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Someone was quite serious about their collecting and assembled all of the orthoclase crystal forms typically found at this famous Colorado locality. 14.7 x 10.8 x 4.0 cm

看来有人非常认真地进行收藏,收集到了科罗拉多这一著名产地出产的所有典型晶形的正长石标本。14.7 x 10.8 x 4.0 cm

Beijing Jinsoar Armarium Co., Ltd. is a is a manufacturer based on research, development, production and sale of rehabilitation physiotherapy equipment. The company is in possession of professionals with responsibilities for manufacture and development and a marketing team with super quality and full of experience. It has created a stable marketing channel all over the country.CM Series PC-IF electrotherapy instrument, which is a patent to this company, is the use of modern computer technology to make the clinical experience into prescription, forming a unique multi-step procedures for current therapies, acting upon the human body, so that users have pushing, grabbing, knocking, kneading, rolling, fluttering and other many varieties of manual massage feelings, is useful to diminish inflammation, to ease pain, to simulate the circulation of blood and to improve blood circulation, playing good treatment effects on soft tissue injury, neuromuscular disease and osteoarthropathy. It has already been used widely by many hospitals and spas in and ouf of the country.


The tumors diameter varied 2~12 cm, the upper outer quadrant was the most commonly involved site. All tumors were high uniformity density, no calcifications, their shape including oval and-Shaped, and surface depressed in 2 enormous mass.

肿块直径2~12 cm,外上象限多见,形态分别为椭圆形、分叶形,边界均较清晰,巨大肿块2例表面凹陷;9例均呈实质性均匀密度,无钙化;5例边界有透明晕环绕,腋窝均未见肿大淋巴结。

The present study investigatated the effect on the diversification of weed community, including weed abundance, dominance, evenness, biomass, and mean height after mulching straw and intercropping white clover in the tea plantation from 2005 to 2006. The results were as follows: 16 families and 31 species were found in total. In April, the dominant species characterized with slow growth, lower biomass, and less than 30 cm height; in July those who grow faster with higher biomass and height became dominant; In September, these malignant communities reduced, while the oxalis and diffusa characterized with lower biomass and low height gradually increased. In the three seasons, the weed abundance, community diversity and evenness increased, and the dominance, the biomass and average height of weeds remarkably reduced after intercropping white clover and muching straw.

结果表明:茶园共有杂草16科31属31种,春季(4月)以生长速度较慢、生物量小、株高在30 cm以下的杂草为主,夏季(7月)以生长快、植株高和生物量大恶性杂草为主,秋季(9月)恶性杂草开始减少,酢浆草、白花蛇舌草等生物量小、株高矮的杂草逐渐增多;稻草覆盖处理茶园春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度等指数均高于清耕对照,优势集中性指数低于清耕对照;间种白三叶草处理春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草总数量和生物量均显著低于清耕对照,夏、秋季杂草平均株高显著低于清耕对照;稻草覆盖和间种白三叶草处理春季茶芽重和产量显著高于清耕对照,鲜叶中游离氨基酸含量高于清耕对照,茶叶感官评审得分高于清耕对照处理。

In breeding and cultivating high yield C. pepo in sunlit greenhouse, emphasis should be placed on the construction of plant type with over 12 functional leaves, average leaf area of 700~800 cm2, average internode length of approximately 3.3 cm and upper leaf angle of 45°~66°.

在日光温室高产西葫芦育种和栽培中,要注重构建功能叶片数达12片以上、平均叶面积达700~800 cm2、节间长平均在3.3 cm左右、上层叶倾角在45°~66°之间的株型,以获得较高产量。

The perpendicular distance of radial branch of the ulnar bifurcate to the radial styloid was (1.0 ± 0.3) cm.

尺神经浅支手背支均从尺骨茎突的掌侧走行,与尺骨茎突距离为(0.9 0.3)cm。

Methods 140 patients were divided into experiment group(70 patients) and control group(also 70 patients) in random.In the experiment group we anesthetize,in infiltrating manner,the par laryngea pharynges by 2% lidocaine before intubation,and elevate the head when the gastric canal was inserted 10~15 cm and make sure the mandible close to sternum to augment to radian of the par laryngea pharynges.In control group we adopted the traditional manner.

将140例患者随机分为试验组和对照组各70例,试验组采用置管前使用2%利多卡因行咽喉部黏膜浸润麻醉,胃管插入10~15 cm时抬起头部使下颌骨贴近胸骨增大咽喉部弧度将胃管经口置入,对照组采用传统经口置入。

The diffusion coefficient of Li〓 in solid phase determined by constant potential step method is about 10〓cm���/s.


Based on the conclusion of experimental law, the photoelectric threshold condition is obtained for the semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive switch under the non-linear mode, pointing it out that, when the optic-energy triggers off the switch to meet the prerequisite that n_0L is greater than or equal to 10~(12)cm~(-2), the necessary condition is achieved for high field domain and meanwhile the threshold electric field serves to produce charge transmission effect within the material.


Its main features were: the flowering branch 70~170 cm; the inflorescence is racemes or simple panicle; the axis of inflorescence is thick, and the node is distict; there are 4~5 florets in a spikelet, and the spikelet is non-stem; small rachis internodes glabrous, and the pikelet like a stick; there are 2 membrane glume; the lemma is longer or equal to the palea; there are 2 squamas, and 6 stamens; its ovarium like ovatum; there are 3 brushy tigmas; did not see the caryopsis; flowering February-March.

摘要《中国植物志》第九卷第一分册及其它的相关文献均无关于竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹花的描述或记录,本文作者采集制作了该竹子繁殖器官标本,并分别用中文和拉丁文对其进行了描述,其主要特征:花枝长70~170 cm;花序为总状花序或简单的圆锥花序;花序轴粗,节明显;小穗含4~5朵小花;小穗无柄;小穗轴节间无毛,呈棒状;颖2,膜质;外稃长或等于内稃;鳞被2;雄蕊6;子房卵形;柱头3,呈毛刷状;颖果未见。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
