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与 characterised 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was largely characterised by the bold use of new materials and simple,geometric forms, often with white walls supported by stiltlike pillars.


AD is characterised by decreased CSF concentrations of Abeta(42) and increased concentrations of tau.


Beta-thalassemia major is a serious hereditary hemolytic anemia which does great harm to human being.It is a monogenic disease characterised by a reduced synthesis of beta-globin chains,which dues to the Doint mutation or deletion of beta-globin gene and its control region.It not only decreases the hemoglobin level,but breaks the balance of alpha/beta synthesis ratio.The major cellular pathogenetic mechanisms in beta thalassemia are based primarily on the deleterious effects produced by the accumulation of the excess alpha globin chain.These excess alpha-globin chains cannot form stable tetrameric structure and deposit in erythroid cells.They cause large ineffective erythropoiesis on their own,accelerate red cells destruction,and lead to hemolysis.


Based on literature procedures, a dithiol tridentate ligand containing amino groupand its iron carbonyl complex (4) are synthesised and characterised. An attempt isalso made to protonate this complex.


Uncharacterized experimental mixtures will be made initially in quantity not to exceed one gram, until the mixture has been properly characterised as to sensitivity and other hazard.


Although the Buddha-dhatu is indeed ultimate Emptiness in a positive sense (ungraspable, unsubstantial, yet real - and free from all impermanence and suffering), it is specifically characterised as "not-empty" by the Buddha later in the sutra.


The author maintains that New Historicism demonstrates and practises the concept of critical project to refute the fallacy of the unhistorical criticisms that are characterised by a lack of self-reflection on the historicity of the criticism itself, cross-examines the validity of critical context and pursues the eventualization of criticism, redefines the essence of literary criticism and stresses its socio-cultural function of drawing and redrawing boundaries in the circulation of social energy, and reveal...


Clone 667 is characterised as rough and possessing black fruit and gamey notes .


Clone 667 is characterised as rough and possessing black fruit and gamey notes.


We have shown that for an Al thickness of about 1.2 nm a transition from strongly ferromagnetically coupled Co and Ni80Fe20 characterised with single hysteresis loops to well separated magnetisation loops evident for weakly coupled layers occurs.

我们已显示,一·厚度,大约 1.2 的好分开磁化循环明显,-助学金网,因为弱耦合的层出现循环的纳米强烈 ferromagnetically 耦合的合作和 Ni80Fe20 转换特色的单一滞后。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
