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与 chat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have never thought I would be teaching English in UC chat room.


Chat with the Devs: As of recent, the Dev Team has added a new ability to the Protoss Carrier that will give it a little more Umph! versus Zerg Corruptor attacks or Viking raids.


That paragraph of time my online bring into contact with a few people about this respect, be called the group that is GAY namely, when beginning very confused, want to understand oneself to also understand more through them, slowly I discover so the person as me has a lot of, we chat through the network, pass network communication, I feel no longer alone, later, when the friend that I am close friends with a few chats, undesigned respecting should have it is us technically the communication room that this kind of person provides, do a like-minded website then thought shaped slowly in my head, experienced a many month to do not have the effort of sunset night, the website has been done, all of us call it the home -- let us feel warmth feels attributive place is in in the these days that does a website, I often do not answer the dormitory, he still calls designedly ask I have what thing to let me notice the body, the thing says with everybody, I am very happy, but very sad also, say with everybody, a so simple word is accomplished very hard however...


Guan Ying points out, a few children play network game unendingly, get online chat, make friend blindly, indulge network cannot extricate oneself, this posed a challenge to traditional domestic education, also made parents encounter unprecedented in filial education new issue.


I chat with my foreigh friend to talk about my favorite women singer-Evonne,i also suggest him to listen a beautiful song about her,but unfortunatelly,he could not open the website,maybe it will be limited,and He said,maybe he will visit to my home place some day.and I just make a joke with him,I said,if you come to my place,you will listen to many songs of Evonne,and you will see my Patriarch-a big supper star.hehe!


An unremarked consequence of our new information age- one that will influence readers, writers, and publishers in the future- is that bad writing, chat speak, text, millions of message broad posts that come from and lead nowhere, are having a cheapening effect on all written content.


A cross between an internet chat room and unscripted movie set, Faketown is a virtual world where you can buy, sell, and trade real estate and virtual products, as well as take part in an online community of fellow participants from around the world.

一个网络聊天室和无剧本的电影布景的相互交错, Faketown 是一个虚拟的世界,在这里你可以买卖,交易真实物品和虚拟产品,同时你还可以参加在线社区,这个社区里的人来自全世界不同的地方。

Valhalla Chat is a Bluetooth Instant Messenger, that provides a common messaging platform for mobile phones, desktop computers and pdas.

一个蓝牙即时信使的,即提供了一个共同的信息平台,为移动电话,台式电脑和PDA 。

He Luxue's husband and Kennedy chat, respective and vaunting, kennedy says:"American medicine develops, kind of pill the dead ate to be able to revive."


The current second-generation and third-generation (3G) mobile communication systems operate with narrow audio bandwidth limited to 200-3400Hz.As wireless systems are evolving from voice-telephony dominated services to multimedia and high-speed data services, the introduction of a wider bandwidth of 50–7000 Hz speech codec which provides substantially improved speech quality and naturalness is quite necessary. The Adaptive Multi-rate Wideband speech codec which was selected by 3GPP/ETSI and ITU-T can provide natural, present and comfortable codec speech and have higher intelligence and robustness in wireless systems. A wide range of applications are envisioned for AMR-WB, including ISDN wideband telephony and audio/video teleconferencing,Voice over IP and Internet applications such as IP video conferencing, voice mail, voice chat, broadcast, and voice streaming.

随着现代无线通信特别是多媒体通信的发展,人们对语音通信的质量要求越来越高。3GPP/ETSI TS026和ITU-T 722.2标准确定的自适应宽带语音编解码器AMR-WB具有的低比特率、互操作性和高语音质量,使之不仅能够应用于无线通信领域,而且可广泛应用于其他各种通信系统和平台,包括:VoIP、因特网、PSTN高质量音频会议、音频流、ISDN宽带电话、ISDN可视电话和电视会议等。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。