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- 与 cloak-and-dagger 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Firstly, we collected and sorted out the GPS data, established the uniform velocity field for the Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, and the horizontal deformation field relative to the Eurasia plate; Secondly, we established a motion model for the entire rotation and homogeneous strain of the first and second level blocks in Chinese mainland, analyzed the motion pattern and strain behavior of active blocks in Chinese mainland, as well as the motion pattern of principal fault zones in Chinese mainland; Thirdly, considering the heterogeneity of strain distribution inside a block and supposing that the strain tensor inside the block is the linear function of location, we derived and established an equation for the entire rotation and linear strain of block and a motion model for the entire rotation and linear strain of principal blocks in Chinese mainland; We also calculated the principal strain field and the maximum shear strain field in Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, analyzed the basic characteristics of strain field in Chinese mainland, as well as the relationship between the spatial distribution of strain field and large tectonic zones; Finally, we established the 2-D geotectonic model and digital model for Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, calculated the stress field in Chinese mainland and the surrounding regions, and analyzed the basic features of stress field in Chinese mainland and the principal driving force for the motion and deformation in Chinese mainland.
In the part of empirical analysis of Chinese IPO first-day return, the difference between existing study and this study is that we use principal components analysis to extract from five factors to construct investors'sentiment index, add it to controled varibles, on which we examine the influence of offering mechanism on IPO first-day return. Moreover, we gather statistics and compare the IPO holding return for lockup period between fixed-price-class offering method and bookbuilding-class offering method, as well as price range between Chinese A-share market and Hongkong stock market, which prvide comprehensive evidence to appraise Chinese IPO bookbuilding mechanism. 2. Compare to the existing literatures which consider discount or allocation, incentive allocation and discount are considered at the same time in optimal mechanism design in this dissertation, and the offering bottom price is introduced to the price range. We investigate the relationship between price range and allocation quantity, and obtain the optimal price range and allocation strategy so that the advantages of independent allocation are reflected. On the other hand, the disadvantages of independent allocation are reflected in the manipulation in case of no restriction on IPO allocation. To distinguish from the existing literatures, bookbuilding mechanism is introduced to the model. We study the allocation strategy adopted by the underwriter in the pooling equilibrium of manipulation. In addition, we analyze the incentive compatibility conditions to which the existence of pooling equilibrium should satisfy and examine some factors'impact on the existence of manipulation.3. In bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, Chinese realistic IPO background is considered and the condition of bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering is added. Divide bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering into sequential hybrid and simultaneous hybrid, and point out that the key points of subscription strategy in the two kinds of hybrid are different. Through modeling and simulation we obtain the impact of institutional investors'subscription strategy on bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, which fill the gap in related research. Moreover, in the part of IPO bookbuilding with over-allotment option, the pricing strategy is divided into hot-IPO strategy and weak-IPO strategy. Take into account the procedure of Chinese IPO with over-allotment option, it presents how the underwriter determines the pricing strategy and what effect it brings to offering price and issue size through modeling and simulation. Therefore, it is instructive as a complement to existing literatures.
Pragmatic presupposition determines the choice of information focus and its position in a sentence,organizes the discourse into a coherent whole,concise,clear and smooth,and achieves the expected stylistic effects.in college english teaching,if teachers teach the knowledge about pragmatic presupposition in listening teaching,introduce the frequently-seen patterns of presupposition, increase the presuppositional sensitivity of students to certain words and structures,guide students to use the theory on presuppositional information to make forecasts on base of written listening material,listen purposefully,and get rid of the distraction of the minor and redundant information,the ability of students to obtain major information and linguistic inference will be strengthened and their listening competence will improve remarkably.george yule divided presuppositional triggers into factive presupposition,non-factive presupposition,counter-factive presupposition,existential presupposition,lexical presupposition and structural presupposition.presuppositional triggers are helpful for us to understand the true intention of the speaker or writer.in college english reading teaching,if teachers introduce the discourse organizing function of pragmatic presupposition and the relevant presupposition triggers,and teach students to use these triggers to communicate with the writer,the comprehension competence of students will be greatly enhanced.the essential function of presupposition is to build a framework for the further development of discourse.in college english writing teaching,teachers can use the theory on pragmatic presupposition to construct a handy training program for textual organization,increase the textual coherence, economy and structural perfection of the english writings by students.in college english translation teaching,teachers should focus on developing the pragmatic presuppositional thinking of students,enable them to grasp the presupposed information in source text / speech exactly,understand the original thoroughly,correctly reorganize and reproduce the pragmatic presuppositions in the target language,carry out the functional equivalence in translation and successfully realize the smooth and accurate communication.with the instruction of pragmatic presupposition in college english teaching,the complete understanding and integral acquisition of english and chinese of students will come true.in conclusion,to implement the curriculum requirements for college english teaching promulgated by the ministry of education of china,we should emphasize the instruction of the theory on pragmatic presupposition in college english teaching,carry it through from beginning to end.it's one of the important means to realize the college english teaching reform, improve the effects of college english teaching,strengthenr the practical and integrative language abilities of students,in order to cultivate the compound talents to adapt to the global integration and meet the requirements of the reform and opening in china.
