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cloud chamber相关的网络例句

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与 cloud chamber 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concentration of ice-nuclei active at temperatures of -15℃,-20℃,-25℃ and -30℃ was measured with an mixing cloud chamber, during the period from March 18th to April 30th in 1963 at Peking.


Results show that the nanometer particles are in spherical shape, the size of particles is homogenized and controllable, no agglomeration. The particle size changes with the processing condition; the maximum particle size is in the range of 80~90 nm, and the minimum particle size is in the range of 25~30 nm. The ice performance test in indoor cloud chamber shows that the nanometer silver iodide particles as catalyst for artificial weather modification have great application prospect.

结果表明:纳米碘化银粒子成球形,粒径均匀可控,无明显团聚现象,不同工艺条件下获得的碘化银粒径不同,最大粒径范围在80~90 nm,最小粒径范围在25~30 nm,因为碘化银具有类冰结构,是最佳成冰物质,故纳米碘化银粒子作为人工影响天气催化剂具有极大的应用前景。

How ever, for radium-226 s ource of activ ity less that 750Bq to be used with diffusion cloud chamber, monitorin g instrument is not


Plus neutrons, in the nucleus cloud chamber photograph, an unknown nucleus collides with a 44He nucleus, and after the collision tHe nucleus, and after the collision the two he two particles nuclei nuclei travel in perpendicular directions relative to each other.travel in perpendicular directions relative


The methods based on dualism are: the argument of analogy, hypothesis-deduce, cloud chamber imprint analogy, etc; while the methods based on monism are: logical behaviorism,being of Strawson, methological behaviorism, physicalism, etc. Since the 20 century, concerning the other minds problem, certain important achievements and empirical material were offered along with the great development made by modern scientific technology (esp. the Neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience,and the measuring and testing techniques of brain), the knowledge combination and intersecting cooperation research done by philosophers and biological scientists.


The Department of Real Estate Development Group into a major industry, adhering to the "Year of entitlement Habitat works, vision urban future," the development of philosophy, 2008, the Department of the Financial Group's financial city, the financial Cloud Chamber, the financial Sydney Bay, the international financial "Linkage 4, Ju flag Chengdu."


Cloud chamber; nepheloscope


In an updated version of a cloud chamber the researchers are recreating the Earth's atmosphere.


When scientists first turned their attention to subatomic particles, including cosmic rays, they used a device called a cloud chamber to study them.


When scientists first turned their attention to subatomic particles, including cosmic rays, they used a device called a cloud chamber to study them.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
