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与 cm. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Six weeks after drug intervention,we found,in ADM+Res group,the mean tumor volume of MCF-7/ADM cells implanted tumor was 1.203±0.338 cm~3 with statistical significance to compare with other groups(P<0.05),decreased about 50.58%compared with the mean tumor volume of ADM alone group1.979±0.307 cm~3the result of the mean tumor weigh was alike to the mean tumor volume; compared with the control,Res could relieve weigh loss(P<0.05,and the toxicity of treatment was not obvious;Microscopic examination showed that there was massive area of cytoclasis and apoptosis in the tumor tissue of the combination group comparing with other groups.


ETHODS: The gastrocnemius bundle branch and soleus muscle bundle branch of the right achilles tendon were sutured after surface skin and subcutaneous tissue discission. The gastrocnemius bundle branch was transected at 2 cm above calcaneal bone insertion and a 2-cm silicone tube was applied to separate the site of suture using 5-0 modified Kessler method. The site of suture was treated with nothing in silicone tube as the blank control group. In other three groups, the site of suture was treated with 100, 50, 10 ng VEGF in silicone tube at the operation day and 7, 14, 21 days post-operation.

切开家兔右侧跟腱表面皮肤、皮下组织,钝性分离跟腱的腓肠肌束支和比目鱼肌束支,于跟骨止点上方约2 cm处横行切断跟腱腓肠肌束支,将2 cm长硅胶管套入一侧断端,5-0缝合线改良Kessler法缝合跟腱,缝合后将硅胶管覆盖跟腱缝合处,空白组硅胶管内不加药,其他3组于手术当日及术后第7,14,21天往硅胶管内加入血管内皮生长因子100,50,10 ng。

Results demonstrate that the Cu(superscript 2+) can be concentrated effectively under the following condition: exchange column internal diameter 0.8 cm and 15 cm high, the dosage of spiral algae 2 g and pH value 6, the flow rate of the dry food leach solution 10 mL/min, elute with 0.6 mol/L HCl at a flow-rate of 6 mL/min.

结果表明,在交换柱内径为0.8 cm、柱高为15 cm、螺旋藻用量为2 g、pH值6的条件下,干制品浸出液流速为10 mL/min时,用0.6 mol/L HCl以6 mL/min的速度洗脱,可对Cu(上标 2+)进行高效富集。

The genetic distance of the genes for yellow flower and the low erucic acid content was 2.2 cM and 2.7 cM from the marker S92-1400, respectively.

在遗传图谱上黄花基因和低芥酸基因距离S92-1400标记的图距分别为2.2 cM和2.7 cM。

The results showed: soil moisture in 10~20 cm and 30~40 cm deep soil of all treatments were slightly higher than that in CK betore floressence of potato, and were slightly lower than that in CK after stem and leaves witherd.

结果表明:沃特、PAM不同处理10~20 cm、30~40 cm土层土壤含水率在盛花前略高于对照,茎叶衰老后略低于对照。

Methods: The following five sites in the city were selected as monitoring spots, namely, the First Smelter of Tongling Nonferrous Metal Group, the second Smelter of Tongling Nonferrous Metal Group, the Changjiang High-speed Passageway, Fenghuangshan Copper Mine district, residential area, respectively. The moss species Hypnum plumaeform e collected from Huangshan mountain was placed in nylon bag of 15.5 cm��5.5 cm in size and 2.0 mm×2.0 mm in meshes, with each bag having 3 g moss and then sealed by a nylon wire. Moss bags were suspended in five urban exposure sites and then gathered after two months. The content of heavy metal in the tested moss were analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

选取铜陵市的铜陵一冶、铜陵二冶、长江快速通道、凤凰山铜矿区和居民区5处监测点,以采自黄山的大灰藓为材料,用尼龙筛网(网眼2.0 mm×2.0 mm)做成15.5 cm×5.5 cm的矩形袋子,每袋放3 g,2007年3月22日悬挂于各监测点,完全暴露在空气中,2个月后取回,采用原子吸收光谱法对样品中Cu、Cd、Cr、Pb、Zn 等重金属元素含量进行测定。

METHODS: Full-thickness skin was sterilely obtained from rabbit ears. 2 cm��2 cm free skin graft was placed in 0.25% pancreatin-EDTA to remove epidermis, in Qulatong X-100 solution to completely take off hypodermal cells, repeatedly rinsed in phosphate buffer saline. Thus, acellular dermal matrix was collected, and kept at 4 ℃ for usage.

无菌条件下切取兔耳全层皮肤,将2 cm×2 cm皮片置于0.25%胰酶-EDTA消化液中去掉表皮,再置入曲拉通X-100溶液使真皮细胞完全脱净,磷酸盐缓冲液反复清洗,即为脱细胞真皮基质,4 ℃保存备用。

Cm��2 cm free skin graft was placed in 0.25% pancreatin-EDTA to remove epidermis, in Qulatong X-100 solution to completely take off hypodermal cells, repeatedly rinsed in phosphate buffer saline. Thus, acellular dermal matrix was collected, and kept at 4 ℃ for usage.

无菌条件下切取兔耳全层皮肤,将2 cm×2 cm皮片置于0.25%胰酶-EDTA消化液中去掉表皮,再置入曲拉通X-100溶液使真皮细胞完全脱净,磷酸盐缓冲液反复清洗,即为脱细胞真皮基质,4 ℃保存备用。

The depth of suprascapular nerve is about 4.0~4.5 cm at the points of scapular ligament and the start part of supraspinous branch,4.0 cm at the point of the start part of infraspinous branch.

肩胛上神经在肩胛横韧带处距皮肤的距离和冈上肌支起始段距皮肤的距离均为4.0~4.5 cm,冈下肌支起始段距皮肤的距离为4.0 cm。

The Wien effects of three variable charge soils (red soil, lateritic red soil and latosol) saturated with various chlorides in electric field were different. The relative electrical conductivities of red soil saturated with various chlorides increased apparently with the increase in field strength, whereas that of latosol were almost equal to 1 in the test field strength (15 kV cm-1 to 250 kV cm-1), the increase of △EC in lateritic red soil were between that of red soil and latosol.

各氯化物饱和红壤悬液的相对电导率随着场强的增加而明显增大,且不同的氯化物饱和悬液的△EC之间差异明显;砖红壤悬液的△EC随着场强的增加没有出现变化,在所测场强下(15 kV cm -1到250 kV cm -1)各悬液的△EC都几乎为1;而赤红壤悬液中的现象处于前两者之间。

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Gravitational Constant: G = 6.67x10-8 cm-3gm-1sec-2

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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