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- 与 cigarette 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The problem is that people who use hookahs typically inhale far more smoke than cigarette smokers, exposing them to potentially higher levels of nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals.
In Zhou Gong there still are a lot of secret agents all round the house, dress up " sell cigarette "," mend shoes "," those who open cafes ".
Due to their General of cigarette packs are high above the product price, of course, higher quality requirements are, therefore, matte, ice, etc, the paper discusses the effect is still used screen business card printing and membership card making.
The main products are:"Oriental card" series of food and medicine packaging inks, building materials and industrial packaging ink, cigarette packets and paper products packaging ink, wire and cable superscript and India ink,"Hua card" series of flexible packaging polyurethane Adhesives;"Shinhan licensing" PCB Solder Mask photosensitive liquid polymer shielding materials such as the three major series of more than 60 varieties.
Cigarette smoke is one of the most common irritants that cause asthma attacks.
Therefore, the adjustments and controls of these factors are the keystones of the cigarette quality control, which is one of the best channels to reduce the costs of the products.
This is self outside because of getting rid of tobacco, in the process manufacturing a cigarette, be going to add a little coconut , licorice root , candy , glycerin , glycol etc.
He takes the cigarette from the boy's thin, long-fingered hands, feeling how impossibly cold they are.
The cigarette smoke is causing harm to health not only to the smokers himself, but also creating discomfort and danger of health to other non smokers in the area which includes eye irritation, nose block, smell, coughing, and lung sickness.
Objective To investigate the moderators and mediators of cigarette use among adolescent smokers.
目的 研究青少年吸烟的危险因素及其对吸烟的影响。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Back In This Cigarette
- One Last Cigarette
- Cigarette Smoke
- Cigarette Smoker Fiona
- Cigarette
- Cigarette
- Cigarette Pack
- Last Cigarette
- Cigarette
- Cigarette
- 推荐网络例句
Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).