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Comprehensive range analysis on all the used factors and their levels showed that the best technological conditions to make nickel electrode with best performance is specified as stoving temperature 50 ℃, rolling thickness 0.6~0.7 cm and rolling-mode rolling, and the relative influence degree of the technology factors is rolling mode>stoving temperature>rolling thickness.

用极差法对文中所用的所有因素水平的综合分析表明,制作性能优良的镍电极的最佳工艺条件为烘干温度50 ℃、厚度0.6~0.7 cm、轧压,各工艺因素对镍电极性能影响的显著性顺序为轧压方式>烘干温度>轧制厚度。

The results showed that soil wind erosion was the near-surface wind-sand activity. The sediment particle saltates mainly in 7.5-43.5 cm. Wind sediment amount decreased along height, which correlate well with power function, exponent function and logarithm function. The sediment particle composition was influenced strongly by wind erosion intensity and topsoil characteristics. However, the regularity of sediment composition was distinct in a definite paticle size in different heights. Wind erosion amount increases with wind speed exponentially, which was influenced by times that the wind does.

结果表明:阴山北麓农牧交错带土壤风蚀是一种近地表的风沙运动,风蚀物跃移颗粒体主要集中在7.5~43.5 cm高度,风蚀物含量沿高度呈一递减函数,对幂函数、指数函数和对数函数均具有较好的相关性;风蚀物颗粒组成与风蚀强度和地表状况关系密切;风蚀物颗粒组成以某一粒径范围、某一高度为界随高度的变化而表现出明显的规律性;风蚀量沿高度的变化与风力作用时间有关,风蚀量随风速的增大呈指数增加。

The company added that exceptional electrical properties including a volume resistivity of 109 ohm-cm and dielectric strength of 225 volts per mil at room temperature are provided.


Fifteen New Zealand white rabbitswere chosen for the 1 cm bone defect model of both radiuses.

将15只新西兰白兔双侧桡骨造成1 cm骨缺损模型,随机选择同一只动

Fifteen New Zealand white rabbitswere chosen for the 1 cm bone defect model of both radiuses. Randomly, one radial side was chosen for the model, and the other side was for the control one.

将15只新西兰白兔双侧桡骨造成1 cm骨缺损模型,随机选择同一只动物的一侧为实验侧,自体配对的另一侧为对照侧。

To sample the radicles and cotyledons respectively while the radicles was 1 cm long, the total soluble protein, the malondialdehyde content, the activites of superoxide dismutase, the catalase and the peroxide enzyme were determined.

确定供试种子批种子活力正常后,在萌发种于胚根长到1 cm时,分胚根和子叶两个部位取样测定其可溶性蛋白质含量、丙二醛含量及超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性等生理指标。

To achieve compact all-solid-state laser's operation, a plane-parallel cavity was employed with two mirrors separated by 1 cm, and obtained the fundamental-wave laser with central wavelength at 1044 nm. The maximal output power of 1.38 W was obtained with an absorbed power of 4.22 W, which corresponded to slope efficiency of 54%.

为了实现紧凑的新型全固态激光器的激光运转,设计了一个平平谐振腔,两个镜子的分开距离仅为1 cm,在这种腔结构下,得到了中心波长为1044 nm的基频激光输出,当吸收抽运功率为4.22 W时,基频激光的最大输出功率为1.38 W,相应功率曲线最大斜效率为54%。

After removing the plane-parallel cavity, the seed pulse energy is about 8 mJ from the grating cavity and the energy is boosted to 60mJ with additional double pass amplification and extender telescrope. And the line-width of the seed pulse is 0.6 cm-1, near the diffraction limit, and meets the demand of the following amplification.

实验获得了8 mJ的主振荡器激光能量输出,经过双程放大和望远镜扩束后输出激光能量达60 mJ,线宽为0.6 cm-1,光束发散角接近衍射极限,满足了后续放大需要。

The results show that,in the natural conditions,the intensity of sap flow of Populus populars was 0.088 L·cm -2 ·d -1 .The velocity of sap flow at different depths below the cambium showed the same temporal changes of Populus populars .

结果表明,在正常生长状态下,小美旱杨树干单位面积液流通量为 0 。0 88L·cm- 2· d- 1;形成层以下不同深度的树液流速具有相同的日变化趋势,在中午前后各深度流速值均达到最大,各深度流速差值亦达到最大。

METHODS: The blood supply of fibular musculocutaneous flap and the biomechanical characteristics of heel were studied by anatomical examination. One case with right heel full defect because of explosion injury was repaired by transfer of reversed island fibular vessels. The fibular flap was 14 cm in length with part of peroneus muscle and long flexor muscle of great toe. RESULTS: The lower part of fibular artery had plentiful anastomosis with anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery, which could provide ideal reversed blood supply.

应用解剖学的方法研究腓骨肌皮瓣血供及跟骨的生物力学特征,并在标本上进行摹拟手术。1998年5月为1例右足跟爆炸伤后2个月,全足跟缺损患者采用腓血管蒂逆行岛状腓骨肌皮瓣移位修复,腓骨瓣长14cm,带部分腓骨肌及口止母长屈肌,皮瓣为14cm×12 cm。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
