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与 circulation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author mainly presents his ideas in this thesis from the following aspects: To perfect Chinese sports law, China should have its own sports arbitration system so that the law could catch up with the development of Chinese sports and international sports as well; Sports arbitration should aim at fairness and effectiveness; The popularity of sports arbitration institutions and the lawfulness of arbitration procedures and verdict effect make sports arbitration quasi-judicial; As long as sports arbitration is listed in the regulations of sports organizations, it could be applied for its compulsiveness; Sports arbitration is supposed to address the disputes caused by the disciplinary punishment, and that caused by the such major problems like the registration, circulation, and qualifications of the sportsman, and disputes caused by the contracts in sports activities; Mediation procedure and immediate arbitration procedure should be given special attention in the establishment of arbitration procedures; Sports arbitrators should be neutral in solving disputes, and should be a qualified sports worker.


The author mainly presents his ideas in this thesis from the following aspects: To perfect Chinese sports law, China should have its own sports arbitration system so that the law could catch up with the development of Chinese sports and international sports as well; The popularity of Sports arbitration institutions and the lawfulness of arbitration procedures and verdict effect make sports arbitration quasi-judicial; As long as sports arbitration is listed in the regulations of sports organizations, it could be applied for its compulsiveness; sports arbitration is supposed to address the disputes caused by the such major problems like the registration, circulation, and qualifications of the sportsman, and disputes caused by the contracts in sports activities; Mediation procedure and immediate arbitration procedure should be given special attention in the establishment of arbitration procedures; Sports arbitration should be neutral in solving disputes, and should be a qualified sports worker.


When the conditional instability lies in the lower level and conditional symmetric instability in the upper level , the circulation will have vertical updrafts in the lower level and slantwise updrafts in the upper level .


When the conditional symmetric instability lies in the middle level and conditional instability in the lower and upper levels, the circulation will have updrafts through the total column of the atmosphere. The release of conditional instability gives rise to a mesoscale rain belt.


Therefore, the moist potential vorticity analysis associated with the mesoscale convective system was researched in the paper, so as to reveal the moist potential characteristics of mesoscale convective system in typhoon circulation. The results showed that, during the generation stage, convective instability characterized by MPV1 was a favorable condition for forming MCS, while the vorticity which was caused by the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of the horizontal wind characterized by MPV2 was an inspiring mechanism. The specific process was that, the atmosphere exhibited the feature of strong convective instability at the low level of convection areas and the southeast areas, which included plenty of erratic energy. The slantwise ascended the stream transfer the erratic energy to northwest, where the stratification stability was small. As decreased, the cyclonic vorticity increased. On the other hand, the vorticity caused by the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of the horizontal wind inspired the release of convective instability and as a result that the MCS formed. During the development stage, the cyclonic vorticity increased quickly with the persistent decreasing of . Meanwhile, the inclination of isentropic linewas bigger than the absolute momentum line at middle level, which exhibited the feature of conditional symmetric instability , then the conditional symmetric instability was forced to release by the vorticity resulted from the slantwise isentropic surface and the vertical shear of horizontal wind, and the MCS developed.

结果表明,在对流形成阶段,MPV1即对流不稳定为MCS的形成提供背景不稳定条件,由MPV2即湿等熵面的倾斜和水平风的垂直切变而引起的涡旋发展作为强迫机制:MCS形成的区域及东南区域中低层是强对流不稳定层,蕴含丰富的不稳定能量,倾斜上升运动把对流不稳定区具有强不稳定能量的暖湿空气向西北中层的中性层结区输送,由于的减小,气旋性涡度增强,有利于形成对流,另一方面,由于湿等熵面倾斜和低空急流加强而引起的涡旋发展作为一种强迫机制激发对流不稳定能量得到释放,从而形成对流;在对流系统地发展阶段,由于低层的对流不稳定性进一步减弱,进一步减小,气旋性涡度进一步增强,有利于MCS的增强,中层等θe 线的倾斜度比绝对动量M 等值线的倾斜度大,对应有条件对称不稳定区域,满足条件对称不稳定条件,在湿等熵面倾斜和台风低空急流作用下引起的涡旋发展强迫对称不稳定能量释放,从而使得对流得以维持和加强。

As work progresses, the system platform and stable operation, deployment flexibility, the pilot of the shared data, increasing circulation, joint benefits to the library a lot of confidence in this region.


It is possible for market economy to break up the regular circulation of nature and lead to environmental crisis, Under market econorny, capitalists, as the owners of means of production, aimed to get the most profit, which led to overall antagonism and conflation between exploiters and exploitees.


This particular herb fights the constriction of blood vessels as well as stimulates blood circulation.


In the case study of one unit in Nanjing,with the aid of traffic turnover and the continuous approximation,the evaluation model was applied to calculate the carbon emission of the circulation between areas in the urban micro subject.


RESULTS Danshutong tablets significantly increased the frequency, amplitude, and the area under curve of rabbit gallbladder contractibility and the bile circulation,it also relaxed the sphincter of Oddi.

结果 胆舒通片能增加胆囊收缩曲线下面积,显著增加家兔胆囊收缩的频率和收缩幅度,表明胆舒通片有增强胆囊收缩的作用。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
