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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aggregate fruit spicate, 10 cm long, stipe 2 cm long; follicles ellipsoid or ovoid, 1.2-1.5 cm long, apex with short and curved tip, outside inconspicuously sparsely lenticeled.


Its pattern is mostly such folk subject matter loved by all as dragon, phoenix, tiger, lion, flowers, bird, etc. carvingmeans engraving out various kinds of pattern with the burin on the smooth blue brick. Usually a piece of pattern is made up of dozens of blue bricks. The brick is generally big square ones, 25 cm long, 25 cm wide, and 7 cm thick.


The main conclusions are as following:(1) Befor the frozen depth reach to the maximum, the frozen depth of different treatments of groundwater, 0.6% of calcium nitrate, 0.6% of potasium sulphate and no irrigation are 132 cm, 130 cm, 129 cm and 108cm in sequence respectively.


Calyx deep purple, campanulate-rotate, 3-5 × 4-6 cm; sepals connate beyond attachment to ovary, abaxially glabrous; tube lantern-shaped, 1-2 × 1-2 cm, constricted at throat, adaxially longitudinally corrugate, becoming reticulate above, orifice ring 3-4 mm wide; lobes ovate to broadly ovate, 2-3 × ca. 2 cm, base with triangular corrugate-papillate area.

花萼深紫色,钟状辐状, 3-5 * 4-6 厘米;萼片合生超过贴生的子房,背面无毛;筒部灯笼形, 1-2 * 1-2 厘米,缢缩在喉部,正面纵向具皱褶,变得在上面网状,宽3-4毫米的孔环;裂片卵形到宽卵形, 2-3 *约2厘米,基部具三角形具皱褶区。

In this study, the influence of feedstock size (2×2×5 cm^3、2×2×10 cm^3、2×2×15 cm^3) on the fundamental physical and chemical properties of slow pyrolysis products, e. g. wood charcoals and vinegars were examined. The slow pyrolysis was conducted by using steel kiln at the heating rate of 100℃/hr, pyrolysis temperature of 700℃, and holding time of 1 hr and the feedstock were Cryptomeria japonica and Acacia confusa.


The results showed that the sandy soil in layered soil profile can stimulate or obstacle the water movement as compared to the uniform loam column with 50cm depth of water table, this was mainly determined by the position of the sand layer.

结果表明,砂层对于水分的蒸发既有促进也有抑制作用,在地下水埋深为50 cm时,5 cm厚的底砂层可使水分的蒸发强度增加10%~20%;砂层距水位的距离大于5 cm时,砂层可抑制水分的蒸发,且当距离增加到35 cm左右,其抑制率可达70%~80%;当砂层距水位的距离继续增大时,水分的蒸发强度基本保持不变。

Rhizome neck 5–10 cm, 1.8–2.5 cm in diam. Culms to 4 m, 1.5–2.5 cm in diam.; internodes terete, 15–17(–20) cm, initially slightly white powdery, longitudinal ribs absent; wall 2.5–5 mm thick; nodes with level or prominent supra-nodal ridge at branching nodes, slightly white powdery initially; sheath scar prominent, glabrous or initially slightly setose. Branches (3–)7–18 per node, deflexed.


Using harmonic analysis of the calculated tidal level and current, the distributions of co-tidal lines for K1, O1, M2 and S2 are obtained, whose maximum amplitudes can reach 112 cm, 96 cm, 50 cm and 15 cm, respectively. The distribution of the maximum probable current velocities in Qinzhou Bay is basically the same as that of isobaths, and the maximum probable current velocity can reach 200cms^(-1) nearby the Longmen Harbor. It is concluded by the analysis of K1 and M2 tidal current ellipses that the flow is rotating at the mouth of the bay, while its retilinear flow is in the nearshore area, estuaries and channels. The distributions of the major axes are closely related to the topography, and the rotation directions of both constituents are clockwise.


Finally, in additional to the comparison of results derived by PPP and DGPS, they were all compared to Anping tide gauge records as well. The aim of this study is the analysis of height variations provided by different methodologies. Comparing to Anping tide gauge records, the differences in height variations can achieve 4.5 cm with DGPS; 6 cm with final product; 10 cm with rapid product; 25 cm with ultra-rapid product; 1~2 m with ultra-rapid product.


Separate under the SMAS to 2.0 cm above the supraorbital edge and 1.5 cm above zygomatic arch, where the periosteum and superficial layer of deep temporal fascia were incised to expose fracture;②Separate under the SMAS to the supraorbital edge and zygomatic arch, and then as in method Ⅰ, incise at 2.0 cm above the supraorbital edge and 1.5 cm above zygomatic arch to expose fracture.③ As in method 2, separate under the SMAS to the supraorbital edge and zygomatic arch, and then incise the periosteum directly to expose fracture.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
