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The E1 and IE of benzimidazole are determined to be 36022 cm-1 and 67552 cm-1, whereas those of benzotriazole are 34917 cm-1 and 70474 cm-1, respectively.


The size of the fascia lata flap ranged from 2.5 cm�� 7 cm to 6 cm��16 cm.


Product Size】 bag bottom from left to right length 44 cm; bag upper 36 cm long from left to right; bag from top to bottom is 32 cm; handle with a vertical height of 19 cm because of different measurement methods, there may be measuring 1-2cm error


In a vessel with the upper stem diameter of 21.5 cm, base diameter of 16 cm and height of 17.5 cm, the optimum distance is 6 cm between pot mendicancy and vessel base.


The effect of moldboard (30 cm deep) ploughing was compared with a subsoiler (45 cm deep) chisel (25 cm) plough and farmer's cultivator (10 cm deep) in 1983 and only the moldboard gave significant benefits over the cultivator (Khan, et al., 1986)(Fig.1 Effect of pre-monsoon tillage treatment on wheat yields).


Leaves palmately 3(-5)-foliolate; stipules membranous, lanceolate, ca. 8 mm, caducous; petiole 8-20 cm; terminal petiolule 2-5 cm, lateral petiolules 5-20 mm; leaflet blades ovate, elliptic, obovate, or elliptic-ovate, 7-15 × 4-8 cm, papery, sparsely pubescent only on nerves, glabrescent, base broadly cuneate to obtuse, margins with 2 or 3 teeth per cm, apex acute or caudate-acuminate.

叶具掌状3(-5)小叶;托叶膜质,披针形,约8毫米,早落;叶柄8-20厘米;顶生小叶柄2-5厘米,侧生小叶柄5-20毫米;小叶叶片卵形,椭圆形,,或椭圆状卵形, 7-15 * 4-8 厘米,纸质,只在叶脉具稀疏短柔毛,后脱落,基部宽楔形到钝,边缘每厘米具2或3牙齿,先端锐尖或尾状渐尖。

Culms forming large clumps, erect, 10–50(–120) cm tall, 3–35 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths mostly longer than internodes, smooth; leaf blades linear, flat or inrolled upward, 10–45 × 0.7–1.5 cm, smooth, apex fine, hard, upper blades usually patent; ligule 2–3 mm. Racemes racemosely arranged, 2–6(–12), 7–23 cm, stiff, erect or slightly spreading; spikelets closely overlapping; rachis terminating in a hard bristle up to 5 cm. Spikelets 12–21 mm, pubescent; lower glume 2/3–4/5 as long as spikelet, acute; upper glume lanceolate-oblong, as long as spikelet, acute; lemma lanceolate-oblong, ca. 1 cm, keel scaberulous, pubescent, entirely or in upper half; palea slightly longer than lemma.

形成的秆大丛生,直立,(-120)厘米高,多数叶鞘3-35毫米直径长于,平滑;叶片线形,公寓或向上, 10-45 * 0.7-1.5 厘米,平滑,先端细,硬,上面的叶片通常开展;安排的2-3毫米外消旋体总状分枝的叶舌,2-6(-12),7-23厘米,硬,直立或者稍开展;小穗接近重叠;轴终止在一难的硬毛可达5 厘米小穗12-21毫米,青春期;更低的颖片2/3-4/5倍于小穗,锐尖;上面颖片披针形长圆形,倍于小穗,锐尖;外稃披针形长圆形,约1厘米,微糙,青春期的龙骨,完全或者在上半部;稍微的内稃长于外稃。

