英语人>网络例句>cm. 相关的网络例句
与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

About 1 inch (1.5-2.5 cm) of the grip protrudes above where it rests across your hand.

大约1英寸( 1月5日至2月5日cm )的抓地力防以上,而在于你的手。

Cm is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding.


The sulfurized film is quite stable and will not decay even under the illumination of high power desity of l. 5kw/cm��� of the Ar〓 laser or an exposure to air of about seven months.


The results show that, under each drip irrigation treatment before the tasselling stage of spring maize, the fluctuation of average soil water content and soil matric potential at different soil depthes are comparative low under high frequency drip irrigation treatment, and the HDI can hold stable soil water content. The drip irrigation can obviously delay the effect of air temperature on the soil temperature, which was influenced by irrigation process, soil water content and crop growth stages. In addition, the irrigation frequency affects the spring maize root distribution in the soil, and the HDI improves the probability of root distribution in upper soil(0~40 cm). The yield difference of spring maize for irrigation frequency treatments is not significant under the typical field irrigation model combined irrigation with precipitation.

试验结果表明:在春玉米抽雄期以前阶段实施的滴灌各处理中,高频滴灌下土壤平均含水率和不同深度处的土壤基质势波动幅度较小,高频滴灌下土壤水分能保持在一个比较稳定的范围;土壤温度受灌水过程、土壤含水率及作物生育阶段的影响较明显,滴灌能显著延迟气温对土壤温度的影响;灌水频率对春玉米根系分布存在一定影响,高频灌溉能显著促进春玉米根系在上层土壤(0~40 cm)中的分布;此外,在这种典型的灌溉和降雨相结合灌溉模式下,不同灌水频率下玉米产量差异不显著。

The animal models of denervated musculus triceps surae were establ ished by transecting right tibial nerve and commom peroneal nerve 1.5 cm above the knee joints.

于右股部膝关节上1.5 cm 处水平切断胫神经及腓总神经,近端反折缝合,建立小腿三头肌失神经支配模型。

METHODS: The articular surfaces of the proximal ulna and cortex of horse ulnas were sawn to expose the trabecular bone, and only 15 cm proximal ulna was retained.

将40根马尺骨近端关节面及皮质锯除,使其正好暴露骨小梁面,保留近端15 cm锯除远端。

Flippers the size of the fins to be shorter than normal, longer than the short paragraph fins, probably more than 40 cm, fins seem weak, but the palm is rigid full of vamps have sufficient width, according to principles of fluid dynamics trigeminal bit in line with the pp material, so a better force.


Experiments were performed in a range of liquid superficial velocities, from 12 to 23 cm/s.

实验在液体超临界流速(12-23 cm/s)的范围内进行。

The FTIR absorption bands was appearing at around 804 cm 1 and the characteristic formation of organosilicate.

在FTIR中发现804 cm 1的吸收峰,其表示二氧化矽的形成。

The character amino group vibration absorption bands were displayed in FTIR/ATR spectrum at 3352 and 1613 cm^(-1), respectively.

傅里叶变换红外光谱图谱在3352和1613 cm^(-1)处出现了新的氨基吸收峰,证实了表面接枝了氨基。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
