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与 chronic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consequently more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expensive illnesses, more colitis, appendicitis and dyspepsia, more softened brains and hardened livers, more ulcerated duodenums and lacerated intestines, overworked stomachs and overtaxed kidneys, inflamed bladders and outraged spleens, dilated hearts and shattered nerves, more flat chests and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright's disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetite and weariness of life.


The absence of urine formation.Consequently more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expensive illnesses, more colitis, appendicitis and dyspepsia, more softened brains and hardened livers, more ulcerated duodenums and lacerated intestines, overworked stomachs and overtaxed kidneys, inflamed bladders and outraged spleens, dilated hearts and shattered nerves, more flat chests and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright's disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetite and weariness of life.


The author collected data by using comprehensive assessment and pencil-talking from January 8 to February 15, 2007 and identified chronic pain, impaired tissue integrity, and death anxiety of the case problems. For chronic pain, sleeping pillow with cold water, massage lymph and acupoints of head and neck, music and aroma therapy were used to release symptoms of the case pain. For impaired tissue integrity, during wound care, normal saline and furacin gauzes were used to wet-packing to release wound bleeding, and tree oil aroma put into the covering gauze to release the smelling, and used duoderm and low-allergic tapes to protect the skin around the wound.


Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical treatment in the elderly patients with chronic constipation.Methods Two hundred and ninety-two inpatients with chronic constipation received the series nursing management: propaganda and education,improving dietary habitues and life style,massage,application of laxatives.

目的 探讨老年患者便秘的临床综合治疗疗效方法对我科临床收治的便秘患者292例,进行健康教育、改善饮食生活习惯、腹部按摩以及注入泻剂等综合治疗。

The aim of this study was to estimate, in the health care payer perspective, the ICER of a direct treatment of patients with mild chronic hepatitis C in comparison with the strategy of monitoring these patients and treat them when the disease will progress to the state of moderate chronic hepatitis.


In contrast to chronic imipramine treatment, chronic VNS had no effect on the behaviour of rats in the forced swim or elevated plus-maze tests.


The ma- jor types of lesions were chronic superficial gastritis and chronic erosive gastritis, accounting for 50 percent.

其中以慢性浅表性胃炎和慢性糜烂性胃炎为主,约占 50%,胃和十二指肠溃疡的发生率不足 20%。

Methods: Twenty-two patients with chronic sinusitis or chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps were selected randomly, who had been undergone ESS operation by Messerklinger methos. Biopsy of ethmoid mucosa were performed under the light microscope and electron microscope.


Such diseases as Cardiopathy, bronchiectasis, asthma, malignancy, chronic nephritis, uraemia, blood diseases, and diseases of incretion and metabolic network, rheumatic diseases, chronic hepatitis and so on neither fall into the category of infectious diseases endangering public health, nor belong to


MMP2 gene expression levels in patients with chronic hepa titis and liver cirrhosis were higher than that of normal control. Th e gene expression level in patients with chronic hepatitis was higher in comparison with that in patients with liver cirrhosis.


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O Chronic Tree
World Keeps Spinning (A Chronic Future)
Who Got The Chronic
The Chronic (Intro)
The Roach (The Chronic Outro)
We Got The Chronic
Chronic Auditory Hallucination
Chronic Break
Solomonic Chronic
Chronic 2006 (Intro)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
