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In OverEasy mode, signals begin to gradually activate the 166XL's gain change circuitry as they approach the THRESHOLD reference level and they do not get fully processed in the manner defined by the RATIO control until they have passed somewhat above the THRESHOLD reference level.


I checked the circuitry passingly and everything is ok.


Fischer, Michael M. J."War Again: Qandahar, 911 - Figure and Discourse in Iranian Cinematic Writing." In Mute dreams, blind owls, and dispersed knowledges: Persian poesis in the transnational circuitry. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004, Chapter 5. ISBN:

迈克尔。M。 J。费希尔,〈战争再起:坎大哈911-伊朗电影作品中的数位和敍述〉,自《无声的梦想、盲目的猫头鹰和散布的知识:波斯诗人的跨国路线》,杜克大学出版社2004,第5章,ISBN:

These results suggest that P300 reduction in both symptomatological and genetic high risk groups of schizophrenia might have different origin of disturbance in the neural circuitry for P300 generation.

这些结果提示分裂症的症状学及遗传学高危人群存在 P300 减少,且可能存在有不同 P300 神经通路的失调。

Our memory is like a hard drive and our synapses are like the circuitry of a motherboard.


The chip includes undervoltage lockout circuitry to insure sufficient supply voltage is present before output switching starts.


An RF power meter is basically an untuned RF sensor or detector followed by signal-processing circuitry consisting of DC or AC-DC amplification stages and analog-to-digital-conversion stages Fig.

一般功率计的信号链路如图1所示,由一个未调谐的射频传感器或检测器,后面是包括 DC 或者 AC-DC 放大环节和 ADC 环节组成的信号处理电路。

"Parts of the brain that we know process physical attributes, whether it's motor movements or physical pain -- the same circuitry more and more is seen with more mental qualities," said Dr. Caroline Zink of the National Institute of Mental Health, which funded the new research.


BACKGROUND: We studied the effects of isoflurane on hippocampalsynaptic transmission and paired-pulse plasticity, under invivo intact interneuron circuitry.


Our studies suggest that regenerated neurons are integrated into the existing brain circuitry and contribute to ameliorating neurological deficits.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
