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与 circuitry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After that , the method of self - turning control is used to design the parameter of the temperature controller . finally , the arithmetic program for crimper machine ' s heating controller is worked out . in chapter 4 , the hardware circuitry structure for the crimper machine ' s heating controller is given at first


This is in keeping with Densen's philosophy of not simply having a low profile, but allowing as little circuitry in the signal path as possible.


The antenna system includes a mechanism for electrically connecting the displaceable antenna to internal RF circuitry of the portable WCD when the displaceable antenna is in an extended position and for electrically isolating the displaceable antenna from the internal RF circuit when the displaceable antenna is in a retracted position within the casing.


There are some midst matters in wastewater, for removal of these matters the electrolyze time should exceed 30 min. The experimental results show that the bipolar packed bed cell has best treatment efficiency of phenol wastewater under condition that voltage is 10V, electrolyses time is 30 min, and velocity of flow is 1.03 cm/min.Basic on the study on treating of phenol wastewater, this paper carry on a research on treating of circuitry board film wastewater by bipolar packed bed cell.


During the design we used software, PSpic, to make the circuitry emulative optimization.


A model for fuzzily discriminating various working states in sinking EDM is proposed And appropriate circuitry is illustrated.


Each encoder contains a lensed LED source, an integrated circuit with detectors and output circuitry, and a codewheel which rotates between the emitter and detector integrated circuit.


In fact the internal circuitry of a Virtex LUT is more complicated than what it looks like.

事实上Virtex LUT的内部电路比看起来更复杂。

Singing behavior; higher vocal center; caudal nucleus; ventral hyperstriatum; hippocampus; song-control nucleus; song nuclei; area X; melatonin; gamma-aminobutyric acid; glutamic acid decarboxylase; vocal control circuitry; frequency sensitivity; organ of Corti; auditory feedback; neural plasticity; seasonal plasticity; neostriatum; anterior forebrain pathway; lateral magnocellular nucleus; anterior neostriatum; lMAN nucleus; medial nucleus; dorsolateral thalamus; robustus archistriatalis; robust nucleus; archistriatum; song motor control nucleus; vocal motor system; gila cells; nonlinear oscillatory dynamics

歌唱行为;较高级的发声中枢;尾部核;腹侧上纹体;海马;鸣唱控制核团;鸣唱核;X区域;N-乙酰-5-甲氧基色胺;γ-氨基丁酸;谷氨酸脱羧酶;发声控制回路;频率灵敏度;柯替氏器;听觉反应;神经可塑性;季节可塑性;新纹状体;前脑前端路径;侧面大细胞核群;前部新纹状体;lMAN核;内侧核;背外侧丘脑;古纹状体粗核;健康的核;原纹状体;鸣声运动控制核;发声运动系统;毒蜥细胞;非线性振动动力学首页上一页共有 12 条记录,本页从第 11 到第 12 条。

First, from the point of view of production and management, the importance for developing TTU is pointed out.the status in quo of technology,The direction of progress,The demand of practical and fundamentality in Distribution Automation are analyzed for Transformer Terminal Unit. The function of equipment and technical specification which meet demand of practical duty are indicated; Second, the scheme of synchronous sampling,quasi-synchronous sampling,non-integer cycle sampling,nonsynchronous sampling and algorithm are analyzed in detail. Then,the scheme of nonsynchronous sampling and multi-chunnel is ascertained. Moreover, the method of disposal sampling data for increasing precision which calculate the number of sampling per cycle dramatic by searching zero is introduced. The technique for analyzing data,stating data,storage data for Electrical Power Quality and control scheme for compensation capacitor are explained also. Finally, The scheme and structure of hardware,key circuitry using 80C196 singlechip,the scheme and ideology of software and flow chart of part software is introduced simply.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
