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Their width and length :( 3.16±0.85) mm and (5.64±4.19) cm musculocutaneous nerve;(1.31±0.46) mm and (2.20±1.28) cm brichialis never;(1.75±0.56) mm and (9.21±2.48) cm biceps brachii never;(1.19±0.45) mm and (1.40±0.32) cm brachialis never;(1.57±0.59) mm and (11.77±2.36) cm caput longum of biceps brachii never;(1.54±0.49) mm and (9.62±2.27) cm caput breve of biceps brachii never;(2.14±0.46) mm and (12.86±4.51) cm communicating branches;(2.16±0.49)cm and


A map was achieved in detail for the optimal placement of ablation electrode. According to assumption of complete destruction of tumor and its 0.5 cm margin by 5.0 cm ablation device with this method, calculating results were obtained as follows: a tumor of 4.1 ~ 4.3 cm in diameter required 4 ablation at least by the regular tetrahedron way, a tumor of 4.4 ~ 5.6 cm in diameter required 5~8 ablation at least by the regular prism way, a tumor of 5.7 ~ 6.0 cm required 12 ablation at least by the three layers overlapping way.

根据RFA治疗原则消融范围须超越肿瘤周边 0 。5cm以上;按照覆盖类球体肿瘤的计算结果,采用伞径 5 。0cm的射频针,治疗 4.1~ 4.3cm的肿瘤须用正四面体法至少布针 4个点,治疗 4.4~5 。6cm的肿瘤用正棱柱法至少布针 5~ 8个点,治疗 5 。7~ 6 。0cm的肿瘤用三层重叠法至少布针 12个点,方能达到较彻底覆盖灭活肿瘤的效果。

Leaves tufted; stipes 15-30 cm long, densely scaly at base, glabrous above; sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide, simply pinnate; pinnae numerous, alternate or subopposite, linear-lanceolate, the largest about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide, base cordate, apex acuminate, margin finely toothed; veins close, forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib; fertile lamina similar to sterile ones, but somewhat reduced, about 8 cm long and 0.4 cm wide, lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia.


Results: Of 6 cases, incisal opening ≥3 cm��2 cm��1.5 cm post debriding, had two times suture; other 24 cases, incisal opening cm��2 cm��1.5 cm, were given anti-inflammation and regional change dressings to live through acute inflammation, and then discharged by means of expectant treatment and regular home visit, all had satisfactory outcome.


Based on the comparison of the infrared spectra of polyamide homologues, on the changes in the infrared spectra of deuterated and iodine-treated samples of polycaprolactam, and also on the observations of the infrared dichroism of drawn film , the main absorption bands of polycaprolactam in the region 400 cm(-1)-1400cm-1, which are rather structure sensitive, have been assigned as follows: 1370 cm-1 band-VC-N;, 1265 cm-1 and 1205 cm-1 bands-; 1170 cm-1 band-VC-N; 730 cm-1 band-γCH2 of (CH2)n w...


Based on the comparison of the infrared spectra of polyamide homologues, on the changes in the infrared spectra of deuterated and iodine-treated samples of polycaprolactam, and also on the observations of the infrared dichroism of drawn film, the main absorption bands of polycaprolactam in the region 400 cm(-1)-1400cm-1, which are rather structure sensitive, have been assigned as follows: 1370 cm-1 band-VC-N;, 1265 cm-1 and 1205 cm-1 bands-; 1170 cm-1 band-VC-N; 730 cm-1 band-γCH2 of (CH2)n when n≥...


A field trial for plant density has been used for practical remediation in 2004 and 2005, it has four treatments, 10 cm��10 cm���20 cm��20 cm���10 cm��40 cm and 40 cm��40 cm, respectively. The results were follows: the optimization plant density was 20 cm��20 cm; Peteris vittata L. was a herbaceous plant fit to adequacy increased density for enhancing the biomass and removalling of arsenic; with increased the plant density, the plant were accumulated more proportion arsenic in their fronds, and then made promote the efficiency of arsenic removal from contaminated soils.(2) It was a complicated pyrolysis course for plant incineration.

