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chemical change相关的网络例句

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与 chemical change 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Transition metal coordinate polymer researchHas summarized the transition metallic element chemical fundamentals, including the atomic radius, the physical property, the chemical activity and the stable oxidation state change rule, forms the preparation the tendency.


In the underground repositories,the microstructure change of surrounding rock under the action of the chemical corrosion will cause the increase of porosity in medium and the accelerative diffusion of chemical contaminator.

利用SEM电镜扫描技术和X衍射晶体鉴定技术,对经0.01 mol/L,pH值为12的NaOH溶液作用前后的φ50 mm×100 mm大小砂岩试件的表面和矿物成分进行分析,探讨砂岩试件腐蚀表面的微区形貌和矿物组成的变化特征。

The main chemical compositions of tea flower were studied. It is the first time to determine the levels of protein, reducing saccharides and SOD activity in different blooming stages of tea flowers collected from three cultivars of Camellia sinensis with different picking time. Results showed that there were significant differences among cultivars and blooming stages, as well as the change of these chemical constituents along with time. Consequently we selected the right cultivar that has high protein, reducing saccharides or SOD activity and the fitting deflower time.


What is perhaps more important, since the information above is obtained synchronously, the proposed methodology could provide information about the type of adsorption (chemical or physical adsorption), the change of chemical state of aniline in the system during the adsorption process, whether the chemical adsorption and physical adsorption took place simultaneously, the rate of the chemical and physical adsorption, and so on.2 We have studied the uptake of orthoxylene / isoamyl alcohol on silica gel as an example to demonstrate a novel methodology for studying multicomponent gas adsorption on solid adsorbent.


Take DMSO swollen treatment and DEA-SO2-DMSO decrystallization treatment for example, the X-ray diffraction and the Tobolsky's intermittent stress relaxation of treated woods were determined during soaking in water, analyzed the effects of water on crystal degree and inter-cohesion of treated woods. According to these continuous relaxation curves measured in water with different temperatures, various thermodynamic quantities were obtained by using Eyring absolute rate theory, and reviewed the chemical reactions in wood which occur in different relaxation process. For the first time quantify these crosslinkings formed in the process of tensional relaxation by using the SMCIR intermittent stress relaxation way, and defined the cross-linking reaction types. In order to find out the contribute of drying to the fixation of deformation of chemically treated wood, stress relaxation of oven-dry untreated and treated wood was measured during the process of temperature elevation and descend, then analyzed the effect of temperature change on relaxation mechanism of treated oven-dry wood. According to continuous relaxation curves of oven-dry treated wood under various constant temperature, calculated the thermodynamics of relaxation process and discussed the mechanism of molecule change in wood, at the same time, also quantified these cross-linkings produced in wood by intermittent method and on the basis of which the model of molecular change during relaxation process of chemically treated was constructed.

以DMSO膨胀处理及DEA- SO2-DMSO非晶化塑化处理为例,测定了两种处理木材在水浸渍过程中的X射线衍射及Tobolsky间歇应力松弛,分析了水对处理木材结晶度及内部凝聚力的影响;通过未处理和两种处理木材在不同温度水中的连续应力松弛测定,应用Eyring的绝对速度反应理论计算并获得了松弛过程中的各热力学量,分析了在水中松弛过程中不同阶段木材内部发生的化学反应;并首次采用SMCIR连续·不连续双曲线应力松弛法定量了轴向拉伸应力松弛过程中木材内部产生的架桥量,明确了交联反应的类型;为了了解干燥对处理木材塑性变形固定的影响,测定了未处理和两种处理绝干木材在温度下降过程和上升过程中的应力松弛,分析了温度变化对处理绝干木材应力松弛的影响;根据多个温度水平下的连续应力松弛测定曲线,计算松弛过程的热力学量,考察了绝干木材在松弛过程中内部发生的分子变化机理,同时也用间歇法定量了木材内部新形成的架桥量,并在此基础上构筑处理木材在松弛过程中内部分子构造的变化模型。

Environmental chemistry is an intersectant subject by environmental science and chemistry. Its core problem is to study the chemical transformation and effect of chemical pollutant in environment. The research object of environmental chemistry is a complicated system with many components and mediums. The content of chemical pollutants researched by environmental chemistry is very low. These chemical pollutants distribute extensively, move and transform quickly, and have obvious dynamic change under different space-time conditions.


In order to provide an overall understanding on the basic theory and previous researches of wood chemical rheology, the author discusses some respects on the basis of the common knowledge of deformation and flow, which served as the foundation of wood chemical rheology. These respects include the results by Stein and Tobolsky, such as the correlation between the change of polymolecular structure and stress relaxation, the classification of physical rheology and chemical rheology, the difference between the research on wood chemical rheology and other methods, as well as a kind of non\|continuous method to measure stress relaxation proposed by Tobolsky \%et al.

为了使国内木材科学界对木材的化学流变学的基础理论及其研究概况有一个比较全面的了解,作者在归纳了作为建立木材的化学流变学基础的、关于变形和流动一般理论的基础上,就Stein 和Tobolsky基于高分子构造变化与应力松弛之间的对应关系,关于物理流变学和化学流变学的分类,化学流变学研究与其他方法的不同之处,Tobolsky等关于不连续应力松弛测定方法等内容做了比较详细系统的介绍。

The quantitative relationship between isomer shift, refractive index and chemical bond parameters were established. The calculated results indicated that the change of crystal parameters and bond length will alter the covalency of chemical bond and peripheral electron density of Fe2+ nuclear, which in turn leads to the change of the isomer shift and refractive index.


The plastic alloy is refers to two kinds of or two kind of above polymers becomes the microscopic phase splitting macroscopic even multi-components system through some way blending, the plastic alloy both includes the product of the pure physics blending, and includes block, the graft copolymer as well as the polymer compound material which the chemical change becomes during the course of milling.


Currently as China's accelerating development of agricultural industrialization and the increase of the agricultural production investment, the demand for chemical fertilizers increases year after year. Simultaneously as China's scientification in fertilization and fertilization ratio of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer tending to be reasonable, the chemical fertilizer demand structure will possibly change, the chemical fertilizer market environment will also change, the chemical fertilizer industry will run to the direction of high efficiency and environmentally no harm. Comparing to ordinary urea, large urea has many merits. These merits include big rime, glabrous pellet, smooth and well-mixed, not easy to crush or agglomerate in moist environment, suitable for long distance bulk transport and storage, and so on.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
