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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A caecal diameter 8 cm with a concomitant 10% increase after initial successful therapeutic interention was considered as a relapse and these patients, after a second therapeutic interention, were eligible to receie open label PEG.

第一次治疗成功后盲肠直径≥8 cm并且增加10%被认为是复发,而且这些复发的患者在第二次治疗后符合接受PEG开放性标记试验的条件。

Fourteen cases were converted to laparotomy (including 4 cases of type I Mirizzi syndrome, 4 cases of type II which all converted to laparotomy. 2 cases with the location of cystic duct into the common bile duct much lower than normal one, 2 cases with the confluence of cystic duct and cho ledoch locating in the posterior wall of choledoch. 1 case with a public wall shared for about 2 cm between the cystic duct and the choledoch).

结果 全组90例,术中中转开腹14例(包括Mirizzi综合征Ⅰ型4例Ⅱ型4例全部中转;胆囊管汇入胆总管过低2例;胆囊管开口于胆总管后壁2例;胆囊管与胆总管共同一侧壁,并并行约2 cm 1例;右肝管汇入胆囊管1例,开腹术中证实)。

Results When the interval between the end of the injection and commencement of the irradiation was 10 s,and 5, 10 and 15 minutes, the rate of choriocapillaris occlusion was 100%,100%,0%,0%; 100%,100%,20%,0%; and 100%,100%,40%,0% with 16, 30 and 40 J/cm^2, respectively.


The normal choriocapillaris of the New Zealand rabbit was used to test photodynamic effect by HMME, which dose was HMME 5mg/kg body weight and was activated by 532nm laser with fluence of 20, 30, 45 and 60 J/cm within 10 seconds after intravenous injection of HMME.


The bone resection was divided into four steps via FLA:① drilling of the jugular tuberculum;② partial mastoidectomy;③ removal of the occipital condyle;④resection of the lateral mass of C1 with mobilization of the vertebral artery. After each step of the bone resection was completed, the exposed area of the central clival depression and the area of exposure 15 cm above the central point were calculated.

利用CT和立体定向仪对20例甲醛溶液固定的头颅标本标记斜坡中央凹陷区中心点,采用FLA入路,骨切除分四步进行:磨除颈静脉结节,部分乳突切除,枕髁全切,C1侧块切除;分别于每一步骨切除及血管神经牵拉完成后测量斜坡中央凹陷区的显露范围和位于中心点上方15 cm处术者的操作范围。

Methods Central point at the central clival depression was marked with the help of CT and stereotactic apparatus in 20 formalin-fixed cadaveric heads. The bone resection was divided into four steps via FLA:① drilling of the jugular tuberculum;② partial mastoidectomy;③ removal of the occipital condyle;④resection of the lateral mass of C1 with mobilization of the vertebral artery. After each step of the bone resection was completed, the exposed area of the central clival depression and the area of exposure 15 cm above the central point were calculated.

利用CT和立体定向仪对20例甲醛溶液固定的头颅标本标记斜坡中央凹陷区中心点,采用FLA入路,骨切除分四步进行:磨除颈静脉结节,部分乳突切除,枕髁全切,C1侧块切除;分别于每一步骨切除及血管神经牵拉完成后测量斜坡中央凹陷区的显露范围和位于中心点上方15 cm处术者的操作范围。

Result:In most cases, the recurrent laryngeal nerve diverges at the level of 1.0~2.5 cm under the cricothyroid articulation for forming the extralaryngeal division.

结果:95%喉返神经在距同侧环甲关节下方1.0~2.5 cm处形成喉返神经喉外分叉点,根据分支情况可将其分为三型。

First 27 rabbits of the experimental group were destabilizated by operated on L6、7.Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg,Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein,shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist,fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying,using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area.Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist,that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond ,from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision,cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue,thoroughly ,exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes,entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process,then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments,biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6,in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization,using 0.9% Inj.Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening,in order sewing up each layer tissues.

方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射麻醉后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。

Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg,Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein,shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist,fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying,using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area.Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist,that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond ,from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision,cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue,thoroughly ,exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes,entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process,then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments,biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6,in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization,using 0.9% Inj.Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening,in order sewing up each layer tissues.

方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射####后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。

Under the condition that irradiation energy density reaches 100mJ·cm-2, compressive stress of the hoop area evidently overruns its fracture intensity, the radius of which is 40μm from facula centre. It will result in film desquamation and exfoliation.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
