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与 circulation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, antiphase relationship in precipitation changes between the northern Tibetan Plateau (climatically controlled by westerlies) and southern Tibetan Plateau (mainly influenced by Indian monsoon circulation) exists on decadal to centennial timescale.


Results: After Antiphlogistic Liquid was used, the ambit of gangrene and the infection was decreased. At the same time the limp and swelling was relieved. What's more, accompanied with the VEGF and FⅧ related antigen expression increament, the collateral circulation was established.


In a way, the Antiphlogistic Liquid can release the ache of the attected limb and prompt the establishement of the compensatory circulation. As a reault the Antiphlogistic Liquid can diminish the extent of amputated extremity


Face to the request of the circulation type society, how to solve the rationality of existence of environmental law is a central topic of this text. The answer is environmental law as antipoetic system.


This shows that the usage of the drugs used in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis is a system with antirheumatic、tonic、drug for invigorating blood circulation and eliminating stasis、drugs for relieving exterior syndrome being the center. This embodied in all the drugs used in Rheumatoid Arthritis, and there is great law in it.


Male patient was prevalent in aphasic groups, but mean age of both gender groups was no difference. The possible explanations may be adduced for our findings; one is related to the cerebrovascular changes of aging- The decrease of cerebral circulation is prominant and disseminated in increasing age. There may be changes in the cerebral blood flow associated with aging, predisposing different brain areas to stroke. The second is possible that changes in cognition, deterioration of memroy and comprehension disturbance may predispose the perception dysfunction of language or advanced language dysfunction like global aphasia in aging group.


Improvement of blood circulation and microcirculation, muscle relaxation, fatigue relief, health care after surgical, pain alleviation, absorption of medication, improvement of sleep, mental relaxation, bone rebuild, healing, special education for the deaf, peristalsis of stomach and improvement of metabolism.muscle cramp, venous varicose syndrome, rheumatism, dysmenorrheal, neurasthenic, depression, aphemia, autism, disorder of stomach and intestines, constipation, headache, backache, lumbago, bellyache and muscle tension.


Firstly, the frame of the model was built based on the basic theories of ophthalmic physiology for aqueous humor circulation and IOP.


Firstly, the process of normal eye's aqueous humor circulation on the placid condition was simulated, and the result shows the stability of this system.


The principle of underground aquifer energy-stored air conditioner system is introduced, and its energy self-circulation system is analyzed.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
