英语人>网络例句>cm. 相关的网络例句
与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The maximal conductivity of the ceramic is 3.2×10-2 S·cm���1 in O2 at 1000 ℃. The conduction in the ceramic is purely oxide-ionic with oxygen ion transference number of 1 over the whole temperature range of 600~1000 ℃. This ceramic is obviously superior to YSZ ceramic in oxygen pump performance.

结果表明,该陶瓷样品在600~1000 ℃下氧离子迁移数为1,氧离子电导率的最大值为3.2×10-2 S·cm-1,是一个优良的氧离子导体;它的氧泵性能明显地优于YSZ。

Type CM tide gate is set in the entrance to rivers for occasions that there is little pressure loss in the pipeline, no frequent action and no high tightness requirement.

CM 型潮门主要用于对管道压力损失要求不高;非频繁动作且密封要求不高的场合。一般应用于江河沿岸、市政排水管道出口。

Note material and special anticorrosion requirements, CM-Type tide gate is supplied according to ordinary anticorrosion cast-iron and PM-Type flapper gate is ordinary

注明材质及防腐要求,不注明表示: CM 型潮门按铸铁普通防腐订货, PM 型拍门按碳钢焊接件普通防腐订货。

We did entertain some a couple days ago with a large CM out to the side of the Sun.


Some experimental results are reported on a specially designed medium consistency centrifugal stock pump, which successfully pumps up the MC-mixture of Cm���15%with stable delivery pressure.


The harvest, including harvest of branches, leaves, cutting stem or the whole plant in short-period and high-yield officinal plantation of C. fortunei should be performed in autumn and winter 3-4 years or 4-5 years after planting, of which the stem should be cut at height of 10 cm.

利用农田设施栽培和山地种植的三尖杉药用林,可分别于栽植后第3~4年和第4~6年秋冬季进行枝叶采收、截干采收和全株采收,截干采收时截干高度以10 cm最佳。

METHODS: Bone marrow was extracted from the anterior supervior iliac spine or the posterior superior iliac spine of canines of the cell transplantation group through puncture. BM-MNCs were isolated by the Ficoll density gradient isolation, and labeled with CM-DiI.


On physical examination, a pinkish, soft, smooth-surfaced, not well-demarcated, painless mass, about 4 x 3 cm, on the midline dorsum of the tongue was noted.

局部理学检查可见舌背中央有一4 x 3 cm,肉色,柔软,表面平滑,界限不明之无痛性肿块。

In side-lying, the clinical accuracy expected was 0.9 ± 0.6 cm of error while, when measured supine, it was 3.5°± 2.8° of error.

侧卧位的临床期望准确度的答应误差为0.9 ± 0.6 cm,而仰卧位的答应误差为3.5°± 2.8°。

These results indicate that the difficulties in achieving high hole concentration of 1018 cm-3 appear to be related not only to hydrogen passivation,but also to self-compensation.

这些结果表明要实现空穴浓度达1018 cm-3,不仅要考虑H的钝化作用,还要考虑Mg受主的自补偿效应。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
