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In the shallow soil with the depth of 0~50 cm below the ground surface,the extent from 0 to 50 centimeters, the change of the δ13C of the soil carbonate is positively related with the depth in the upper soil profile from 0~30 cm,but it will increase rapidly in the lower soil profile as the result of the existence of salined and alkali soil layer.

盐碱化土地在0~50 cm的深度范围内,土壤碳酸盐的δ13C值变化规律为:0~30 cm深度内,土壤碳酸盐的δ13C值随深度的增加而逐渐减小;在30~50 cm范围内,如果有盐积层或碱积层的存在,则土壤碳酸盐的δ13C值迅速增加。

Heterogenic deproteinized cancellous bones, obtained from fresh vertebrae of sheep, were prepared into cancellous bone particles which were 0.5 cm��0.5 cm��0.5 cm in size and processed into cleaning, defatting, part decalcification and deproteinization.

异种脱蛋白松质骨来源于新鲜绵羊脊柱骨,制成直径约0.5 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm大小松质骨颗粒,经清洗、脱脂、部分脱钙、脱蛋白等处理。

This paper present the radiative opacities of iron of the isothermal sequence of 20eV at the densities of 10~(-2)g/cm~3, 10~(-3)g/cm~3 and 10~(-4)g/cm~3 using an average atom approach with modification of the transition energy.


From each replicate 15 soil cores,4 cm in diameter and 10 cm depth were taken and then mixed and sieved (0.5 cm mesh).

从各复制品15 土壤核心, 4 cm 直径和10 cm 深度然后被需要了和混合了和筛了(0.5 cm 滤网)。

Almond,walnut,peanut and almond are abundant in protein and lipid with CH stretching vibration nearby 2 914 cm-1,2 847 cm-1and C=O stretching vibration nearby 1 742 cm-1 in their infrared spectrum;while wolfberry fruit, red date,raisin and fig are abundant in pdysaccharide and protein conte.

巴旦木、核桃仁、花生仁、带壳杏仁富含蛋白质和脂类物质,红外图谱显示出在2 914,2 847cm-1附近的CH伸缩振动和1 742 cm-1附近的C=O伸缩振动;枸杞子、红枣、葡萄干和无花果干富含多糖、蛋白类物质,其红外图谱显示出在3 370 cm-1附近的OH变形振动、NH伸缩振动和2 920 cm-1附近的CH伸缩振动。

Effects of microorganism starter culture on the lipid of dry-cured fermented duck;2. Almond,walnut,peanut and almond are abundant in protein and lipid with CH stretching vibration nearby 2 914 cm-1,2 847 cm-1and C=O stretching vibration nearby 1 742 cm-1 in their infrared spectrum;while wolfberry fruit, red date,raisin and fig are abundant in pdysaccharide and protein conte.

巴旦木、核桃仁、花生仁、带壳杏仁富含蛋白质和脂类物质,红外图谱显示出在2 914,2 847cm-1附近的CH伸缩振动和1 742 cm-1附近的C=O伸缩振动;枸杞子、红枣、葡萄干和无花果干富含多糖、蛋白类物质,其红外图谱显示出在3 370 cm-1附近的OH变形振动、NH伸缩振动和2 920 cm-1附近的CH伸缩振动。

The results were as follows the airdried density ( moisture content of wood is 12%), the basic density and the ovendry density were 0.583 g·cm-3, 0.462 g·cm-3 and 0.507 g·cm-3 respectively, the airdried density was at the medium level in domestic wood species;the shrinkage coefficient of radial, tangential and volumetric were 0.099%, 0.183% and 0.296% respectively, the maximum swelling were 4.106%, 7.958% and 12.627% respectively;the ratio of tangential shrinkages to radial shrinkages was 1.5-1.9;the toughness was 52.12 kJ·m-2;the hardness of cross, radial and tangential section were 41.53 MPa, 31.41 MPa and 35.51 MPa respectively;the compressive strength parallel to grain was 44.50 MPa ;the modulus of elasticity in static bending and the bending strength were 12.63GPa and 127.31 MPa respectively;the shearing strength parallel to grain of radial and tangential were 8.76 MPa and 10.54 MPa respectively;the cleavage strength to grain of radial and tangential were 124.3 N·mm-1 and 138.6 N·mm-1 respectively.

