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Bright pink gelatiniform liquid with mass ratio of sodium alginate and gelatin of 2:3 was prepared. Rabbit osteoblasts at 5×109/L were mixed with CaCl2 solution to form fruit jelly-shaped sodium alginate-gelatin/osteoblast gel. Critical-sized calvarial defects were created in diameter of 1.5 cm in 15 rabbits. After 1 week, cell/scaffold complex (0.5 mL) was implanted.

制备海藻酸钠与明胶质量比为2∶3的透明粉红色胶状液体,引入兔成骨细胞,细胞终密度为5×109 L-1,与CaCl2溶液混合,形成果冻样海藻酸钠-明胶共混体系/成骨细胞凝胶。15只兔颅骨均制备直径1.5 cm的极限缺损,1周后植入凝胶复合体0.5 mL进行修复。

Bright pink gelatiniform liquid with mass ratio of sodium alginate and gelatin at ratio of 2:3 was prepared. Rabbit osteoblasts with final concentration of 5×109/L were mixed with CaCl2 solution to form fruit jelly-shaped sodium alginate-gelatin/osteoblast gel. Critical-sized calvarial defects were created in diameter of 1.5 cm in 12 rabbits. After 1 week, cell/scaffold complex (0.5 mL) was implanted to repair the bone defect in the experimental group. There was no treatment in the control group.

制备海藻酸钠与明胶质量比为2∶3的透明粉红色胶状液体,引入兔成骨细胞,细胞终浓度为5×109 L-1,与CaCl2溶液混合,形成果冻样海藻酸钠-明胶共混体系/成骨细胞凝胶。12只兔颅骨均制备直径1.5 cm的极限缺损,1周后实验组植入凝胶复合体0.5 mL进行修复,对照组不植入任何材料。

Results:The descending genicular artery originated from the femoral artery in 95%of the specimens with a distance of 7.8±0.8 cm to tubercle of the adductor magnus.Ninety percent of the artery gave off saphenous branch,articular branch and medial femoral muscular branch.The external diameter of the artery and its articular branch that supplies the adductor magnus tendon and femoral internal condyle is 1.9±0.4 mm and 1.4±0.4 mm indivudually.

结果:膝降动脉95%起于股动脉,起始处距收肌结节7.8±0.8 cm,膝降动脉90%发出隐支、股内侧肌支和关节支,膝降动脉和关节支起始外径分别为:1.9±0.4 mm和1.4±0.4 mm,关节支伴大收肌腱下行,分支供养大收肌腱及股骨内侧髁。

Results: the location, shape and number of the sympathetic ganglia were quite variable, and there was 1 to 6 in number unilaterally. Lumbar sympathetic trunk divided into 2-3 branches at the distal part were found in 12 sides. Lumbar arteries were all located under the lumbar sympathetic trunk and the lumbar veins, consisting (68.42+4.35)% situated superficially to the trunk, mainly in L4 arid L5 veins. Genitofemoral nerve pierced psoas muscle at the level of L2-L4 or its intervertebral disc (0.83±0.48) cm away from the medial edge of psoas muscle.


In total, 69 species of seeds were recorded in the soil seed bank, with a very low density of germinable seeds and most of them were buried in 2~5 cm in soil. Seedling density of C.

福建青冈天然林土壤种子库有69种植物种子,但种子数量较少,且分布不均匀,种子库中78.42%种子分布在2~5 cm土层中。

The soil under grassed elleyways had higher NH4+,and K,but lower NO3- than the soil under herbicide strip,with exception that the soil in the layer of 0~10 cm under herbicide strip had higher content of K.

施肥增加土壤速效N的含量。土壤NO3-的季节性变化表明5至6月份土壤中NO3-的含量高,而花前和7月份土壤中NO3-含量低。P、K在清耕带10 cm以下土壤的含量低于生草地土壤,但在0~10cm土层中K的含量高于生草地。P的含量不受影响。

The canopy of the species is strong in obstructing storms and reducing soil surface erosion and the water-holding capacity.As a result,the surface erosion is less than that on the grassed slope by 11%;the litter under the canopy has a depth of 5.5 cm on the average;and each adult tree can hold 0.3~0.69 m3 of rainfall.

杨梅树冠和树形有极强的阻截暴雨,减少地表径流以及蓄水能力,地表径流比草坡减少11%,树冠下部凋落物平均厚度5.5 cm,每株成年树可保存0.30~0.69 m3的降水量。

With adjacent semi-moving dune as the control, this paper studied the effects of 5-, 10- and 22-year old Hedysarum fruticosum plantations on the nutrient status, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities at the soil depths 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm.

以半流动沙丘为对照,对5、10和22年生山竹岩黄蓍人工固沙群落不同层次(0~10、10~20 和 20~30 cm)土壤的养分状况、微生物生物量和土壤酶活性进行了对比研究。

Results 102 cases of liver and spleen rupture in patients with conservative treatment, Hemoperitoneum full absorption of 73 cases of liver and spleen injuries fully restored, and 29 cases of liver and spleen damage the basic recovery, residual 2~3 cm in diameter around a little low-density area or a computerized stove, follow-up 1~3 months, respectively, disappeared.

结果 102例肝脾破裂患者经保守治疗,腹腔积血全吸收,73例肝脾损伤完全恢复,29例肝脾损伤基本恢复,残留少许直径 2~3 cm左右低密度区或机化灶,随访分别于1~3个月基本消失。

MRI showed this heterogeneously enhancing mass to be about 8 x 6 x 6 cm in size, and was in the muscles and fascia.

MRI 显示为均质增强的肿物,大小为8 x 6 x 6 cm ,位于肌肉和筋膜内。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
