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与 circulation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Face squarely the present arduousness of system reform of circulation of grain and complexity of management of enterprises, to analyse the problems that exist in seal management of purchasing fund based on facts, take appropriate countermeasure of work are a task of top priority .


The unusual atmosphere circulation and the failed moisture transportation are the meteorological reason to the Inner Mongolia's aridness too.


Caffeine - A derivative of coffee, is an efficient arouser of central nervous system capable to drive away fatigue, and improve renal circulation. Its stimulation on the cerebral cortex activates Neurotransmitter receptors in the cell membrane; the adenylyl cyclaseactivated on the other surface of the cell catalyzes Adenosine Triphosphate, forming Cyclic adenosine monophosphate, and thus set off series of bio-chemical reactions, like increase of passionate feel, prompt recovery from fatigue after working etc..


Methods The tube, bifurcated and curved SG were applicated intraluminally to treat the AAA, AD, and APA. The SGs were mounted into the delivery systems, and were sent to the lesion segment of the aorta via femoral arteriotomy. After the deployment, the lesions were excluded out of the circulation.


International Circulation : You spoke about ASCOT.

国际循环》:您就 ASCOT 发表了演说,我有一个关于 ACCOMPLISH 的问题想请教您。

To the timely establishment of rural land circulation associated with the social service system.


Improves the skin gloomily, rough, to do and so on questions astringently rapidly only, including the high-purity laevo - rotatory vitamin C ingredient, may resist the melanin to precipitate, the promotion blood circulation reduction wrinkle, causes the flesh to unfold the youth the gloss, prevents the skin cell to suffer injury the aging, has function which the tight skin eliminates wrinkles by way of biochemistry whitening reduction.


Ibid.:132 Schleiermacher, who associated with the leading German romantics, briefly shared a Berlin apartment with Friedrich Schlegel, and contributed to the Schlegel brothers' small-circulation journal, the Athenaeum, was entirely in agreement with Goethe when developing his theory of foreignizing translation.

施莱尔马赫,谁与德国领先的浪漫,简单地共享柏林公寓弗里德里希施勒格尔,并有助于施莱格尔兄弟的小流通杂志,在Athenaeum ,是完全同意歌德他的理论时,发展中国家的异化。

Attar, which is called "golden liquid" in domestic and overseas market, has sweet aroma of rose, The product has multiple curative effect including psychological curative effect: preventing hypochondria, alleviate nervous, chirk up; body curative effect: helping systemic circulation, shrinking blood capillary, preventing veinlet burst, diminishing inflammation to cholecystitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia.


This paper infer to the "Debt shifting share"s legal issues is the no-determine of conimercial company"s legal position, To the problem, the penne suggest: determine Debt shifting share"s legal position, stipulate "capital charge company special law"and legal banner, perfect and attach importance to the company"s charge rules so perfect legal averment and circulation As a policy "debt shifting share " there is no existing experience to learn from."


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
