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A 2.8-inch (7.112 cm) homochromous flexible display was fabricated on a plastic substrate, which showed a luminance of 120 cd/m2 at a drive-voltage of 12 V. A top-emitting FOLED was fabricated on a metal substrate. The efficiency of FOLED is close to OLED on a glass substrate, and the CIE coordinates are about (x=0.69,y=0.31). The color purity of the top-emitting device on metal substrate is much improved.

在聚合物衬底上成功制备了2.8 inch(7.112 cm)的128×64单色FOLED显示屏,在驱动电压12 V时屏体亮度达到120 cd/m2;在金属衬底上,采用顶发光技术制备了FOLED元器件,顶发光器件与相对同发光层结构底发光器件有相近的电流效率,色坐标(x=0.69,y=0.31),色纯度优于相同发光层结构的底发光器件。

The SA, larger than hyperplasic polyps obviously were found in patients 21.63% with diameter (larger than 1 cm). The incidence of pedunculated polyps in SA (8.33%) was higher than that in hyperplasic polyps (5.71%), but less than that in adenomatous polyps (40.84%).

SA直径>1 cm者占21.63%,明显大于增生性息肉(8.57%);SA表现为有蒂息肉所占的比例(8.33%)略高于增生性息肉(5.71%),但都低于腺瘤性息肉(40.84%)。

Results: 8 cases of patients were vaginal delivery; cesarean section delivery in parallel with hysteromyomectomy were 21 cases;1 case was multiple fibroids and the diameters were>5 cm, with more bleeding and a larger wound during the operation d, so we took total hysterectomy to avoid infection; 1 case of cervical fibroids, which did not be removed in the cesarean section because of its special position.

结果:患者阴道分娩8例;行剖宫产术分娩并行子宫肌瘤剔除术21例;1例为肌瘤多发,且直径均>5 cm,术中出血较多,且创面较大,为避免感染和出血行全子宫切除;1例为子宫颈肌瘤,因其特殊位置,剖宫产时未行剔除术。

Method]Ten adult mixed breed dogs without significant individual difference were made transverse fracture at bilateral iliopectineal crest 1.5 cm above the dome of acetabulum, which were fixed with ATMFS or steel plate respectively. The animals were sacrificed and specimens were procured at 2,4,6,8 and 12 weeks after operation.Samples from the fracture gaps were investigated by histology of HE and Masson staining,image pattern analysis of new bone formation.

方法]选用10只成年杂种家犬,双侧髋臼臼顶上方1.5 cm处横形截骨,分别采用ATMFS(骨盆髋臼三维记忆内固定系统)前柱固定器和5孔重建钢板内固定,于术后2、4、6、8、12周处死动物取材,行HE染色、Masson三色法染色组织学检查,图像分析新骨形成积分光密度值,研究不同应力作用模式下的骨盆骨折愈合情况。

Method]Ten adult mixed breed dogs without significant individual difference were made transverse fracture at bilateral iliopectineal crest 1.5 cm above the dome of acetabulum, which were fixed with ATMFS or steel plate respectively. The animals were sacrificed and specimens were procured at 2,4,6,8 and 12 weeks after operation.

]选用10只成年杂种家犬,双侧髋臼臼顶上方1.5 cm处横形截骨,分别采用ATMFS(骨盆髋臼三维记忆内固定系统)前柱固定器和5孔重建钢板内固定,于术后2、4、6、8、12周处死动物取材,行HE染色、Masson三色法染色组织学检查,图像分析新骨形成积分光密度值,研究不同应力作用模式下的骨盆骨折愈合情况。

[Objective]To explore the effect of continuous physiological osteogenic stress on the bone healing of canine iliopectineal crest.[Method]Ten adult mixed breed dogs without significant individual difference were made transverse fracture at bilateral iliopectineal crest 1.5 cm above the dome of acetabulum,which were fixed with ATMFS or steel plate respectively. The animals were sacrificed and specimens were procured at 2,4,6,8 and 12 weeks after operation.Samples from the fracture gaps were investigated by histology of HE and Masson staining,image pattern analysis of new bone formation.

探讨持续顺应生理力线的压应力对犬骨盆弓状线部骨折愈合的影响[方法]选用10只成年杂家犬,双侧髋臼臼顶上方1.5 cm处横形截骨,分别采用ATMFS(骨盆髋臼三维记忆内固定系统)柱固定器和5孔重建钢板内固定,于术后2、4、6、8、12周处死动物取材,行HE染色、Masson三色法染色组织学检查,图像分析新骨形成积分光密度值,研究不同应力作用模式下的骨盆骨折愈合情况。

In combination of oxygen nonstoichiometry data determined using the iodometric titration, the oxygen chemical diffusion coefficient D〓 for YBa〓Cu〓O〓 is calculated. D〓 takes a value of 7. 8×10〓 at 650℃ and 2. 0×l0〓cm���s〓 at 800℃, and the associated apparent activation energy is 51±0.9 kJ·mol〓.

根据Fick第一定律,结合氧渗透率数据及氧非化学计量数据,可计算出YBa〓Cu〓O〓的氧化学扩散系数D〓在650~800℃,D〓为7.8×10〓~2.0×10〓cm〓,D〓的表观活化能为51±〓0.9 kJ·mol〓。

The distance from the ischial spine to the ureter was (4.8±2.0)cm.


The apparent density increased with the increase of Ag~+ complexing reagent A concentration, loadage, silver content and granularity, it firstly increased and then decreased with the increase of Cu/Ag ration, and it had no relation to other factors, and it was 1.3-1.4g/cm~3 usually.


A giant speckled longfin eel (Anguilla reinhardtii Steindachner, 1867) measuring 175 cm and weighing 18 kg was captured from the Sun Moon Lake of Central Taiwan on 23 January 2008. This was the first record of this exotic species from inland waters of Taiwan, and the largest of the kind outside its native ranges of New Guinea and East Australia.

2008年1月23日,1尾体长175 cm、体重18 kg的大型外来鱼种宽鳍鳗(Anguilla reinhardtiiSteindachner, 1867)在台湾中部的日月潭被当地民众钓获,这是台湾天然内陆水域的新纪录种,也是在宽鳍鳗原产地新几内亚和澳洲东岸以外区域所发现的最大个体。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