结果表明大叶栎木材的气干密度(含水率为12%)、基本密度和全干密度分别为0.583 g·cm-3、0.462 g·cm-3和0.507 g·cm-3,气干密度属于国产木材的中等级水平;径向、弦向和体积干缩系数分别为0.099%、0.183%、0.296%,湿胀率依次为4.106%、7.958%和12.627%,差异干缩为1.5-1.9,其尺寸稳定性较好;冲击韧性为52.12 kJ·m-2,端面、径面和弦面硬度分别为41.53 MPa、31.41 MPa和35.51 MPa,顺纹抗压强度为44.50 MPa,抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度分别为12.63 GPa和127.31 MPa,径面和弦面顺纹抗剪强度分别为8.76 MPa和10.54 MPa,抗劈强度依次为124.3 N·mm-1和138.6 N·mm-1。

The results were as follows: the air-dried density(moisture content of wood is 12%),the basic density and the oven-dry density were 0.583 g·cm-3,0.462 g·cm-3 and 0.507 g·cm-3 respectively,the air-dried density was at the medium level in domestic wood species;the shrinkage coefficient of radial,tangential and volumetric were 0.099%,0.183% and 0.296% respectively,the maximum s...

结果表明:大叶栎木材的气干密度(含水率为12%)、基本密度和全干密度分别为0.583 g.cm-3、0.462 g.cm-3和0.507 g.cm-3,气干密度属于国产木材的中等级水平;径向、弦向和体积干缩系数分别为0.099%、0.183%、0.296%,湿胀率依次为4.106%、7.958%和12.627%,差异干缩为1.5-1.9,其尺寸稳定性较好;冲击韧性为52.12 kJ.m-2,端面、径面和弦面硬度分别为41.53 MPa、31.41 MPa和35.51 MPa,顺纹抗压强度为44.50 MPa,抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度分别为12.63 GPa和127.31 MPa,径面和弦面顺纹抗剪强度分别为8.76 MPa和10.54MPa,抗劈强度依次为124.3 N.mm-1和138.6 N.mm-1。

In this bath, maleic acid was an inhibitor, when its concentration was kept at 20 mg/L, the deposition rate could reduce to 6.17μm/h, the content of nickel decreased to 1.74% and the resistivity was 7.51μΩ·cm; Potassium ferrocyanide inhibited deposition of copper, when its content was 0.5 ppm, the deposition rate decrease to 3.38μm/h, the content of nickel was 2.03%, the resistivity can reduced to 5.41μΩ·cm, the copper deposits also had higher (111) plane orientation. Thiourea was also an inhibitor in this system, when its concentration was kept at 0.8 ppm, the deposition rate was 4.72μm/h, the content of nickel in the film was 1.20%, the resistivity can reduced to 5.46μΩ·cm, at the same time, the deposition at (111) plane orientation become more favorable.

结果表明,马来酸在该体系中是抑制剂,当其浓度为20 mg/L时,镀速降为6.17μm/h,镀层镍含量降为1.74%,表面电阻率降为7.51μΩ·cm,铜层颗粒细小均匀,更有利于在(111)面上的结晶;亚铁氰化钾的加进可以明显降低镀,当其浓度为0.5 ppm时,镀速为3.38μm/h,镀层镍含量降为2.03%,表面电阻率降为5.41μΩ·cm,铜层颗粒细小均匀,(111)晶面衍射峰增强;硫脲在体系中也显示为抑制剂,当其浓度为0.8 ppm时,镀速降到4.72μm/h,镀层镍含量为1.20%,表面电阻率降为5.46μΩ·cm,形成的铜颗粒很小,同时(111)晶面衍射峰增强,有利于铜在(111)面上结晶。

The root hair morphology of cv. RM109 was observed and compared. The results indicated that in the distance of 1 cm to the apical of seed root, the number of root hair of RM109 was 19% of cv. Oochikara, and the root diameters were not different from cv. Oochikara; in the distance of 8 cm, the number of root hair and the root diameters of RM109 were 45% and 79% of cv. Oochikara, in the distance of 3 cm, the length of the longest root hair was 33% of cv. Oochikara; but the length from the apical of the seed root to root hair initiation was not different.

根毛观察比较显示,距种子根根端1 cm处的RM109根毛数是&大力&品种的19%,差异极显著,根直径与&大力&品种差异不显著;距根端8 cm处的RM109根毛数和根直径分别是&大力&品种的45%和79%,二者差异极显著;距根端3 cm处,RM109最大根毛长是&大力&品种的33%,差异极显著;RM109种子根根端到根毛发生区的长度,与&大力&品种的差异不显著。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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