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RESULTS: The median distance from the duodenojejunal flexure to the loop stoma was 80 (range 30-170) cm.

结果:袢式造瘘与十二指肠空肠返折处的平均距离为80 cm (30~170cm )。

In 10 nonrecruiters, alveolar recruitment was minimal, oxygenation did not improve, and static lung elastance significantly increased (from 26 ± 5 to 28 ± 6 cm H2O/L).

另外10例非受试者中,很少出现肺泡复张、氧合无改善、静态肺弹性显著增加(from 26 ± 5 to 28 ± 6 cm H2O/L)。

The cleavation rates and blastocyst development rates of cloned embryos were used to assess the efficiency of different operational procedure. Finally, the best combination of operational procedure, that the spindle-viewer system was used for oocytes enucleating, and donor cell was electrofused into ooplasm by electrical pulse (1.9 kV/cm, 10 ms, two) to reconstruct bovine cloned embryos.

以核移植胚胎的卵裂率、囊胚发育率作为检测指标,对不同的方法所获得的克隆胚胎的卵分裂率与囊胚发育率进行比较,最后筛选获得1个优化的牛体细胞核移植操作程序,即采用Spindle view系统对牛卵母细胞进行去核操作,将供核体细胞注射到卵周隙,然后通过电融合法将供体核引入去核卵细胞质(电融合参数为1.9 kV/cm,脉冲时程10 ms,方波2次间隔2 s)。

Cardiac puncture approach: in the bottom ensisternum with 25°~30° angle oblique upward the needle into the skin, the needle through the diaphragm continue oblique prick into 2.5~3.0 cm.

心脏穿刺采血方法:剑突下,以角度25°~30°斜行向上进针刺入皮下,针尖穿过横膈膜继续斜行刺入2.5~3.0 cm。

The result shows that the chest measurement increment and the dispersion of the upper and lower chest measurement will increase by equidifferent with chest height increasing by 1 cm, the variable is all provided by the front bodice, the breast convex amount, shoulder dart and waist dart will increase correspondingly, and the measurement size of the back bodice don't change.

结果显示:胸高每增高1 cm,胸围增量、胸上下围差量呈等差增加,变量都由前衣片提供,乳凸量、肩省、腰节省都相应增大,后衣身各项围度尺寸没有变化。

A precondition was that the stand diameter grew 2 cm every year. For Evodia meliaefolia community, in the competitive living space by close cover stand, the ratio remained low for ten years with little fluctuation. However, in the unlimited open space, the ratio reached two peak values, with the first appearing in the eighth year, and the second in the eleventh year.

在假设了楝叶吴茱萸和油茶每年胸径生长2 cm的前提下,楝叶吴茱萸冠层总面积变化规律是:在郁闭林分被抑制的生长空间里,楝叶吴茱萸冠层总面积扩散速率可以长达10多年基本维持在一个很低的水平下,而且基本没有太大的变化;在获得充分开阔的生长空间里,楝叶吴茱萸冠层总面积扩散速率出现两个增长高峰,一个出现在第八年,一个出现在第十一年。

Results:The falciform ligament was the outside marker of left interlobar fissure. It did not coincide with the inner demarcation, and there were 1~2 cm left or right deviation at the middle part.

结果:肝左叶间裂以镰状韧带为外部分界标志,与内部真正的分界不完全一致,该裂中部向左右偏移可分别达1~2 cm。

At the same time, with the rapid development of the ultrashort-laser-pulse technology, the focusable intensity of 10〓W/cm��� can be realized on a compact table-top laser system, which can support the electric field that is much higher than that in H atom.


The oxidant 〓 plays indirect role in dissolving gold, and mainly controls the mix potential of Au in the alkaline thiourea solution. In which the "mix potential"is the decisive factor affecting the dissolution of gold. The reaction driving force is enough to have formamidine disulfide oxidize Au to Au〓 at the potential of about 0.4V. And then thiourea molecular complexes with Au〓 ion soon, which causes the fast dissolution of gold in the alkaline thiourea media. The dissolved weight of gold in 0.25 M thiourea solution with 0.05M Na〓SO〓 and 0.1M 〓 of pH 12. 5 by air at the temperature of 303K is 7. 8mg·cm��� within 1hr.

在碱性硫脲溶金过程不起直接作用,而是通过S〓O〓来控制二硫甲脒有效形成的金在溶液中的混合电位;&混合电位&是影响碱性硫脲溶液溶金与否的决定性因素,在0.4V左右,有足够的推动力致使二硫甲脒氧化Au成Au〓,随后硫脲与Au〓络合形成稳定的络离子Au〓,从而使金快速溶解;温度为303K、pH为12.5时,在含0.05MNa〓SO〓、0.1M 〓及0.25M硫脲的溶液中,鼓入空气,金的溶解量在1hr内为7.8mg·cm〓;铜只有微量溶解,银、镍、铁则几乎不溶解。

All rocks release large fraction of argon between 300 and 700℃ except garnetiferous mica schist. The amount of argon released between 700 and 1100℃ has a positive relation to Ca/K value on the whole. The saturation implantation dose of rocks in this experiment is~10〓 ions/cm���.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
