate; leaflets subsessile or short-petiolulate, long-ovate to elliptic, 2.5–12 × 1–6 cm, base obliquely cordate to cuneate, margin coarse-toothed or serrate, apex acuminate, glabrous or hispidulous along nerves.

叶柄锐尖三角形的在横断面上,5-20厘米,鞘三角状卵形;叶片三角状卵形, 20-45 * 17-40 厘米,羽状2-3回三出;小叶近无柄或短的小叶柄,长卵形到椭圆形, 2.5-12 * 1-6 厘米,基部斜心形对楔形,边缘粗糙的齿或有锯齿,先端渐尖,无毛的或沿着叶脉具短硬毛。

Results:The blood supply of medial arm cutaneous nerves origined from three cutaneous branch of intermuscular septa, which from superior ulnar collateral artery, brachial artery and inferior ulnar collateral artery.The mean diameters at the originated site were 1.0 mm, 0.6 mm and 0.7 mm.

结果:臂内侧皮神经的血供来自尺侧上副动脉肌间隔皮支、肱动脉肌间隔皮支和尺侧下副动脉肌间隔皮支,起始处外径分别为1.0 mm、0.6 mm和0.7 mm,穿出深筋膜前长为1.5 cm、1.1 cm和1.2 cm。

Leaves 29-84 cm; petiole 7-12 cm, pilose to glabrescent, often lenticellate; rachis moderately pilose to glabrescent, occasionally velutinous; leaflets usually 6-9(-12) pairs; petiolules (2-)4-12 mm, pilose/villous to glabrescent; leaflet blades lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 7-14(-19.5)× 3.1-6(-7) cm, often dark grayish brown, moderately pilose to glabrescent, usually with short trichomes and club-glands apically on midveins, veins basally pilose to villous/velutinous, base symmetrical to asymmetrical, margin entire, apex acuminate to occasionally acute.

叶29-84厘米;叶柄7-12厘米,具柔毛到几无毛,通常具皮孔;轴适中具柔毛到几无毛,偶尔被短绒毛;小叶通常6-9(-12)对;小叶柄(2-)4-12毫米,具柔毛/具长柔毛到几无毛;小叶叶片披针形到卵状披针形, 7-14(-19.5)* 3.1-6(-7)厘米,经常暗灰棕色,适中具柔毛到几无毛,通常在顶部中脉上具短毛和棍状腺体,脉基部具柔毛到具长柔毛/被短绒毛,基部匀称到不对称,边缘全缘,先端渐尖到偶有锐尖。

For example, the depth of mountain tundra soil profile was 75 cm, and apparent 14C ages was 1315 a; the depth of brown coniferous forest soil profile was 40 cm, and apparent 14C ages was 870a; the depth of lessive black brown soil was 120 cm, and apparent 14C ages was 5145 a.


Carbon storages of the upper horizon in lessive dark brown forest soil, brown coniferous forest soil and mountain tundra soil were 10959 gC m-2 (0-20 cm), 4199 gC irf2 (0-10 cm) and 6171 gC m~2 (0-32 cm) respectively, occupy 60%,50% and 77% of total carbon storage. This showed that the upper horizon was accumulating soil organic carbon.


Corolla adaxial lip undivided to emarginate; petiole to 12(-14) cm; leaf blade 2.5-16 X 1.5-9 cm, margin coarsely dentate to serrate or crenate, to lobulate or nearly so; peduncle 2.4-15(-22) cm, brown villous and pubescent or puberulent.

花冠正面的唇不裂到微缺;叶柄到12(-14)厘米;叶片2.5-16 X 1.5-9厘米,对有锯齿或圆齿的边缘粗牙齿,对具小裂片的或近如此;花序梗2.4-15(-22)厘米,棕色具长柔毛和短柔毛或。

Corolla adaxial lip 2-lobed; petiole to 4 cm; leaf blade 2.2-4 X 2-3 cm, margin crenate to dentate or serrate, not lobulate; peduncle 4-7 cm, brown villous

花冠正面的唇2裂;叶柄到4厘米;叶片2.2 2-3-4 X厘米,边缘具圆齿在具牙齿的或有锯齿,不具小裂片;花序梗4-7厘米,棕色具长柔毛 7 Ancylostemon gamosepalus 黄花直瓣苣苔

Leaves paripinnate, alternate, 25-40 cm with petioles; axis and petioles grayish yellow tomentose; leaflets usually 4 pairs, opposite; petiolules 3-4 mm, densely tomentose; blades adaxially deep green, oblong or ovate-oblong, 13-30 × 5-11 cm, papery, abaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins and lateral veins, adaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins, or glabrous on both sides, lateral veins 17-22 pairs, prominent on both sides when dry, base slightly cordate, margin entire, apex caudate-acuminate. Inflorescence racemose or thyrsoid, on stems and old branches, 1.5-4 cm, densely grayish yellow to grayish brown pubescent.

偶数羽状的叶子,互生,25-40厘米叶柄;轴和叶柄淡灰黄色被绒毛;通常的小叶4 对,对生;小叶柄3-4毫米,密被绒毛;叶片正面深的绿色,长圆形或卵形长圆形, 13-30 * 5-11 厘米,纸质,沿着中脉和侧脉被绒毛的背面稀疏,正面沿着中脉的稀疏绒毛,花序总状或聚伞圆锥状的,在茎和老枝上生,1.5-4厘米,密被淡灰黄色到淡灰棕色短柔毛。

Leaves ascending on upper side of branchlets, pectinately arranged in 2 lateral sets on lower side, dark green and bright adaxially, oblanceolate-linear, flattened, 1-2.3 cm × 2-2.5 mm, stomatal lines in 2 white bands abaxially, resin canals 2, median, apex obtuse or emarginate. Seed cones dark purple or blue-black, oblong or cylindric-ovoid, ca. 7 × 3.5-4 cm. Seed scales flabellate-trapeziform, 1.6-2 × 1.6-2.2 cm, base stalked.

在小枝的上面边上上升的叶,侧在2安排的pectinately 确定在下部边,正面深绿色和鲜艳,倒披针形线形,扁平,1-2.3厘米×2-2.5毫米,球果深紫色或蓝色黑色,长圆形或者卵形体,约 7 * 3.5-4 厘米种鳞扇形梯形, 1.6-2 * 1.6-2.2 厘米,基部柄。

In 1959 Sauerbrey developed an empirical equation to describe the mass sensitivity of gas phase mass deposition on a piezoelectric quartz crystal——Sauerbrey equation:ΔF=〓=-CΔm, where ΔF is measured frequency shift, in Hz; F〓 is the fundamental resonant frequency, in Hz;Δm is mass change, in g; A is piezoelectrically active area , in cm���;μ〓 is shear modulus of quartz, 2. 947×10〓g· cm���;ρ〓 is density of quartz, 2. 648g·cm���; C is mass sensitivity constant , in 〓.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
