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与 chat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I didn't chat with him for a very long time, but he still remembers my birthday.


On the day of the meeting I'll show up a half hour early to chat with town leaders and we'll discuss local issues, perhaps a road in need of repaving or plans for a new senior center.


Other Tudor-era folk are getting their moment in the sun too. In this fall's The Golden Age, Cate Blanchett reprises her role as the steely Queen from 1998's Elizabeth. The very busy Johansson is scheduled to start filming a biopic of Mary Queen of Scots this summer. Even Sting is getting in on the Tudor buzz, popping up on chat shows with a lute to promote Songs from the Labyrinth, a CD of tunes by 16th century composer John Dowland.

都铎王朝时期的其他人物也重见天日,如: CATE BLANCHETT 在《黄金时代》中再度扮演了铁腕女王伊丽莎白;繁忙的乔纳森也准备在今年夏天为苏格兰的玛丽女王拍个传记片;甚至 STING 也来追赶都铎风,竟然在谈话节目中抱着琵琶宣传《迷宫》里的歌曲,这盘 CD 的曲子都是16世界的作曲家 JOHN DOWNLAND 所写。

I have this day gymnastics team reveling in the memories of life…… and the more they chat about, the more the hope to return to that place and return to that era, I really miss good.


Our chat-up lines show budding English- speaking Romeos how to impress the girl of their dreams whatever country she is from, but it also allows British women to wise up to the charms and cheeky ways of foreign suitors, said Stevenson.

我们的情话手册不仅适用于那些情窦初开的英国小伙子追求异国他乡的心上人,同样适用于英国女子在网络聊天室里与来自国外的爱慕者搭讪。本新闻共2页,当前在第1页 1 2

Our chat-up lines show budding English- speaking Romeos how to impress the girl of their dreams whatever country she is from, but it also allows British women to wise up to the charms and cheeky ways of foreign suitors, said Stevenson.


" "Our chat-up lines show budding English- speaking Romeos how to impress the girl of their dreams whatever country she is from, but it also allows British women to wise up to the charms and cheeky ways of foreign suitors, said Stevenson.


One day, when Kim was having a chat with one of his American colleagues, he asked Kim if he knew the meaning of "He was Shanghaied."


Chat with Devs: Between adding new unit models and sliming up the zerg buildings, the StarCraft II art team has also spent some time on some little details that make the game come alive, such as new unit death animations.


I incline the head the sound that listens attentively to the cummer in another house to chat, because want to abide by the promise that does not peek, I also dare not open blind fold, can be in only inky in putting fart ceaselessly, to hasten a gas in abdomen is all eduction, do not make become smellier in house again!


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。