英语人>网络例句>chat 相关的网络例句
与 chat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On Thursday July 30th, Barack Obama, clasping a Bud Light, met James Crowley, a white police sergeant apparently partial to a Blue Moon and Henry Louis Gates, a black Harvard professor who glugged on a Sam Adams Light. The three, along with Joe Biden, the vice-president and Buckler man, met to chat about an incident that has become known as Gatesgate. After the past week, Mr Obama probably found his cold beer unusually welcome.


Stranger: because i dont want one You: you name is"Stranger" You: haha Stranger: o sorry i lied You: oh You: Why lie Stranger: why not lie Stranger: you dont know me You: I would like to know you Stranger: why You: Because you are very interesting Stranger: no im not You: why Stranger: because since you dont konw me therefore you wouldnt know if i was interesting You: oh i see You: Do you have "msn" Stranger: no i do not Stranger: in fact i dont even use a computer You: Why do you chat with me Stranger: because im trying to see how gullable people are You: I was what kind of person You: you think Stranger: well actually im not trying to see how gullable people are so that makes you gullable You: what is"gullable" Stranger: http://www.google.com/search?

陌生人:因为我不用想一你:你的名字是&陌生人&你:哈哈陌生人:邻抱歉,我撒谎你:哦你:为什么撒谎陌生人:为什么不说谎陌生人:你不知道我你:我想知道你陌生人:为什么你:因为你是很有意思陌生人:没有im没你:为什么陌生人:因为,因为你不知道你wouldnt因此我知道我很有趣你:噢我见你:你的&MSN&陌生人:没有我不陌生人:其实我dont甚至使用电脑你:你为什么与我聊天陌生人:由于IM正在研究如何gullable人你:我是什么样的人你:你认为陌生人:好,其实im没正在研究如何gullable人是如此,让你gullable 你:什么是&gullable&你:国际环境流行病学学会陌生人:亚你:对不起,我必须去。。。。。。

First I greeted her with her when haven't met, director of the hand, so she has too much work is refused, don't pick, then I put forward to meet requirements, see if you can talk, see plays, in this case if the director that no value script, I also willingly, then we met, chat ten minutes, less than twenty minutes, this basically is determined, hit it off.


We are done for certain do not win the newspaper, media such as the TV station, so we choose a few others to be not taken a fancy to we will do, my individual values quite: Interpose of house property, duty, chat, make friend , secondhand a few columns such as the market.


Will open invitations for other members in Chat Section, but please the higher priority of inviters should be given to Adv/VIP members , then True Members , latter to other members.

准备打算放到灌水区中,开放给其他会员,但注意因为名额有限,有邀请能力会员的应该以 VIP /Adv 会员优先,其次为 True Member。

As well as a quality gaming experience, a fully kitted out Xbox 360 is a DVD player, a web browser, a chat room, a webcam, and, erm, a digital camera and mp3 player.

以及作为一个优质的游戏体验,一个充分kitted出xbox 360的是一个dvd播放器,网络浏览器,聊天室,网络摄像头,并在企业风险管理,一台数码相机和mp3播放器。

For careful for the purpose of, bell lady started video to chat function, think test and verify identity of the other side.


When he said goodbye to us after a friendly chat about his good teacher's memory, he picked a mango from the leafiest tree for the two of us.


When I lay on my bed in the middle of the night,roommates have a chat about their current lovings.


Most novice Internet chat users first begin as "lurkers," content to quietly watch others interact.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。