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The results indicated that the growth of 3-year-old Prunus salicina was significantly higher than that of the other species, such as 139.1% and 153.7% higher than Toona sinensis and Juglans regia in height growth, respectively. The maximum percentage of DBH more than 1.0 cm was 91.9% for P. salicina. Next were 49.5% and 48.8% for Ulmus pumila and Pteroceltis tatarinowii, respectively. The contents of total N, total P and total K ranged from 1.36% to 2.52% in the leaves of testing species. The highest content of total N and total P was found in the leaves of Catalpa bungei, while the highest content of total K was observed in P. saltcina leaves. The results indicated that P. salicina, P. tatarinowii, U. pumila had well adaptability on the Karst area both in the growth status and the improvement to the soil with the fallen leaf.

结果表明:(1)3年生冰脆李的生长量明显优于其他树种,其高生长比香椿、核桃分别大139.1%和153.7%;植株胸径大于等于1.0 cm株数的百分比以冰脆李最高达到91.9%,其次是榆树和青檀,分别是49.5%和48.8%;(2)8个树种落叶的全N、全P和全K的总含量变动为1.36%~2.52%,其中全N、全P含量以滇楸最高,全K含量以冰脆李最大;(3)从各树种落叶前后各元素含量及其转移情况看,冰脆李、青檀表现出对大部分营养元素具有较高的循环利用养分或保持养分的能力,而香椿及刺槐相对较弱。

Results show that water consumptions increase with the increase of mowed heights of turf grasses, which differed for different species. The reducing percentage of water consumptions for the grasses mowed to 5 cm height are 36.78%, 34.02% and 33.54% compared with unmowed grasses. 34.78% of average water consumption is expected to be consumed.

研究结果表明:草坪草的耗水量均随修剪留茬高度增加而增加,不同草种间存在差异。3种草坪草修剪留茬高度为5 cm时较不修剪耗水量减少36.78%、34.02%、33.54%,平均减少耗水量34.78%。

For 0.5 MeV electron, the energy deposition distributions of pumping direction are almost uniform. In the lasing direction, because of a 14 cm unpumped area between two e beam windows the spatial profile of energy deposition takes the shape of a saddle.

对0.5 MeV的电子,泵浦方向能量沉积基本均匀,而在轴向,因为两窗口间的14 cm&死区&使得能量沉积呈&马鞍形&,峰谷比为2~3。

The order spatial variation of soil surface compaction was in the land reclaimed five years(68.40%), next was unsubsided land(52.58%) and the lowest was the land being reclaimed(22.01%); in terms of the variation, the soil compaction is higher and the variation is lower to each soil layer of being reclaimed land, and the compaction of the first three layer is lower but the variation is higher to other redamed land, to the fourth layer(22.86~30.48 cm) is higher and variation is lower, and the compaction under the forth layer is nearly stable.

表层土壤压实度空间变异最大的是复垦5 a的土地(变异系数为68.40%),其次是未塌陷土地(52.58%),最小的是正在复垦的土地(22.01%)。从各层的变异情况看,正在复垦的土地各个层次土壤压实度都较大且变异系数较低,其他复垦年限土壤压实度上面3层较小但变异大,至第4层(22.86~30.48 cm)达到较高值,且变异较小,之下压实度基本稳定。

The mountain catfish Amphilius uranoscopus preferred shallow habitat(50 cm) with coarse substrate and moderate flow(0.4-1 m/s).

瞻星平鳍鲇通常喜欢生活在水深小于50 cm、流速0.4-1 m/s的缓流河段,这里水色较深,河底多卵石。

The composition and distribution of lichens were influenced by the aspects of the trucks, host trees and their sizes. Richer number and amounts of lichens are found on southern aspect of trunks. Vaccinium duclouxii was the host tree with the richest epiphytic lichens in the forests in the area . Most epiphytic lichens occurred on medium stems of DBH 5.0–25.0 cm.

树干方位、宿主种类和宿主径级等都对附生地衣的物种组成和多样性有着重要影响,附生地衣更多地出现于树干南向方位,云南越桔的附生地衣最为丰富,胸径5.0–25.0 cm 的树木上附生地衣较多。

The results of Faraday rotation showed that Cd0.8Mn0.2Te had a Verdet constant up to 2 103deg/cm.T and a single-oscillator model fitted the data very well with the exciton energy E0=1.831eV, which proved that the sp-d exchange interaction was the main reason that introduced Faraday rotation to Cd0.8Mn0.2Te.

法拉第效应研究表明,晶体的Verdet常数的绝对值达到2 103deg/cm.T,采用单振子模型能够很好地拟合实验数据,得出晶体的激子能量E0=1.831eV,说明sp-d交换相互作用引起的激子跃迁对晶体的巨法拉第效应起到主要作用。

The 3565 cm-1 band, on the other hand, progressively decreases in intensity with increasing n and it disappears completely at n = 8, suggesting that the protonated serine octamer is dominated by zwitterionic structures.Chapter four gives a conclusion.

当此团簇的丝胺酸数目渐多时,第一根吸收峰(3565 cm-1)的高度则随著渐减,直到八聚体时这根吸收峰完全消失,证明了质子化丝胺酸八聚体在气相状态下的结构是以两性离子为主。

METHODS: Tubes of polyethylene, polyvinyl chlorid and silastic were established by 3.7 mm inner diameter, 3.5 mm external diameter, and 35 cm length, respectively.

制备聚氯乙烯管、聚乙烯管、硅橡胶管的内径3.7 mm,外径5 mm,长35 cm。

METHODS: Fresh human amnions were clipped to pieces which were sutured in a shape like muff by utilizing epidural tubes as a stent. When 4 cm section of ureter in length was excised to replace the defected ureter. 36 rabbit models were divided medially into the 1-month therapy and 3-month therapy groups. At the end of study, all amnion-ureter were sliced and examined with pathologic method or immunohistochemistry to check expressions of α-actin in smooth muscle cells and CKAE1/AE3 in transitional epithelial cells.

新鲜人羊膜裁剪成片状,以硬膜外导管为支架,做成袖套状,替代4 cm的大白兔输尿管缺损。36只成模大白兔均分为1个月治疗组和3个月治疗组,实验结束时,取羊膜输尿管行病理学检查和免疫组织化学检查平滑肌细胞α-Actin和移行上皮细胞CKAE1/AE3的表达情况。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