Small bottle: 10 ml, 6 individuals; medical gloves: No. 2 pay; stainless steel Yashe Ban: 16 cm, 2 branches card button tourniquet: a single valve of the ventilator: 20 x20cm, 2 tablets; T - Flashlight: an electronic thermometer: 1; blood pressure Table: 1 Taiwan; Stethoscope: single: 1; roll splint fracture: 46 x11cm, 1 vol; finger fracture splint: 5 x11cm, 4 tablets; Yiyong Yang cylinders: 1.4 l, 1 sets of medical scissors: straight round 14 cm, 1把; medical scissors: straight sharp 14 cm, 1把; medical Yong Niezi: 14 cm have teeth, one; bleeding clamp: straight-mosquito, 2 To; scalpels films: 20 #, 2; surgical knife handle:# 4, 1; a needle clamp: 14 cm, 1把; medical suture needle round: 1 / 2 arc, 0.8x20mm, 2枚; medical 1.30 suture needle: 1/2arc, 0.9x24mm, 2枚; medical thread: 1 #, a beam; medical cotton ball: 5 tablets / bag, 2 packets; povidone iodine disinfectant solution: a bottle; compound alcohol disinfection Shijin: 21 x14cm, 4片; Alcohol cotton: 30 Tablets / bag, 1 cylinder; iodine cotton: five tablets / package bag, 4 packets; iodine Mianbang: single-cartridge, 20; wound paste: 72 x19mm, 20 tablets; Butterfly - Shaped wound paste: 4; self-adhesive wound Application: 6 x7cm, 4 tablets

小药瓶:10ml,6只;医用手套:中号,2付;不锈钢压舌板:16cm,2支;卡扣式止血带:1条;单相阀式呼吸器:20x20cm,2片;笔式手电筒:1支;电子体温计:1支;血压表:1台;听诊器:单头:1只;卷式骨折夹板:46x11cm,1卷;手指骨折夹板:5x11cm,4片;医用氧气瓶:1.4l,1套;医用剪刀:直圆14cm,1把;医用剪刀:直尖14cm,1把;医用镊子:14cm 有齿,1支;止血钳:直蚊式,2把;手术刀片:20#,2片;手术刀柄:4#,1把;持针钳:14cm,1把;医用圆缝合针:1/2arc,0.8x20mm,2枚;医用三角缝合针:1/2arc,0.9x24mm,2枚;医用丝线:1#,1束;医用棉球:5tablets/bag,2包;聚维酮碘消毒液:1瓶;复方酒精消毒湿巾:21x14cm,4片;酒精棉球:30粒Tablets/bag,1筒;碘酒棉球:5粒tablets/包bag,4包;碘酒棉棒:单支装,20支;创口贴:72x19mm,20片;蝶形创口贴:4片;自粘伤口敷贴:6x7cm,4片;自粘伤口敷贴:10x10cm,4片;自粘伤口敷贴:10x15cm,4片;吸血垫:10x10cm(1片/包),4包;医用纱布绷带:6x600cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带: 2.5x450cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带:5x450cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带:7.5x450cm,1卷;医用纱布三角绷带:90x90x129cm,2卷;急救毯:140x204cm银色,1条;降温贴:单片装,2片;活络油:5ml,1瓶;云南白药:4g,1瓶;绿药膏:10g,2瓶;急救手册:1本;铝合金箱:1个。

Uterine cross-section diameter of 4.8cm × 3.9 cm × 3.9 cm, increased intra-uterine pregnancy sac see the size of 1.3 cm * 0.9 cm * 1.6 cm, intracapsular see yolk sac, no embryo and fetal heart throb teeth.


Cymes 1-3-flowered; stems 5-22.5 cm with 2-5 nodes; petiole (0.5-)1-3.6 cm; leaf blade 5-12 X (3-)5-8.8 cm, without sclereids; corolla pink with purple spots, 2.1-4.1 cm; staminodes 2, 3.5-6 mm; pistil 2.1-2.5 cm

聚伞花序1-3开花;茎5-22.5厘米具2-5节;叶柄(0.5-)1-3.6厘米;叶片5-12 X(3-)5-8.8厘米,没有sclereids;花冠粉红色具紫色斑点,2.1-4.1厘米;退化雄蕊2,3.5-6毫米;雌蕊2.1-2.5厘米 11 Hemiboea subacaulis 短茎半蒴苣苔

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
