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The highly dense linkage map constructed by using Map maker 3.0 software analysis which consisted of 12 linkage groups,a total of 93 newly screened markers and covered 686 cM of sorghum genome,with the average interval of 7.38 cM.

经Map maker/EXP 3.0软件处理,构建了包含12个连锁群,93个遗传标记的连锁图谱,该图谱覆盖686 cM,平均图距为7.38 cM。国家自然科学基金(30170498);;河北省自然科学基金资助项目

At Hcy/Au electrode, there were electrocatalytic responses of DA and E with ΔEp 57.5mV and 63.5mV, respectively. The standard rate constants k〓 were calculated as 2.1×10〓 cm s〓 and 1.6×10〓 cm s〓 corresponding to DA and E. The electron transfer number n〓=1 was achieved, which revealed that the 2e transfer of DA and E is not completed by one step at the electrode. Because AA also displayed electrocatalytic behavior at Hcy/Au electrode, DA and E can be determined in presence of AA.At Hcy/Au electrode, a pair of very stable and well-defined redox waves of Mb were obtained.

在Hcy/Au电极上分别得到多巴胺、肾上腺素的一对可逆的氧化还原波,求出两者的电极反应速率常数分别为2.2×10〓cm s〓和1.6×10〓cm s〓,推导出在两者的电极反应过程中均存在一个自由基并且它的形成决定了整个电极反应的速度;由于抗坏血酸在此电极上也具有电催化响应,可以在抗坏血酸存在下对多巴胺和肾上腺素进行测定。

Only 129 markers were used to construct the molecular genetic linkage map, and mapped on 21 chromosomes by Mapmaker 3.0 and Mapdraw V2.1. The map spaned about 2106.2 cM in wheat genome. The average distance of markers was 16.32 cM.

用Mapmaker 3.0和Mapdraw V2.1软件将129个SSR位点绘在小麦遗传连锁图上,该图谱覆盖小麦基因组全长2106.2 cM,标记间的平均遗传距离为16.32 cM。

The results indicated that the germination rates of the seeds with the treatments of being "not re-dried" and "re-dried" after priming were 94.5% and 68.5%, respectively, which came to 2.2 and 1.6 times that of control; the vigor indexes were 6.78 and 2.30, which were 9.7 and 3.3 times that of control; the seepages of electrolyte were 34.0 μS/cm and 38.9μS/cm, which took up 59.3% and 67.9% of that of control; and the seepages of amino acid were 6.72 μg/g and 10.89 μg/g, which took up 22.7% and 10.89% of that of control.


Results: There were statistical significant differences in terms of prepartum anxiety scoring, pain scorings in 3 cm and 10 cm uterine orifice opening, labor progression, cesarean section ratio, dystocia rate, postpartum hemorrhage amount between test and control group gravida.

结果]实验组产妇的产前焦虑评分、宫口开大3 cm和10 cm的疼痛评分、产程进展情况、剖宫产率、难产率、产后出血量与对照组有显著差别。

Under the microscope, connective tissue was cut in the biceps muscle and semi-tendon and semi-membrane gap of recipient rats to expose the sciatic nerve. 1-cm sciatic nerve was cut 0.5 cm below the muscle from the plow-shaped hole.

手术显微镜下将受体鼠自骨二头肌与半腱肌和半膜肌间隙剪开结缔组织,显露坐骨神经,从犁状肌孔下0.5 cm处整齐剪下长约1 cm的坐骨神经。

SEBS is also very good at electrical property Its dielectric loss is 1.3×10 at 1KHZ and 2.3×10 at 1MHZ; its volume resistance is 9×10Ω-cm one minute and 2×10Ω-cm two minutes.


The ionic conductivity and Li+ transference number of the polymer electrolyte were raised,respectively,by 97%(from 0.89 mS/cm to 1.75 mS/cm) and 39%(from 0.57 to 0.79),when 4% MCM-48 was added in.


Methods Lesions were collected after Shicheng cheek or to squeeze out exudate,cotton swab from exudate as PCR Treponema pallidum specimens,or cotton swab stick into the male urethra 2-3 cm,a female cervica l-1.5 cm as PCR based STD pathogens other specimens while admission serum samples detected as RPR.

分别采集患者皮损拭净后轻刮或挤压至出渗液,用棉拭子取渗液作为PCR检测梅毒螺旋体标本,或棉拭子扦入男性尿道2~3 cm,女性宫颈管1~1.5 cm处取材作为PCR检测其他性病病原体标本,同时取患者血清作为RPR检测标本。

The experiment shows that:(1) In certain light intensity and electric field ranges (145~305V/cm) the material Si∶ with a resistivity of 1E4Ω·cm exhibits a current oscillation phenomenon at liquid nitrogen temperature;(2) At a certain electric field,the waveform of the current oscillation is stable and does not change with time;(3) The dependence relation between the oscillation frequency and light-intensity can be expressed by f=f0(L/L0)α where L0 is the minimum light-intensity needed to stimulate oscillation,f0 is the frequency under L0,L is the intensity of the light,and α is a coefficient that increase with electric field;(4) The modulating coefficient K K=(Imax-Imin/Imax decreases as the light increases;(5) The maximum value of the oscillation Imax decreases with the increase of the light-intensity while the minimum value of oscillation Imin increases slowly.

结果表明:在一定光照和电场范围内(276~305V/cm ,电阻率为10.4Ω·cm的材料在液氮温度下显示出电流振荡特性;在一定的电场下,电流振荡波形是固定的,不随时间变化;振荡频率随光照强度的增大而线性增大;调制系数随着光强的增强而减弱;振荡的最大值随着光照强度增大而减小,最小值随着光强增大而缓慢增大。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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