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与 choosing 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the paper, the researches and conclusions are:The basic theory and technique ofgeography information system, Introduce the history of the GIS technique developmentand it develops the trend, the GIS modernizes the meaning of the construction and thepurpose and the meaning of the topic researches to the our army artillery.The design ofartillerist numeric map, Make use of the soft strong graphics function of the SuperMapgeography information system, from how made the numerical map of artillery tocommence, carried on the processing and processed the piece to the artilleryappropriative paper quality diagram to manufacture the numerical map of artillery.Themold of choosing the position of artillerist and excavating the position of spacedata;Rules of space clustering analyzing and space relationship on the basis ofmathematics configuration;Choosing the path of positing convert;optimalpath arithmetic on the basis of chart theory and realize optimal path analyze.


The counter measures of solving these problems were suggested as follows: firstly, using water resources and fertilizer reasonably and choosing salt tolerance crops to control saltinization; secondly, choosing acid tolerance feed and using the chemical method to control acid rain; finally, soil erosion could be controlled by bioremediation.


On the foundation of the reasonable fixed position, according to process the process in of be subjected to the dint appearance and clip the tight dint to arrange the principle, drawing up to clip the tight dint to arrange the project reasonablely;Passing the related calculation formula, cliping the tight dint size to carry on estimate towards process in the process, choosing the size structure to clip the tight motive component reasonablely, according to an oneself of work structure and processed requests and process to be characteristics by the dint in the process, choosing the design to clip the tight organization to guarantee by attain that the work piece positions accurate reasonablely, fast .


This text is based on the work that analyse the problem having emerged about large-scale economic affordable residential district of city at the moment, in instance of the patterns in Xi'an. Through investigating living circumstances and building present situation, there are lots of requirement for economic affordable housing in Xi'an. As large requirement for premise, the question about choosing location large-scale economic affordable residential district in city is researched. As time as, it should be refer to the problem which were founded in others cities, then summarize a correct choosing location model for the practical situation, it could determent the location of large-scale economic affordable residential district of Xi'an.


This article first introduces the math foundation required by ECC,including the addition rule for elliptic curve point defined over finite field.Then , the principle of ECC is discussed and its security and efficiency of ECC are analyzed.Third, a cryptosystem is designed through analyzing the security requiration, choosing the elliptic curve domain parameters,denoting field element,elliptic curve and elliptic curve point,choosing associate primitves and schemes andpartitioning functional module.Forth, how to develop a crytosystem based on elliptic curve encryption algorithm is investigated.Fifth, a cryptosystem we have developed by us and the testing result is described.


Dryer evaporator, heat expansion valve and control box, etc, and choosing packaged imported cooling compressor, famous brand controlling parts, and choosing packaged imported cooling compressor, famous brand controlling parts, and choosing packaged imported cooling compressor, famous brand controlling parts, and condenser used advanced B10 high efficient heat transmitting pipe, and can protect ship swing from flow-stop.


Choosing parliamentarism, not choosing "Hyperparliamentarism", choosing presidentialism, not choosing "Hyperpresidentialism", even not choosing "Enlightened Despotism" and any political kind of authoritarianism or totalitarianism.


So, it is difficult to be explained by reasonal choice theory .but it has suited the perceptual regulation of perceptual choice theory .Look from its concrete recruitment behavior and incentive mechanism, they are not accord with reasonal choice theory, but embody such characteristics of choosing by tradition , choosing by experience and choosing by characteristic of goal totalization .


2In order to reduce the randomness of choosing initial centers, this paper puts forward an algorithm of initialing centers called BD which is based on density. According to the whole construction of dataset, the dataset would be partitioned by density first and then choosing initial centers on the basis of some strategies. It will make choosing work more reasonable.


Through a little more awareness, the travesties can be avoided simply through giving up the violent media and also choosing to become more conscious about the dreams you are choosing to live day to day and year to year; and through choosing to forgive your ancestral experiences of violence from times past.


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Choosing When It's Too Late
Choosing My Own Way Of Life

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
