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与 circulation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Microcirculation image analysis instrument is a precision medical instrument consisting of optical microscopy, mechanical, computer and image process software or monitor. it is important tool of hospital and base medical research department for observing and researching blood circulation of human body and animals.


There are a variety of problems associated with the Basset Hound including; eye problems from the drooping lower eyelid, limb problems and ear irritations due to the lack of air circulation in the ear canal.


To social economy development, the boom of the Nanjing bawdry industry accelerated the circulation, but simultaneously, it caused the capitalism which just sprouted to go back to feudalistic society. In culture, because of the interaction of the prostitutes and scholar- bureaucrats, many outstanding poetry and paintings emerged.


After his beatification and canonization his "Theologia moralis" found an even wider circulation.


As a result, it integrated incense with beauty.The long-standing and well established Chinese culture, after the Japanese developed it into Japanese incense culture, has become the most important social activity in the Japanese beau monde today.There are a few researches about the incense and its industry. Besides, not only the minority circulation about the industry or research of the incense culture of the product among the workshops deviates from the orthodox incense cultural spirit, but also it always focuses on the raw materials of the incense only.


N: It serves to improve your blood circulation to prevent bedsore.


It mainly work on beekeeping technology extension, bee breed, and deep processing, circulation and exploration of bee products.


"Wet beriberi is more acute, with edema from cardiac failure and poor circulation."


Based on Bernoulli equation,a trial calculation model for design of reaction area in an integrated air-lift inner circulation fluidized bed reactor is put forward.


The production enterprises of the medicines which containing bezoar or its substitutes, should comply with this requirement after June 30,2004. That drugs which prior to entering circulation can be sold and used in their lifetime .


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
