英语人>网络例句>clumsy-handed 相关的网络例句

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与 clumsy-handed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kludge/kluge a system and especially a computer system made up of poorly matched components; a clumsy or inelegant solution to a problem.


Why are you so clumsy, you klutz?


My partner's play of the last trump; his clumsy play of the rebound.


Henry's arbitrary decision to fire Bill Winn was nothing more than a clumsy and indirect attack on Lee Iacocca.


Shang Yang always thought much of the manage and exertion of painting, and he could make out of easiness, clumsy, leisureliness and exquisite technique of drawing, which revealed the feeling of painters.


Stars Jim Carey and Tea Leoni as a modern-day , clumsy Bonnie and Clyde.


That close-shaven turf, those pebbly paths, that chalk, those pools, those harsh monotonies of waste and fallow lands, the plants of early market-garden suddenly springing into sight in a bottom, that mixture of the savage and the citizen, those vast desert nooks where the garrison drums practise noisily, and produce a sort of lisping of battle, those hermits by day and cut-throats by night, that clumsy mill which turns in the wind, the hoisting-wheels of the quarries, the tea-gardens at the corners of the cemeteries; the mysterious charm of great, sombre walls squarely intersecting immense, vague stretches of land inundated with sunshine and full of butterflies,--all this attracted him.


That close-shaven turf, those pebbly paths, that chalk, those pools, those harsh monotonies of waste fallow lands, the plants of early market-garden suddenly springing into sight in a bottom, that mixture of the savage the citizen, those vast desert nooks where the garrison drums practise noisily, produce a sort of lisping of battle, those hermits by day cut-throats by night, that clumsy mill which turns in the wind, the hoisting-wheels of the quarries, the tea-gardens at the corners of the cemeteries; the mysterious charm of great, sombre walls squarely intersecting immense, vague stretches of land inundated with sunshine full of butterflies,--all this attracted him.

那些浅草,多石的小路,白垩,粘土,石灰渣,索然寡味的荒地和休耕地,在洼地上突然出现 wWw.8tTt8.coM 的由菜农培植的尝鲜蔬菜,这一自然界和资产阶级的结合现象,荒凉寥廓的林野,在那里军营里的鼓手们,仿佛以训练为儿戏,把战鼓敲得一片乱响,白天的旷野,黑夜的凶地,临风摇摆的风车,工地上的辘轳,坟场角上的酒店,被深色高墙纵横截划为若干方块的大片荒地上的奇情异景,阳光明媚,蝴蝶万千,凡此种种都吸引着他。

The main findings were as follow: Part 1: Conceptual structure of nostalgic operation image The concept of nostalgic operation image was composed of five sub-concepts:"rhythmic application of force to man-powered device","children's game that involves aiming then shooting","clumsy feedback generated by sudden squeezing action","motion that requires manual skill to keep going stably" and "rotary mechanism that requires effort".


A clumsy repairer or worker;a meddler.


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Clumsy Card House
Clumsy Little Heart
Clumsy (Collipark Remix)
Clumsy Ol' World

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
