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That of caecum was calculated with the formula of cone volme.

结果:大肠长126 。9 ±27 。4 cm(盲肠、结肠、直肠盆内段分别为43 。6 ±1 。5 cm ,113 。3 ±25 。0 cm ,9 。2 ±3 。3 cm)。

Culms to 10(–15) m, to 10 cm in diam.; internodes deep green, 35–45(–55) cm, initially thinly white powdery, sparsely deciduously white hairy; wall to 2 cm thick; nodes flat, white tomentose; branching from basal nodes up. Branches many, main mid-culm branch to 2 cm in diam.


Osprey, E Category: FALCONIFORMES Washida Section Emorphological characteristics: male 54 cm in length, female 62 cm; wing length male 45 ~ 47.5 cm, female 45 ~ 53 cm.

鱼鹰 鱼鹰、鹗分类:FALCONIFORMES鹫鹰目鹗科形态特征:身长雄鸟 54 公分,雌鸟 62 公分;翼长雄鸟 45 ~ 47.5 公分,雌鸟 45 ~ 53 公分。

Culms rigid, branched at base and covered with leathery yellowish sheaths, 80–100 cm tall, ca. 7 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths glabrous; leaf blades flat or inrolled, tough, 18–30 × 0.4–1 cm, adaxial surface and margins scabrid, abaxial surface rather smooth, apex long acuminate; ligule ca. 0.3 mm. Inflorescence 20–60 × 2–3 cm; racemes ascending or spreading, crowded or spaced, 0.5–3.5 cm; main axis and rachis hispidulous.

秆硬质,在基部分枝并且为所覆盖的革质淡黄鞘,厘米高,无毛的直径约7毫米叶鞘;叶片平或内卷,坚韧, 18-30 * 0.4-1 厘米,正面和给镶边,背面相当清除,先端长渐尖;大约0.3毫米开花的叶舌 20-60 * 2-3 厘米;总状花序上升的或开展,密集的或隔开,0.5-3.5厘米;主轴和轴具短硬毛。

All of the temporal branches of facial nerve were located in front of line CD,75.0% in subcutaneous tissue, 21.4% in superficial temporal space, 3.6% in intermedial temporal space.

结果:①颞区是头皮中富含筋膜和脂肪组织的区域,并有三个潜在的解剖间隙;② A点距颧弓后根0.3~0.8 cm[(0.5±0.1) cm]、B点距颧弓后根2.2~3.5 cm[(2.6±0.3)cm];③面神经颞支均在CD连线前方的颞区内,75.0%行于皮下、21.4%行于颞浅间隙、3.6%行于颞中间隙。

The results show that the2 0~ 40 cm and40~ 60 cm layers for the red loessial soil and2 0~ 40 cm layer for the red loessial soil had a large amount of easily mineralizable nitrogen besides the0~ 2 0 cm layer, but the easily mineralizable nitrogen was little...


Cincinni ca. 6 cm; flowers dense, 20--30, only 1 or 2 fertile; peduncle 3--4 cm; involucral bracts sheathlike, 5--10 mm, membranous, glabrous; bracts ovate-orbicular, 1--1.5 cm × ca. 8 mm, membranous; pedicels straight, very short at anthesis, to 1 cm in fruit.


Reproductive branches 10-30 cm long, with several to many spathes; spathaceous stipe flat, 1-2.5 cm long; spathaceous sheath 1-2 cm long, apical leaf blade 3-7 cm long, as wide as vegetative leaves or slightly narrower.


The results showed that the sex ratio of trees was 1 m 2 f, and the natural T. cuspidata tree was able to sexually reproduce for many years. Male trees had fecundity when the diameter at breast height ranged from 1.5 cm to 92 cm, while female trees had fecundity when the DBH from 9.5 cm to 68.1 cm. Male trees typically flowered at the age about 20 years earlier than female trees. The numbers of microstrobili were 3 times more than that of megastrobili, and only 1/10 megastrobili developed into seed. The numbers of strobili and seed were correlated with DBH, crown diameter and height of trees; however, no significant correlations were observed with other site factors. Numbers of strobili decreased from the upper to lower canopy layers, while the quantity of seed decreased from the middle, upper to lower canopy layers. Seed-setting rate increased from the upper to lower canopy layers. Numbers of strobili and seeds in different directions of the canopy were not uniform, but the differences weren't significant.


Leaf blade puberulent, pubescent, pilose, villous, and/or velutinous; corolla 2-4 cm, mouth 0.5-1 cm in diam., adaxial lip 3-8 mm, abaxial lip 4-15 mm; petiole to 5 cm; peduncle to 14 cm.

被微柔毛的叶片,短柔毛,,具长柔毛,和/或茸毛;花冠2-4厘米,嘴0.5-1厘米直径,正面的唇3-8毫米,背轴唇4-15毫米;叶柄到5厘米;花序梗到14 厘米 139

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
