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与 cholesterol 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It shows in the research that the edible cactus contains plenty of protein, vitamin, carotin, and 18 kinds of aminophenol, which can reduce blood sugar and obviously reduce the content of blood Cholesterol and neutral fat, favorable to improvement of sluggish lymph flow and blood circulation, heat-clearing and detoxifying, metabolism enhancing and immunity strengthening.


Essential fatty acids are important for cell membrane function, cholesterol metabolism and the synthesis of various metabolites.


In this thesis the planar bilayer lipid membranes inlaid with oxide cholesterol , phosphatidylcholine or cephalin have been prepared .The effects of membranes formulas on membranes stability and zinc ions transfer ability have also been studied.


But when the cholesterol was substituted by its oxide result, the membrane life time extended to nearly 60 hrs ;besides the diameter of the hole on which the membrane exists 、temperature、PH value cause great effects to the life time of the membrane, and the diameter was the most important element. When the diameter larger than 3mm it is almost no way to form a membrane on the hole under experiment condition. Between 1mm and 3mm it has a better result by change the prescription of the membrane. when it is 0.5mm all the membrane can last more than 40 hrs ,and the prescription like Och : phosphatidylcholine / cephalin=4:1; 3:1; 2:1; 1:1; 2:3 need the request of the experiment basically, when cooperate with multi hole structure it is very to detect the concentration and found the model.


If you are overweight, the chances are almost 100% that you have a problem with high cholesterol.

如果您是超重,机会几乎是100 %,你有问题,高胆固醇。

The one-way analysis and orthogonal technique were used to optimize the oscillation in the liposomes as follows:the material was yolk lecithin;the mol ratio of yolk lecithin to Cholesterol was 1:1;the ratio of Na~+ to K~+ was 2 mM:1 mM.There was the conservation of charge in the oscillation system.

通过单因素实验和正交实验确定振荡的最佳条件:原材料选用蛋黄卵磷脂,胆固醇与蛋黄卵磷脂摩尔比1:1,膜外Na~+和K~+的浓度比例为2 mM:1 mM。

Chayote is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.


The data showed that, when adminisered for two weeks, cholagogue dry syrup significantly decreased both biliary and serum 33.5 kDa vesicular protein in cholesterol stone patients, while sodium cholate and control groups showed no significant changes.


The results showed that both of the SDF could adsorb cholesterol and sodium cholate effectively, as well as promote the proliferation of Bifidobacterium longum obviously.


Objective: To discuss the influences of the concentrations of sodium cholate, cholesterol and drug, preparation temperature, ultrasonic time and power on the particle size and encapsulation efficiency of Flos Magnoliae volatile oil nano-liposome through film-ultrasonic wave technique together with membrane filter method.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。