在大学英语教学中,教师将语用预设知识贯穿于听力教学过程中,讲授一些常出现的预设类型,提高学生对一些特定的词语和结构的预设敏感度,引导学生运用预设信息理论对听力文字材料进行预测,有的放矢,排除次要、冗余信息的干扰,增强获取主要信息的能力和语言推理能力,从而提。。。更多高学生的听力理解水平。george yule将预设触发语分为事实预设、非事实预设、反事实预设、存在预设、词汇预设和结构预设,触发语有助于我们在阅读当中理解作者的真正用意。在大学英语阅读教学中,介绍语用预设的语篇组织功能和有关的预设触发语,并利用触发语来与作者进行交流,会极大地提高阅读理解能力。预设的基本功能就是为语篇的进一步发展建立一个框架。利用语用预设理论可以为大学英语写作教学构建一个易于操作的篇章组织训练方法,提高学生英语写作的语篇连贯性,经济性和结构优化。在大学英语翻译教学中,注重培养学生的语用预设思维,准确把握源语的前提信息,透彻理解原文,使语用预设在目的语中正确重组和再现,实现翻译的功能对等,交际的流畅性和准确性,并增强学生对英汉双语的全面性认识和整体性习得。综上所述,为更好地贯彻和实施教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,在大学英语教学中重视语用预设理论的传授,使语用预设贯穿于大学英语教学的始终,是实现大学英语教学改革的重要手段,改善大学英语教学效果,增强学生的实用综合语言能力,培养符合全球一体化趋势,适应改革开放要求的复合型人才。
Observe the effect of Fuling Gancao Decoction on gastric liquid emptying and content of nitric oxide and acetylcholine esteras in the gastric fundus,antrum and duodenal tissu of functional dyspepsia rats and investigate the mechanism.1 Reference reviewThe reference review discussed the source of disease name of TCM for FD,etiology and pathogenesis of TCM,selection of therapeutic methods by different stages or according to the differential syndrome diagnosis,advance on the clinical and experimental research as well as the problems lying in the research of TCM and corresponding strategies.We also have summarized the recent research progresses on the FD.In the meanwhile,we further exploited the pathologic characteristics,diagnosis and treatment of FD;summarized etiology and pathogenesis of TCM for FD and application of Classical Prescriptions in clinical and experimental study;Collected and arranged the Literatures and summarized the recent research progresses of Fuling Gancao Decoction;Finally, collected and arranged the literatures of proved cases and clinical experiences of Fuling Gancao Decoction.2 Theoretical studyThe Theoretical study first discussed the source of TCM for stomach deficiency and congestion of fluid-retention in syndromes of FD;Secondly, summarized the indications of Fuling Gancao Decoction,that is:①epigastric throb,②cold hands and feet in syncope,③hydroadipsia,④gastric blockade,⑤gastric splashing sound,⑥no desire for drinks,⑦light white tongue,thin-white and smooth fur,⑧deep and wiry pulse are the indications of Fuling Gancao Decoction;Subsequently,analyzed the composition of Fuling Gancao Decoction,considered that ginger is the main drug which treating congestion of fluid-retention in Middle-Jiao by Zhang Zhongjing.3 Experimental study3.1 Experiment oneObjective:To establish the animal model of FD with delayed gastric liquid emptying and evaluat it.
In the background dependence of political civilization,from the mercy and bounty of governor to the enjoyment and request of own rights embodies the efforts and struggles of the proletariat in order to constitute the socail assistance legal institutions,which offers the room of political system where the social assistance legal institutions are able to exist and develop and strengthen;In the background dependence of economic system,the simple truth which the economic foundation determines the superstructure exerts its advancing logic concretely and really,where the gap between the poor and the rich will be widened continuely in the condition of market economy,and the dependence on the social assistance legal institutions for the poor will be more rainforced,and the request of rights for social assistance will become intense increasingly;In the background dependence of cultural tradition,the relief ideology such as Great Harmony Society,the ideality of equal wealth and the pursuit of the idea that those who have no kin and cann't support themselves can all be cultivated and so on which goes back to ancient times has been depositted into a luscious cultural tradition and Confucianism allegates implementing the humanity politics and sparkplugs cultivating and compensating people,which results in the thoughts of taking civilian as the foundation that occupy the inrooted station in Chinese culture,and the arrangements of social assistance legal institutions response the continue of renation in Chinese traditional culture;In the background dependence of internationalization,the ideaistic assimilation and the spread of arterial values quicken the speed of civilized fusion,and the social assistance legal institutions should response positively the relative legislative concept and methods which the world has achieved the common understanding on the base of using initialively the legislative experiences in the developed country and the ones where the relative institutions reach a better performance for reference.
