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与 circulation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"They are already exhibiting problems with circulation," said Caballero, Director of the Latino Diabetes Initiative, Clinical Investigator, Staff Endocrinologist and Director, Medical Affairs, Professional Education at Joslin Diabetes Center, as well as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.


Function: high concentration plant distillate wild lily, wild rose, camomile, can comfortably appeased, moisten and nourish fragile dry skin around the eye, in addition contain vitamin E, F, PP, moisture-preserving elementBR20% can promote the eye circulation, educe the black socket, defend and delay growing old

功 能:高浓度植物精华野百合,野玫瑰,甘菊,棒实果油,清新安抚,滋润营养脆弱干燥的眼部四周皮肤,另含维他命 E 、 F 、 PP 保湿要素 BR20%,增加眼部循环,淡化黑眼圈,防止延缓衰老化。

These speculations have been going on for over a generation. As an example, we may cite Campion and Elliot-Smith (1934) who proposed that thought consisted of corticothalamic circulation of impulses. Penfield has suggested the existence of a centrencephalic integrating system, which he has definedas that central system within the brain stem which is responsible for integration of varied specific functions from different parts of the hemispheres.

这些特性已经有好几十年了,让我们引用Campion and Elliot-Smith (1934)提出的论点为例,他们认为思考是由皮质丘脑的刺激循环所造成,潘菲尔提出中央头部统合系统的存在,他把这个系统定义成脑干的中央系统,负责不同大脑半球中各种特殊功能的整合,潘菲尔的说法使得这个系统的定义更为松散,以潘菲尔的定义来说,这个系统包含所有皮质下的灰色神经组织和其间的连接通道,并负责大脑半球内部的整合。

In anatomy he studied the circulation of the blood and the action of the eye. He made discoveries in meteorology and geology, learned the effect of the moon on the tides, foreshadowed modern conceptions of continent formation, and surmised the nature of fossil shells. His scheme for the canalization of rivers still has practical value and he probably devised the hydrometer.


Cantaloupe like this should be taken out of circulation.


It is the modern society adapts the socialized big production producer goods organization form, the stock is society returns, producer goods (including capital, technology, management, trademark brand and so on visible and intangible asset) the stock, is thin, lets the social public have, the circulation transaction, can maximum limit optimize the capital the effective disposition, the promotion productive forces development.


Of the circulation of capital, since the turnover of capital, etc.


Cayenne - Also known as capsicum, it plays a very large role in blood circulation.


In this thesis,the changes of the circulation-time according to different size particles of the broad size coarse carbamide particles were studied.


If there is no breathing or other sign of circulation, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