1在10cm×10cm、20cm×20cm、10cm×40cm与40cm×40cm 4个种植密度下,利用蜈蚣草对砷污染土壤进行了2年的田间实际修复,得出如下结论:蜈蚣草是一种适宜于密植的草本植物,具有通过提高栽培密度来提高其地上部生物产量的潜力;同时蜈蚣草密植有利于促使其吸收的砷向地上部富集,从而有利于进一步提高其对砷污染土壤的修复能力;综合考虑修复过程中的收获方式、经济成本与可操作性,在4个密度处理中密度20cm×20cm为蜈蚣草的最佳栽培密度。

In this study, six campaigns around Anping tide gauge, Tainan, were successfully performed and the collected GPS buoy data were processed with four types of precise ephemeris provided by IGS, including final product, rapid product, ultra-rapid product and ultra-rapid product with the use of PPP technique. Comparing the PPP results with DGPS, the differences reach 3~5 cm in the horizontal and 10 cm in the vertical with final product; 6~8 cm in the horizontal and 15 cm in the vertical with rapid product; 15~20 cm in the horizontal and 30~40 cm in the vertical with ultra-rapid product; 2~3 m in the horizontal and 3~4 m in the vertical with ultra-rapid product. In addition, the collected data were also processed by DGPS techniques using different reference stations to analyze the effect of various baselines. The results show that accuracy degrades when the baselines increase.

本研究在台南安平潮位站旁进行6次GPS浮标施测,首先利用与GPS浮标距离不同之GPS参考主站来进行差分定位,分析基线距离对GPS浮标定位成果的影响,由实验结果可得出基线越长则定位准确度越低;再以IGS提供之最终产品、快速产品、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之观测部分observed half、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之预估部分四种不同发布延迟时间的精密星历与精密时表改正资料对GPS浮标进行精密单点定位解算,与传统差分相对定位方法定位结果进行比较后,得出使用最终产品之平面方向均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)可达3~5公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达10公分;快速产品之平面方向均方根误差可达6~8公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达15公分;超快速产品观测部分之平面方向均方根误差可达15~20公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达30~40公分;超快速产品预估部分之平面方向均方根误差可达2~3公尺,而高程方向均方根误差可达3~4公尺。

Put two adjacent fabrics(single-fibre cloth), each measuring 5 cm ×4 cm , side by side on a specimen measuring 10 cm × 4 cm, next, either sew roughly four sides of the specimen with white cotton sewing thread, or fold in half the specimen into 5 5 cm ×4 cm size so as to lay the adjacent fabric inside, and sew roughly at its near centr of the specimen with white cotton sewing thread to make the sewing line parallel to the folding line.

把两个相邻的织物,每5厘米× 4厘米,并排于试样测10厘米× 4厘米,在未来,无论是缝纫大约四个方面的标本与白棉缝纫线,或褶皱在一半标本到五五厘米× 4厘米大小等,以奠定相邻织物内,并缝合大约在其中心附近。该标本与白棉缝纫线,使缝纫机线平行的折线。

Put two adjacent fabrics(single-fibre cloth), each measuring 5 cm ×4 cm , side by side on a specimen measuring 10 cm × 4 cm, next, either sew roughly four sides of the specimen with white cotton sewing thread, or fold in half the specimen into 5 cm ×4 cm size so as to lay the adjacent fabric inside, and sew roughly at its near centr of the specimen with white cotton sewing thread to make the sewing line parallel to the folding line.

把两个各自5厘米× 4厘米毗连的织布,并排放置成10厘米× 4厘米的试样,然后用白棉缝纫线粗略地在试样四周进行缝制,或把试样对折成5厘米× 4厘米大小以确保毗连的织物放在里面,然后用白棉缝纫线以平行于对折线的方向在试样近中心处进行粗略缝制。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
