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Methods Linkmax HV, Nexus 2(NX2), Variolink Ⅱ HV asdual-cured resin luting agents were bonded to silanized GN-Ⅰ glass ceramics, and irradiated by 800, 310 and 80 mW.cm-2light intensity to form micro-shear test specimens. After 1, 90 d water storage, micro-shear bond strength of silanized resin/ceramic luting agent were measured.

选取Linkmax HV、Nexus 2(NX2)、Variolink Ⅱ HV3种双重固化树脂粘接剂,使之与硅烷偶联剂处理的玻璃陶瓷粘接,接受800、310、80 mW·cm-2光强度照射后,制作成微剪切试件,然后在水储存1、90 d后,接受剪切实验。

Results:① The distance between handle of malleus and stapes head was(2.38±0.19)cm(2.00~2.70cm), the point selecting for measuring was outer margin of handle of malleus and stpes head.②The cross section form of one_third of the handle of malleus at the end, was triangle, the anteroposterior diameter of handle of malleus was(0.79±0.12)mm, the exterior and interior diameter was(0.58±0.10)mm at the crook point,the angle of line of manubrium mallei laid(83.24±8.33)°(66~98°)posteroinferior to arch of zygoma.③The long axis of prosthesis formed(27.60±1.75)°(24.6~30.2°)angle with the perpendicular of stapes.④The dependablity between the malleus_stapes distance and transverse diameter of tympanum, the location of umbo in tympanic membrane, the diameter of manubrium mallei, angle of line of manubrium mallei and arch of zygoma were not statistically significant.


Installing a breathable plastic pot mendicancy at the different position of vessel base to improve the rhizosphere ventilation environment to study the effects of three of different rhizosphere ventilation environment on potted cucumber at the initial stage of growth (the distance to pot mendicancy is 2, 4 and 6 cm, and show them with IC1, IC2, IC3 respectively).

为改善容器栽培根际通气环境,在距容器底部不同位置安装一透气的塑料盆托,研究了3种不同根际通气环境(盆托距花盆底部2, 4, 6 cm,分别用IC1, IC2, IC3表示)对盆栽黄瓜生长初期及根际CO2含量的影响。

Results (1) CCD fluorescent microscope was superior to laser scanning confocal microscope in collecting the fluorescent image of DCF. CCD fluorescent microscope was chosen to be the system applied in this research with the consideration of operation, cost and et al. The mercury-arc lamp of fluorescent microscope was fit for the requirement of our study. The wavelength range of the light output was 460-490 nm and the power density was about 100mW/cm in the condition of our study. Organelle-cell fluorescence intensity ratio analysis was more suitable than other methods.

结果:(1)CCD荧光显微镜采集到的DCF荧光图像的质量优于共聚焦显微镜,同时综合考虑包括采图质量、光照射剂量的可控性、实验成本和操作简便性等诸多因素,最终确定了CCD荧光显微镜作为实验研究的工具;荧光军医进修学院硕士学位论文中文摘要显微镜的汞灯输出功率稳定,光斑均匀,经本实验所选取的光路系统后输出波长范围为460一490nm,功率密度约为1 00 mw/cm;细胞器一细胞荧光强度比值法对于荧光分布位置的确定优于其他方法。

In 2005 Zhou Houqing proved a theorem about the uniqueness of meromorphic function, we consider if we can weak the condition CM to weight using the idea of sharing value with weight so as to get a better conclusion.


Concerning value distribution theory, Q.C.Zhang got the following result:Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function in C, b is a finite non-zero complex number, if f and f" CM share 0 and IM share b, then: f ≡ f", or f =(2b)/(1-ce-2z) here c is any non-zero constant.

在值分布理论中,张庆彩得到了这样的结果:设f是复平面上的非常数亚纯函数,b是非零的有限复数,若f和f′CM分担o且IM分担b,则: f≡f′,或者 f=2b/1-ce-2z ,其中c是任意非零常数。

The analysis of the samples collected from the wastewater treatment plant showed that the recycled supernatant had a pH of 7.16~8.21, a conductivity of 371.1~769.1 μmho/cm, a total dissolved solid of 193.3~399.9 mg/L, and a turbidity of 0.901~54.3 NTU. The suspended solids of the recycled supernatant was found to be 0.4~45.6 mg/L, lower than the standard value in the Effluent Standards (50 mg/L). The ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and the Total Organic Carbon of the recycled supernatant were found to be 0.06~1.5 mg/L and 1.533~17.437 mg/L, respectively. The analysis of the Chemical Oxygen Demand of the wastewater treatment plant showed a concentration of 12.1~128.5 mg/L in the sample of the recycled supernatant.

在废水处理单元采样分析结果方面,回收之上澄液之pH范围为7.168.21间、导电度值范围在371.1769.1 μmho/cm间、总溶解固体量范围在193.3399.9 mg/L间、浊度范围则在0.90154.3 NTU间;在悬浮固体方面,其回收上澄液之范围在0.445.6 mg/L间,且回收水之悬浮固体均小於放流水水质法规标准值50 mg/L;在氨氮(NH3-N)方面,回收上澄液之范围在0.061.5 mg/L间;在总有机碳部份,回收上澄液之浓度范围在1.53317.437 mg/L间;而在净水场废水处理单元化学需氧量分析结果上,可发现净水场在回收上澄液之样本部份其浓度在12.1128.5 mg/L间。

The film material has excellent ferroelectric characteristics and a residual polarized electric displacement of 10 microcoulomb/sq cm in bias of 5V, and is applicable in DRAM or nonvolatile memory.

该薄膜材料具有良好的铁电特性,在5V偏压下的剩余极化可达10μC/cm 2 ,适用于做动态随机存储器或非挥发性存储器。

METHODS: Spinal cord injury model produced in 42 Wistar rats on T7 by use of modified Allen's impact method (10 g x 5 cm); 3 days after injury, 20 microliters FSCS with a density of 1 x 10(5)/microliter prepared from E14 rat were injected into the epicenter of the traumatized cavity.

方法对 4 2只 Wistar成年大鼠以改良 Allen法(10 g× 5 cm)打击脊髓,3天后将孕 14天(E14 ) 5只胚胎脊髓细胞悬液 2 0 μl植入损伤空腔,移植后 2、4、6、8、10和 12周,以组织学、免疫组织化学观察移植物成活、分化及其与宿主之间关系。

The experimental results show that the density sensors of minim liquid have a measurement sensitivity of 10-5(g/cm**3)/ns.


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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