Furthermore, out of 497 fAFLP markers, 80 special bands were found to be able to distinguish the four groups from each other and may be applied for germplasm characterization and molecular assistant classification of Meretrix clam.4 Molecular classification of two species of Meretrix clam based on fAFLP and ITS sequences4.1 The results of fAFLP maker analysis of S, G and W showed that each group had their own specific loci among which there were 53 special loci in W group, much more than those of S group (14) and G group (21). Among the 53 loci, nine were all dominant loci. These unique loci could be taken as molecular markers to distinguish W from other groups. The genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between S and G groups were 0.9585 and 0.0424 respectively, but the genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between W group and S or G group was 0.7939 or 0.7941, and 0.2308 or 0.2305 respectively. The results revealed that significant difference existed between W and S or G groups in molecular genetic structure. The phylogenetic trees by the methods of UPGMA and NJ also indicated that S and G populations were very closely related, while W population was a relatively independent cluster, lying beyond the species which S and G belong to.4.2 The internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA from S group, G group and W group were PCR amplified and sequenced. The results showed that the size of ITS ranged between 1266-1269bp in W group, while those in G and S groups were 1614bp and 1520bp respectively. The GC content ranged 62.32-62.62% in W group while it was 61.77% in G group. The genetic distances between three populations of W group were 0.001~0.003, but it was 0.110 or 0.147 respectively between W group and G group or S group. Phylogenetic trees by NJ method also showed that G group was very closely related to S group, while W group was a relatively independent cluster.
在457个总扩增位点中找出了53个W的特有位点,远多于S群体(14)和G(21)群体,而且在53个特有位点中有9个出现频率为100%的位点,这些位点可以作为区分其它2个群体的特征性标记;S– G群体特有的位点有112个,其中有4个位点出现频率为100%,可作为S– G群体区别于W群体的特征性标记。S群体和G群体间的遗传相似性系数为0.9585,遗传距离只有0.0424,在NJ和UPGMA法构建的亲缘关系的树状图上均首先聚在一起,说明二者的亲缘关系很近,应属于种内群体间的关系;而W与S和G的遗传相似性系数均较小(0.7939和0.7941),相对遗传距离很大而且十分相近(0.2308和0.2305),在亲缘关系树状图上单独分出一支,也表明W与S和G群体间的亲缘关系较远。4.2 ITS序列比较分析通过对白壳文蛤、山东文蛤和广西文蛤的ITS序列扩增电泳、PCR-RFLP分析和ITS序列分析发现,W的ITS序列长度在1266-1269 bp,而S和与G的ITS序列总长度分别为1520 bp和1614 bp;从ITS1和ITS2长度来看,W分别为739-741 bp和316-317 bp,S为895 bp和414 bp,G为987 bp和416 bp;而从ITS碱基组成来看,W的GC含量在62.32-62.62%之间,而G群体为61.77%。W的3个壳色不同群体间的遗传距离仅0.001、0.002和0.003,S与G群体间的遗传距离是0.010,说明W群体内变异很小,而S与G群体间已出现明显的遗传分化,但还均属于种内群体间的遗传变异;而W与G和S的遗传距离分别达到0.110、0.147,两个类群差异显著,已远超出种内群体间的遗传变异。
Density Functional Theory method was used to optimize the geometries of 209 PCDE molecules, 209 PBDE molecules and 75 PCDD molecules at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. Using computed structural parameters as theoretical descriptors, the forward stepwise multiple regression technique was adopted to obtain QSPR models of environmental partition properties for these POPs by using GQSARF 2.0 and SPSS12.0 for windows programs. The obtained QSPR models are as follows:(1) QSPR models for predicting subcooled liquid vapor pressure, n-octanol/water partition coefficients lgK_(ow and subcooled liquid water solubilities -lgS_(w,l of PCDEs, of which correlative coefficients (R~2) are 0.988, 0.958 and 0.959 and the root-mean-square-error of estimation are 0.134, 0.116 and 0.327 respectively.(2) QSPR models of lgPL and n-octanol/air partition coefficients lgK_(oa for PBDEs, which both contain three structural parameters. The values of R2 for the two models are both 0.997 while the values of RMSEE are 0.073 and 0.062 respectively.(3) QSPR models of lgKow and–lgS_ for PCDEs, which both have one variable (mean molecular polarizability,α). The values of R~2 for the two models are 0.978 and 0.866 and the values of RMSEE are 0.300 and 0.270 respectively.(4) The molecular structures of 24 substituted naphthaline compounds were optimized using Hartree-Fock and DFT methods at four different levels and the same means was used to obtain four three-parameter (EHOMO, q~+ andα) QSPR models of lgK_. The model at the HF/6-311G** level is the best one of which R2 is 0.9662 and RMSEE is 0.380.(5) QSPR study for environmental partition properties of PCDEs was also performed using position of Cl substitution method in which simple parameters of substitution position were taken as descriptors. The multiple linear regression was performed with GQSARF 2.0 and SSPS 12.0 for windows programs to obtain QSPR models of lgP_L, lgK_ and–lgS_ for PCDEs of which R~2 are 0.991, 0.983 and 0.965 and RMSEE are 0.311, 0.100 and 0.300 respectively.
