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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

(1) Hericium erinaceus Shun hair cut open from the middle, and then chip into 4 cm long, 2 cm wide, 0.3 cm thick pieces, add blanched in boiling water fishing out of, and control water.


The diameter class ranged from 2 cm to 18 cm and the dominant diameter class was 4 cm in the Evodia meliaefolia community.


The linear equation was y1=0.9784x+0.2584 for the Evodia meliaefolia community and y1=0.9408x+0.3399 for the Camellia oleifera community.

油茶则以2 cm径阶立木占最大多数,6 cm时出现一个低谷,14 cm径阶之后立木很少,没有大树。

Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, glabrous or infrequently tuberculate-hispid; leaf blades linear, 10–40(–70) cm × 3–9 mm, usually glabrous, sometimes tuberculate-hispid; ligule ca. 0.5 mm. Panicle open or somewhat contracted, 10–45 cm; central axis and branches scabrid; branches 5–20 cm, stiffly ascending or spreading, solitary or fasciculate, loosely spiculate; pedicels scabrid, apex usually with long stiff hairs.


Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, loose, pilose or glabrescent; leaf blades linear, flat or convolute, rigid, 15–30 cm × 5–8 mm, glabrous or hairy, apex finely acuminate; ligule 0.3–0.5 mm. Panicle usually contracted, dense, infrequently looser, 15–35 cm; central axis and branches scabrid-hispidulous; branches 2.5–10 cm, fasciculate in middle part, ascending; pedicels scabrid, apex often with stiff bristles.


The maximum fittable length is 225 cm for short wheelbase versions and 280 cm for long wheelbase versions; the maximum outfitting width is 187 cm for both versions: this values vary according to outfit type and weight distribution.


Culms slightly flexuose, internodes 22–25 cm; leaf sheath 5–6.6 cm, blade 12–16 × 2–3 cm, secondary veins 4- or 5-paired.

秆有点之字形,节间的22-25厘米;叶鞘5-6.6厘米,叶片 12-16 * 2-3 厘米,次脉4或5配对。

There were 1733 suitable cases in 15 papers, 1546 were followed-up, the ratio of female to male was 1.7, the mean age was 43.3, course of disease main in 1~5 years, the most size of gallstone was 3 cm��3.5 cm or 3.6 cm, for postoperative complications, only a few patients feeled little turgor, hidden ache in right upper quadrant, and anep-ithymia,6 cases with fluidify of incisional wound, 2 cases with infection of incisional wound,4 cases with seroperi-toneum concurrent infection, only 1 case occur bile leakage, and there were 20 cases with gallstone recur.

结果 共收集符合要求的文献15篇,病例数1733例,随访1546例。男:女=1:1.7;年龄平均43.3岁;病程多数在1~5年之内;结石大小,最大3cm×3.5cm和3.6cm。术后并发症方面,仅少数患者有轻微右上腹胀满不适、隐痛和食欲欠佳,出现切口积液8例,切口感染2例,4例腹腔积液合并感染,胆漏1例。

Under current North American Flyball Association rules this should be 4 inches (10 cm) below the withers height of the smallest dog, to a height of no less than 7 inches (20.3 cm) and no greater than 14 inches (40.6 cm).


Plants relatively stout, erect, never rooting from nodes; flowers ca. 1.5 cm or more; calyx funnelform, 0.8-1.6 cm in fruit, over 1 cm in diam.

植株相对粗壮,直立,从未节上生根;约的花1.5厘米或更多;漏斗状的花萼,0.8-1.6厘米在果期,越过1厘米直径 4

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
