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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In mother scale, ratio of scaly leaf emergence was higher on bulblets of scales planted upper 1/3-1/2 of scale above the soil surface than 3 cm under the soil surface in scales planted before July 20th.

在越冬前,9月20号以前扦插繁殖的籽球会萌生鳞片叶,但不抽地上茎;7月20日前用母鳞片扦插时,1/3~l/2露出扦插比3 cm覆土扦插鳞片叶的萌生率要高。

According to his official biography, Ukyo was born in the Kohga district of Ohmi, Japan , in Meiwa 1st Year ( September 20, 1764). He stands 5 shaku 8 sun (176 cm) and weighs 11 kan me (41.25 kg).

根据SNK官方的橘右京的传记,他于明和元年(1764年)9月20日生于近江国甲贺群的马杉村,身高5尺8寸(约176 cm)体重11贯目(约41.25公斤-------好瘦!

Finally the terramechanics parameters of the lunar soil were calculated as:the deformation modulus K=1635 kN/mn+2,the sinkage exponent n=1.22 and the shearing strength displacement modulus k=1.35 cm.

最后,计算出了月壤的变形模量K为1635 kN/mn+2、变形指数n为1.22,剪切变形模量k为1.35 cm。

In crossed contamination test, hits 36 cm away from the tested sidewall were less than 2 cfu.

交叉污染实验中距被检测侧壁36 cm外的培养皿上的菌落数不大于2 cfu。

NEW YORK, Jan 2 - The decision to defer colonoscopy after medium-sized polyps (0.6 to 0.9 cm) are obsered during flexible sigmoidoscopy could mean that some adanced adenomas and cancers will be missed, according to a report in the December issue of Gastroenterology.

纽约,1月2日----据12月在《胃肠病学杂志》发表的一份报告称:在可屈性乙状结肠镜检查中发现中等大小的息肉(0.6 到 0.9 cm)之后,对其延期进行结肠镜检查意味着一些进展性的腺瘤或癌将被漏诊。

Purified protein samples were separated by 2-DE with 17 cm IPG strips, and the protein spots were detected by fast silver staining. Six protein spots were randomly excised from the silver stained gel for primary analysis by MALDI-TOF MS. Four proteins were identified, and they were 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 2, ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit, F11O4.2 and Rubisco small subunit.

根据预实验结果,选用17 cm IPG预制干胶条对纯化的蛋白样品进行2-DE实验,采用快速银染法进行染色,随机挖取银染胶上6个蛋白点进行MALDI-TOF MS分析和数据库检索,鉴定了3个蛋白,它们是:1-氨基环丙烷-1羧酸合酶2,核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶大亚基和F11O4.2。

For varying thick electrode diameter (φ11,φ16,φ21) of spark counter, the upper linearity limit of track density are 5000, 4600 and 4000 tracks/cm~2, respectively.


Experimental TEA CO2 laser with printed circuit board preionization is used. The laser has gain length of 90 cm. The resonator is composed of a total-reflective concave spherical mirror of curvature radius 20 m and a total-reflective plane mirror of mirror radius 4.5 mm, separated by 5 m distance.

实验中TEA CO2激光器采用印刷电路板预电离结构,增益长度90 cm,腔长5 m,球面全反射镜曲率半径20 m,输出端平面镜半径4.5 mm,得到了内环半径为4.5 mm、外环半径为5.5 mm的基模环形光斑输出。

The source model consists of a photon fluence grid that is composed of a matrix of square elements, and is located 20 cm underneath the linear accelerator target.

建立的源模型包含一个由方形网格元素组成的光子通量矩阵,定位于距离加速器靶下方20 cm处。

Methods 56 patients with complicated renal calculi were investigated retrospectively, including 43 cases with unilateral calculi, 13 cases with bilateral calculi, 48 cases with staghorn calculi,18 cases with pyonephrosis. The longitudinal size of calculi was 5-8 cm.

对接受经皮肾镜气压弹道超声碎石术的56例复杂性肾结石患者的资料进行回顾性分析,其中单侧结石 43例,双侧结石13 例,鹿角形结石 48例,合并脓肾18例,合并肾积水11例,结石长径5~8 cm。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