采用密度泛函理论方法在B3LYP/6-31G*水平上对PCDEs、PBDEs和PCDDs的分子结构进行了全优化计算,以计算得到的量子化学参数作为理论描述符,采用GQSARF 2.0和SPSS 12.0 for windows统计程序进行正向逐步回归分析,建立了这些POPs的环境分配性质的QSPR模型:(1) PCDEs的过冷液体蒸汽压、正辛醇/水分配系数lgK_(ow和水溶解度-lgS_(w,l的QSPR模型,这3个QSPR模型的相关系数(R2)分别为0.988、0.958和0.959,估计的均方根误差分别为0.134、0.116和0.327;(2) PBDEs的lgPL和正辛醇/空气分配系数lgK_(oa的QSPR模型,这两个模型都包含三个分子结构参数,其R~2都为0.997,RSMEE分别为0.073和0.062;(3) PCDDs类化合物的lgK_和-lgS_w的QSPR模型,两个模型都只含一个变量,其R~2分别为0.978和0.866,RSMEE分别为0.300和0.270;(4)采用Hartree-Fock和DFT方法,在4种不同水平上优化计算了24个取代萘系列化合物的分子结构,采用上述同样的方法分别建立了四种水平上的三变量lgK_模型,通过比较得到,在HF/6-311G**水平计算得到的模型最好,R为0.966,RSMEE为0.380;(5)同时,采用氯原子取代位置方法对PCDEs的环境分配性质进行QSPR研究,建立了PCDEs的lgPL、lgK_和-lgS_的QSPR模型,其R~2分别为0.991、0.983和0.965,RSMEE分别为0.110、0.100和0.300。
Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition,and delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe,through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord,through Church and State, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin,having a point d'appui, below freshet and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set a lamp-post safely,or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances had gathered from time to time.
And then when I went up to bed she come up with me and fetched her candle, and tucked me in, and mothered me so good I felt mean, and like I couldn't look her in the face; and she set down on the bed and talked with me a long time, and said what a splendid boy Sid was, and didn't seem to want to ever stop talking about him; and kept asking me every now and then if I reckoned he could a got lost, or hurt, or maybe drownded, and might be laying at this minute somewheres suffering or dead, and she not by him to help him, and so the tears would drip down silent, and I would tell her that Sid was all right, and would be home in the morning, sure; and she would squeeze my hand, or maybe kiss me, and tell me to say it again, and keep on saying it, because it done her good, and she was in so much trouble.
Sales To achieve agreed monthly sales and average transaction value targets for area of responsibility To communicate sales targets and achievement against targets to the sales team on a daily basis To be proactive in identifying selling opportunities and putting in place initiatives that will help achieve and exceed the sales targets Product Knowledge To be able to provide the customer with product information that will enable them to make an informed decision about the item they wish to purchase To be able to communicate confidently the unique selling points and the features and benefits of the product To actively use this product knowledge to provide mix and match ideas for the customer and to up-sell to maximize the sales value Team Leadership To demonstrate and reinforce the Lane Crawford Vision And Values at all times and provide the necessary leadership to gain commitment from retail sales team To identify and execute ways to increase employee's loyalty, satisfaction and pride with the Lane Crawford experience To provide on job training to new hires to ensure they meet the required standards in all aspects of their job within the 3 month probation period To provide on job coaching to ensure that sales associates are able to consistently deliver and exceed the Lane Crawford service standards To train sales associates in product knowledge and mix and match To monitor and review performance of team with the DSM, identifying individuals who are ready for promotion or require performance improvement plans Manage performance of team on a daily basis and take appropriate action with those who fall below standard (in consultation with DSM/HR Department) Housekeeping To ensure daily housekeeping standards are maintained at all times through effective staff scheduling To maintain visual merchandise presentation in line with VM Standards Manual To prevent stock and pilferage by being alert and informing manager/security of potential issues To ensure cashiering function is performed to a high degree of accuracy To ensure stock is continually replenished to ensure a full range of items are available for the customer
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- 推荐网络例句
Finally, the Knight strung a line between two of the monoliths and tied the horses up there.
T7zN/hyS0 The island lies south by east from here.
However, the design and research of 3D coaxial feeding head dont appear.