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与 circumstances 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My case was indeed deplorable, for I was left perfectly friendless and helpless, and the loss my husband had sustained had reduced his circumstances so low, that though indeed I was not in debt, yet I could easily foresee that what was left would not support me long; that while it wasted daily for subsistence, I had no way to increase it one shilling, so that it would be soon all spent, and then I saw nothing before me but the utmost distress; and this represented itself so lively to my thoughts, that it seemed as if it was come, before it was really very near; also my very apprehensions doubled the misery, for I fancied every sixpence that I paid for a loaf of bread was the last that I had in the world, and that tomorrow I was to fast, and be starved to death.


But my case was indeed deplorable, for I was left perfectly friendless and helpless, and the loss my husband had sustained had reduced his circumstances so low, that though indeed I was not in debt, yet I could easily foresee that what was left would not support me long; that while it wasted daily for subsistence, I had no way to increase it one shilling, so that it would be soon all spent, and then I saw nothing before me but the utmost distress; and this represented itself so lively to my thoughts, that it seemed as if it was come, before it was really very near; also my very apprehensions doubled the misery, for I fancied every sixpence that I paid for a loaf of bread was the last that I had in the world, and that to-morrow I was to fast, and be starved to death.

Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders我的情况的确是可怜的,因为我没有一个朋友,得不到一点帮助,我丈夫由于受到这次损失已经穷到这种地步,即使我还没有欠债,然而我却很容易地看出剩下来的钱是不能维持我多久的;这笔钱一天天地花去,很快就花光了,那时除了极端的困苦之外,我看不见别的前途;这种未来的幻景清清楚楚地呈现在我的眼前,好像已经来临了,虽然实际上这个可怕的结局还没有真的来临。同时我的恐惧又加深了我的痛苦,因为我觉得我每买一块面包所花的六便士都是我在世界上唯一的财产,明天我就要没饭吃,饿死了。

In your mind, refuse to be tied and limited by your circumstances.


Where they cannot be transported back on schedule, the processing zone enterprise shall explain the circumstances to the responsible Customs within the final 7 days before the time period expires, and shall apply for an extension.


Article 9 Where the nuclear dual-use items and related technologies are exported for an exhibition, Chinese party's own use or inspection and repair abroad and will be transported back within a prescribed time limit, or where they are transported abroad after being imported for inspection and repair, or where they are exported under any other circumstances prescribed by the Ministry of Commerce, the exporter may, upon examination and approval of its application by the Ministry of Commerce, be exempted from submitting the relevant documents provided for in Article 8 of these Regulations.

第九条 核两用品及相关技术出口,属于参加境外展览、中方在境外自用、境外检修,并在规定期限内复运进境的,或者属于境内检修复运出境以及商务部规定的其他情形的,在申请时经商务部审查同意,可以免予提交本条例第八条规定的有关文件。

Although helpful in specific circumstances, it should not be viewed as a replacement for adequate water and sanitation.


No couple wants to be in weak financial circumstances.


But, not be in all circumstances, we welcome this kind to bring to bear on.


Objective To investigate the circumstances of gene deletion of Chinese patients with Duchnne's type muscular dys-trophy(DMD and Becher muscular dystrophy.


Under the circumstances I do not begrudge the money.


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Victim Of Life's Circumstances
Damn The Circumstances
Pomp And Circumstances

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
